Who Am I?
My name is Victoria Weems and I'm a senior at Liberty University. I'm a Cinematic Arts major and I have to say that the past three years have been a memorable experience; in and out of the classroom. I'm starting this funding campaign because I need all of your help on a thesis film project I have to do later this month. So, if you're interested please hear me out.
The Short Version of the Story
This story follows the life of nineteen-year-old Kara Walker. At ten years old, her parents were killed in a car accident on their way to Kara's art competition. Under the care of her uncle Derrick, their relationship with each other became cold and distant, and Kara is known for getting into trouble. One day after Kara is caught spraypainting a building, Derrick is at his wit's end dealing with Kara's behavior and her passion for art. After Kara is instructed to not leave the house while Derrick is at work, she leaves to go sketch. When she returns, she sees an unconscious woman with a bloody rock next to her. Before Kara has time to react, she spots a man wearing a clown mask running away. Now being blamed for the crime, Kara sketches what she's seen.
What I Need
Well, I'm going to be honest with you, being in charge of creating a movie is a huge and expensive endeavor. I created a breakdown of where all the money raised is going to go:
Currently, I have set the goal for $2700. This will cover expenses such as Set Dressing, Props, Locations, food for the cast and crew, and compensation for actors and crew. However, if we are able to raise an even $3000, the extra funding will definitely help to cover any extra unexpected costs I might need in case of emergencies.
What You Get
Ok so here's the fun part just for you. Besides the satisfaction of helping me greatly in making my dream a reality, I am also offering a whole bunch of rewards to celebrate your contribution!
Like what you see? Both styles of t-shirts come in the listed available colors (Style 1: Black and Navy Blue) (Style 2: Black, Navy Blue, Red, and White). Both men & women sizes (S-3XL) will be available. Did I mention that the more you donate you'll end up receiving actual film credit with your own special title as well!
The Impact
Being a senior in college is always challenging, but this basically considered the biggest project ever in my program. Any donation I receive from you will help me significantly.
Risks & Challenges
This will be the first time I'm directing and casting my own film, so I'll admit that I'm kind of nervous about this challenge. Also, another challenge I face in this is not making enough funds to tackle this project. The risk of not getting some funds is that I'm not willing to provide paychecks to the people I've hired. This project is also required for me to graduate.
Other Ways You Can Help
"Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help"-Indiegogo. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Even if you can't donate, but you want to help me out then please please please, share this project with your friends and family on social media! The more you share, the more likely others can read up on this and donate.
Just Saying Thanks
I just want to say thank you to anyone who reads or shares this. I'm just a film student trying to produce my first thesis film project. It'll be because of you all that I'm able to do it!
Victoria Weems