After four years of heavy touring, I'm excited to be back in the studio once more working on the long-anticipated follow-up to The Jester album.
As many of you know, my first three albums follow the story of a young entertainer named Charlie and his personal evolution. From young idealist in pursuit of his dreams (The Cure for Yesterday), to rising star trying to make sense of his new identity and not lose himself in the role of celebrity (The Entertainer). And then as the rogue who finds that he has become his alter ego (The Jester) and can no longer take off the mask.
This new album will end the cycle and reveal the final metamorphosis. I'm very excited to bring you The Devil & The End.
You all have been so wonderfully enthusiastic and supportive of my music through the years! I'm coming to you now to give you a chance to help bring this new album to life. The cost of recording, releasing, and promoting an album is daunting; but I'm passionately committed to making it happen, and releasing what I am convinced is hands down my best album to date. With your help, we can make "The End" a reality.
Thank you so much for embracing my music and making it part of your own story! I can't wait for you to hear The Devil & The End.
Before you back this project financially, I want you to know where
those dollars will be going. The chart below breaks down how the money
will be spent. Creating a professional studio-quality album is a costly
endeavor: however, I'm confident that I'm doing so in as efficient and
cost-effective manner as I can manage.
You all have given
to me so much over the years: not only financial support, but your time, your
energy, and your love. I know that this is a big ask, and I'm so grateful
that you have chosen to be a part of making this album a reality. I've
tried to come up with some really unique and exclusive perks as a small
thank-you for your help-- from campaign-exclusive t-shirts, to writing a song
with me! Please check out the Perks section of the campaign to see the complete
And if you are unable to help financially, you can still contribute!
Share this page with your social media groups. Help us spread the word.
Tell your friends about the music. Play it for them! Bring them out
to a show. I can't tell you how valuable that is to us!
Once again, thank you! Together we're going to make an amazing album.
August 2015: The End is coming!
The Devil and The End