Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
This campaign is closed
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Quality Smut Comix by Hans Rickheit
Greetings, Fellow Self-Abusers! The Third Issue of THE GLOAMING is Here! The central plot kicks into gear as key characters make crucial encounters and future events are set in motion. It's rare that I boast about my own drawing, but the results of this issue are a definite source of pride for me. Drawing porno comics is more challenging than expected. I'm not certain of the full length of this storyline (maybe about ten issues when completed), but I am grateful for every on who helps this project to get there!
The biggest challenge in the past has been finding printers willing to handle explicitly adult material at a reasonable price. Thankfully, I've made friends with a small local printer who's been gracious enough to give me a small discount off their usual rate to help get these books completed.
As always, I thank everybody for their patience. A large project like this is still a learning experience for me. I am still prone to mistakes, but am always ready to try and correct them whenever possible. So far, everybody seems pleased with their books and art.
(Disclaimer: By contributing to this fundraiser, it is taken as confirmation that you are at least 18 years or older, and can legally receive adult reading materials.)