Short Story
Hello, my name is Graal, owner and developer of Buddy Caddy; the first functional animal shaped golf bag.
My inspiration came from my love of animals and the idea came to me when I was introduced to golf two years ago. I love my new hobby; however, I could not find any golf bags that would capture my heart. I then realized there is a need for something unique and fun in the golf industry. Riggs,
our family dog was my model while I was drawing my idea of Buddy Caddy on my sketch book. Currently, the prototype is 98% complete and our goal is to perfect it 100%. My team and I were able to attend the Inventor's Spotlight at the PGA Show this year in Orlando, Florida. The feed back was positive; therefore, I am driven to move forward with Buddy Caddy. I am here at IndieGoGo to capture an audience to contribute towards this new, fun and creative golf bag that will guarantee to make you and other people smile!
What We Need & What You Get
Passion is the vehicle to complete Buddy Caddy's final working prototype, but without your support, it will be slow to accomplish. To continue this project, we will need a minimum of $24,000.00. This unique
golf bag requires two molds that is part of
the design: the golf club organizer with a paw design and the bottom base with paw shoes. Our aim for this second goal is to make three working prototypes for men, women and children. With your contribution, depending on the perks you choose, you will receive our Buddy Caddy golf bag or accessory offers.
Please make sure to click the PERKS for more details on how to receive the first online Buddy Caddy products.
1.) Made in USA! Be the first 300 people to receive our first limited edition black T-Shirt by American Apparel. Please note that if you are the first person, yours will be "LIMITED EDITION #001 OF #300 and the second person will have "LIMITED EDITION #002 OF #300 printed on the shirt, and etc...
2.) Made in USA, Be the first 300 people to receive our first limited edition black sweatshirt by American Apparel
with embroidered logo design.
3.) Limited Edition, Hand painted and signed Buddy Caddy hat by Graal Gaerlan. Please note that this is based on a first come first serve only, so be the first 300 people to order!!!
Risks & Challenges
New, fun and innovative product designs in the golf industry is much needed. Hence, I truly believe Buddy Caddy products will motivate golfers, especially animal lovers, women, children and others to own these unique golf bags. Surpassing the the first goal of Buddy Caddy from a concept idea to an actual sample prototype was my own risk by self funding it to fruition. The challenges of completing the final working prototype is why I am here at IndieGoGo to achieve my second goal. This goal is to make three unique molds: the club organizer and the base of the golf bag. The club organizer is designed to compliment the shape of a paw. The base of the golf bag is designed to mimic two pair of pet shoes.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are not able to donate funds, we will accept your word of mouth to your friends and family. Please share or to them. We want to thank you in advance for your help.
The Impact
We believe Buddy Caddy golf bags will bring a new sense of humor to your favorite sport. With your help, we appreciate your assistance with this fun and amazing project. Furthermore, we strongly support, a non-profit organization that assist with children that were physically, mentally and emotionally abused. A portion of your donation will help heal one child at a time. Thank you in advance for your support.