THE ESTONYANS, my first feature film, well ours. Just because I couldn't do it without amazing people working with me. But I have to say, it is really exciting to finally share this amazing story with you.
Hello I'm Miguel de Oliveira, I'm a passionate filmmaker that, as you probably already know, want to do my first film. I'm sharing here with you all the other short films I've done. If you go to our website: www.momifilms.com, you can watch our films for free.
It has been an amazing journey so far, so we need to take it to the next level: Make this film Happen. THE ESTONYANS.
We're asking for your donation, bur also if you know someone that has an apartment, a coffee shop, a restaurant, some interesting place, we'd love to hear about it.
I hope we can take this journey together, make things possible, make things happen, make art happen. Let's fill the world with possibilities.
Thank you.
Miguel de Oliveira
Peter, Mary, Fred, Carol and Alice. This is a story about 5 people in crisis with the modern world. One thing they all know. They're not happy. Something is missing but they don't know what it is. They all live in New York, the city of inspiration, where everything is possible, but tough and challenging. They all have the ambition to to be amazing, do awesome things, but something is missing in their lives. They need to feel something new, feel again what is to do something for the first time. First kiss, a first emotion, see and experience new things. But they feel stuck, like a fish in an aquarium. In their search for happiness their lives connect and something magical comes out of that.
In a rollercoaster of emotions we'll go deep into their lives, we'll laugh together, we'll suffer together, but there is always the promise of hope, and that if you keep trying, don't give up, things we'll get better.
While they search for the meaning of their lives, they dream about an imaginary place, where happiness is possible, here in New York.
This is our amazing cast, that will take us through an emotional journey, living the lives of Peter, Mary, Fred, Carol and Alice. They were selected from almost 1000 casting submissions.
And here is our amazing crew.
CREW: Miguel de Oliveira ( Scriptwriter, Director, Producer), Monica Vilela ( Actress, Producer), Julia Spadaccini ( Author of theatre play and Scriptwriter), Mevlut Akkaya (co-producer), Danny Smight ( Co- producer), Alejandro Mejia (Director of Photography), Celina Arslanian (Production Designer), Bruno Tore (Editor), Gabriel Dib ( Music Composer), Maíra Senise (Costume Designer)
Why Donate?
It is like planting a seed and putting water and seeing it grow. We have the seed and need your water. Then we can watch together that beautiful flower grow. Is there anything more beautiful than that? By donating we do it together, you get informed about what we're doing.
You get to see how a work of art comes together. Amazing things have been built by donations, amazing things have been done.
And also when you donate we'll give you something in return. Just check the perks section. Depending on the amount you donate you get a PERK.
So Thank you.
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal for our campaign in to reach the minimum of US$70.000 in 30 days.
Why 30 days? Well, we want to start filming pretty soon, and the availabilities of cast and crew and totally synchronized. Basically we've been rehearsing, and we're ready do go. So we need to start getting everything ready as soon as possible.
US$70.000 is the minimum we need to film, with more we can make it smoother, easier and make upgraded choices. And you know there's always unpredictable things that can happen. We'll be ready for them! We're ready to do this film.
So, where is the money going?
Renting Camera gear/lighting gear/ and other equipment.
Locations Locations Locations. We need to secure them + permits to film outside.
Insurance ( people and equipment). But safety first. Always.
Transportation equipment and crew.
Happy Cast and Crew? Yes, of course. We need to feed our team. Healthy and nutritious food!
Crew we need the best professionals to be available, and we need to pay fair wages. They really deserve it!
Cast they are after all, the ones that will perform what is written, and will makes us laugh and cry with their performances.
- Have I told you about our perks? They're really awesome. The way it works is, for every amount that you donate, you'll get something in return. It's our appreciation for your help.
And remember, any contribution is really important, big or small.
Other Ways You Can Help
So many ways you can help!!!
Word of mouth. Tell your friends, family, people you just met on the train, a politician, an investor, a wall street guy, a tall or a short person. We value your effort!!!
- Another way is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, our website, then you don't have to explain anything, just whisper: "THE ESTONYANS, you should really check it out"!!!
- You know an Investor, or you want to invest yourself? Like big time? Then you should definitely send us an email: production@momifilms.com
- Or you can share directly through indiegogo.
And that's all there is to it.
Thank you.