More wonderful and strange comix by Hans Rickheit ready for absorption! Quality smut for your eyeballs in these trying times! 32 pages of carefully rendered sex scenes and plot progression!
Thankfully, I've been blessed with sympathetic printers in my town willing to print sexually explicit drawings. (A scarcity these days) The print runs have become smaller, but I am now able to print off batches as needed! Comics for everybody!
Indiegogo recommends that I use this third paragraph to highlight what impact I hope to make with this comic. Perhaps the reader can decide what kind of impact an independent x-rated comic should make in the world. I personally would like to see spontaneous orgies in the streets as a worldwide response, but I think that's an unlikely scenario.
Indiegogo recommends that I use this fourth paragraph to describe the risks and challenges in making smut comix in these increasingly puritanical days. Public beheadings for smut-peddlers in the USA are out of fashion, so I guess I'm mostly safe. I do want to take this opportunity to warn all contributors that their support to this campaign is taken as a tacit agreement that they are of legal age to receive sexually explicit materials in the mail. I take no responsibility for minors reading this stuff!
As always, thanks for helping me produce these comix! I dearly hope to see this series to its completion (I'm guessing about 8 issues total) and I need your help to get there! Thank you! Thank you all!