A New Book from the Guy Who Knows A Guy
My name is Michael Whitehouse, and I am known by many in Southeast Connecticut as The Guy Who Knows A Guy. The moniker comes from the name of my first book, detailing the skills and strategies I employed in going from a newbie knowing no one in 2014 to a well connected guy in 2017.
Aiming for release in March 2020, I am now writing The Four Foundations of Building Business, a one stop, easy to read resource for people in business to learn the key skills they need to succeed.
After writing my first book, The Guy Who Knows A Guy, I spoke to many business owners and discovered that there is a core set of soft skills that every person in business needs, and I could not find a simple, approachable go to guide to get the basics of those four areas.
The Four Foundations
Marketing, Sales, Networking, and Problem Solving are four foundations upon which the success of any organization is built. Many resources focus on technical issues like accounting and budgeting and logistics, but any technical issue can be effectively outsourced. While consultants and teams can assist in the execution of these four foundations, leaders must be proficient in all four areas to have success.
Over the last twenty years, I have worked with numerous for-profit and non-profit organizations in a variety of leadership roles. Some of these organizations benefited from leadership who were proficient in all four foundations.
Unfortunately, many leaders have gaps in one or more foundations. They are hard working and highly competent people, but they have simply not had an easily accessible way to fillthose skill gaps. This book will be an easily approachable, easy to read resource for people in all levels of business to achieve awareness and basic proficiency in these four key foundations.
Many businesses fail because the owners and key people lack proficiency in one or more of these key areas. This is a tragedy because so many of these owners are excellent in their chosen field, but they simply lack education. My goal is to create a simple, go to resource that the overwhelmed person in business can read and put right to work, giving them vital information and possibly saving their business.
Be A Part Of My New Book
The purpose of this campaign is to give you the chance to be involved in the process of this book. Supporters will have the opportunity to be beta readers and read the manuscript before it's released, pose questions to be answered directly in the book, and become a part of my campaign to share foundational knowledge with people in business.
The Impact
Your support will help build awareness of this book and get it into the hands of people who will benefit the most from it. There are so many books out there, but many can be intimidating to the average entrepreneur. The Four Foundations will be that starting handbook to help business owners and others in business gain those basic skills they need to succeed.
What's the Money For?
This book is going to be written and published on demand like The Guy Who Knows A Guy is. The money raised in this campaign will go towards promoting and marketing the book as well as promoting my talks to educate business people live on the Four Foundations.
Depending on how much is raised, it may also go to professional cover design.
Other Ways You Can Help
Beyond committing to financially support the campaign, there are a number of other ways you can help.
- Share this campaign on social media
- Tell your friends, colleagues, and coworkers about the campaign
- Introduce me to event organizers looking for speakers
- Connect me with venues to host book launch events in March