My name is J.S. Earls and I am a professional comic book writer. Recently, I had the opportunity to script the graphic novel adaption of the best-selling book MEG, which the current blockbuster film is also based on. Over the last 10 years I’ve had the opportunity to write a number of comics and graphic novels, but none have been as important or as personal to me as this one.
The idea for THE CRY came to me several years ago, when I was a young father and we had a rash of child abductions and murders in Florida. I was absolutely outraged by what happened to these children and I remember thinking of those kids and how terrified they must have been. I wished there was someone or something that could get to them...no matter what trunk or cage they were in.
That’s when I pictured a child’s tear falling and then suddenly growing and morphing into a liquid monster that would fight the abusers and free the children. Hopefully, it would frighten their abductors so badly they’d never try anything like that again.
Although I’ve had many ideas, THE CRY has really stuck with me and—now that I’ve found Pablo Ayala, the perfect artist to bring my vision to life—that’s exactly what I need your help to do. With your support I can pay Pablo what he deserves and I can finally pay to get this passion project printed.
Depending on your pledge level, you’ll get either a digital version of THE CRY 24-pg comic, a printed version of THE CRY 24-pg comic or a 66-pg deluxe version of THE CRY which includes the 24 comic pages + the original comic script & over a dozen pages of sketches & more.
Another thing Pablo and I want to do is use this opportunity to give to Protect.Org, the most effective pro-child, anti-crime group around. Now, THE CRY is not affiliated with Protect.Org and this is not a charity comic, but—for every $2 we raise—we’ll use $1 for our comic & Pablo & I will donate the other $1 to Protect.Org. So not only will your support affect our lives, but more importantly, the lives of countless children.
Even if you’re financially unable to support THE CRY at this time, we’d love your help getting the word out. Please post or share this campaign with as many people as you possibly can. We really can't do this alone.
From the bottom of our hearts...thank you.
— J. S. Earls