The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier has been successfully funded on Kickstarter!
Sow life back into the lands for an open-world fantasy farming experience like no other in The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier!
Answering a call for help, you’ll venture to the long-abandoned Paleeto Town where neglected farmlands, empty streets, run-down buildings, vast open landscapes and a great deal of mystery call out to you.
Mayor Bolkido and the few remaining residents yearn for a savior, somebody to breath life not only into the old farmlands, but into the town itself to hopefully restore it to its former glory. As your newly-acquired farm finds stable footing and Paleeto Town stumbles upon a new life, you’ll have the chance to offer permanent residence to an abundance of unique characters who all seek a fresh start for themselves.
While not tending to the fields, taking care of animals or moving in new residents, there is a massive open world to traverse and explore, secrets to uncover, and mysteries to solve in The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier!
Naturally, you can expect a game like this to have an engaging, mildly complex, fun, rewarding, and ever-changing farming system.
Now, how does The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier expand upon the tried and tested farming mechanics we're all familiar with? Well, there's far too much information surrounding the farming system to fit here, so here are just a few cool features:
Crops aren't season dependent, they're condition dependent.
This means that although any crop can technically be planted at any time of year, each crop type requires a bare minimum and/or maximum set of conditions in order to survive. Too much moisture and a grumato will rot, not enough sunlight per day and a rucumba won't grow to full size, too cold a temperature and a nanaya will never ripen, and so on.
Along with requiring specific conditions to survive, each crop has a range of conditions that if met, will cause the plant to thrive. Thriving plants will always produce higher quality crops, leading to increased profits, or even an inheritance of quality in the resulting crafted foods/items.
Conditions are typically weather related. You'll need to repair the old radio to receive a basic forecast, but buying a TV and placing it somewhere in your home might yield a more accurate forecast via weather updates on channel 3.
Some crops and plants have an "Area Of Effect" or "AOE" buff or nerf that effects other plants/crops around them.
If certain crops are within range of each other, they can give each other effects or even chanproperties. For example, a full-grown fidger next to a grumato has a chance to give the harvested grumato a spicy attribute.
Each individual crop you grow and harvest will be unique, this information is conveyed through produce tags.
Upon being ready to harvest, Parik - a legendary retired farmer whose joints, unfortunately, restrict him from working too hard - will proudly grade your crops in the early morning - attaching tags in the process.
The type of information displayed on a tag can vary per crop as some are crop-specific. Every tag will display weight and color, two of the basic measurements of produce effected by weather conditions and soil moisture. If a crop takes on a special attribute as mentioned in the "AOE" section above, that will also be shown on the tag.
There are a variety of attributes that can appear on any harvested crop, it will pay for you to learn them over time. Information found on crop tags will directly effect the sale price of that produce item. Furthermore, a crop tag can introduce entirely new properties when a crop is used in applications like crafting, cooking, and even potion brewing.
The grading of a crop is no ordinary task and only Parik can help you, you're lucky he grew tired of retirement.
Some rarer more magical items can aid plants in surviving un-survivable conditions if used at the correct time. Specific situations could even promote the development of sentience within your crops.. and who knows what might happen if you manage to please the great Harvest God Fogen?
Fertilizers, pesticides, trimming, climbing plant structures, hiring helping hands, worker animals and much more - the farming system in The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier is rich and diverse, you'll be surprised how deep it does go and you'll never be left bored with the same repetitive tasks as every growable crop is different.
Crops aren't the only thing that need some daily tender loving care on your farm - an array of species are available as livestock to adopt, breed, raise and get items from.
Each farm animal - not unlike each crop - has a set of conditions to both survive and thrive in. You'll need to make sure your Chikus are in their coop at night time, and that Komoos are always fed to ensure the continuous production of milk. Keeping a supply of craffots for your Hoggles will increase their happiness, in turn delivering you more items snorted up from the dirt they so eagerly sniff.
Yagness is your go-to pal to source new livestock for your farm. Without her, you'd be limited to the tame-able critters of the wilderness and adoptable pets - should you decide to build an animal shelter somewhere around Paleeto Town.
The animal shelter will play host to the more adorable pets of the game. Treat them well and each might unlock their unique ability to its full potential.
Read about relationships in The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier here!
The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier allows you to express yourself through the customization of your character however you see fit.
An enormous variety of clothing options that are randomly colored, patterned, and rotated in/out of stock in NPC stores are available - assuming you can afford it after profiting from your farming exploits, of course.
Every possible skin tone, eye color and hair color is achievable through fine-tuning hue, lightness, and saturation values, meaning you're not stuck with a few preset options and can model your character after yourself.
Regardless of gender, you won't be locked out of clothing options. The clothing system is designed in such a way that all t-shirts, pairs of pants, skirts, dresses, gloves, sneakers, boots, hats, backpacks and MUCH more can be worn by any player type and any NPC in the game.
Each time a new NPC is added to the game, their complete outfit is broken up and exposed to the player clothing system. If there is a character who is wearing something you like, you'll be able to find the same piece in stores sooner or later!
One does not simply develop a farming game without expanding upon the additional uses of harvested crops, gathered materials and other produce!
Butters, cheeses, jams, wines, entire dishes and even potions are on the menu as you put to use your spoils. Crafting's only purpose isn't limited to increasing the sale price, the vast majority of items - crafted items included - will have their use outside of capitalism.
Non-edibles will be craft-able as well of course, how else will that fallen tree become beams and boards for restoring Paleeto Town? How do you expect gleaming gemstones you dig up to become faceted? Who is going to mix that can of paint for infinite customization options?
You might be curious, what does the The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier crafting system look like? Well, you can't smelt ore into an ingot with your bare hands. Various crafting and processing stations will be available to the player, both throughout the open-world, and through purchasing from certain vendors to be placed freely anywhere you'd like.
The decrepit farm you begin your new life on isn't the only scar of these lands. As the old days grew older, fewer and fewer people would call this place home.
Signing a water-tight legal agreement, you've agreed - in return for the deed to the old farmlands - to invest your heart and soul into rebuilding Paleeto Town.
As time has slipped away, so has the structural integrity of the forsaken support beams. Collecting raw building materials might be a good place to start - refine those logs into beams and planks, forge the crude iron into nails and brackets, and re-tile those rooves in a variety of building mini-games for when days on the farm are slow.
The decrepit farm you begin your new life on isn't the only scar of these lands. As the old days grew older, fewer and fewer people would call this place home.
Signing a water-tight legal agreement, you've agreed - in return for the deed to the old farmlands - to invest your heart and soul into rebuilding Paleeto Town.
As the appointed "Acquisitor Of Population" - one of many odd titles bestowed upon you by Mayor Bolkido - you've been entrusted with the vital responsibility of finding these longing-for-belonging souls to inhabit the freshly renovated and/or newly built houses and stores of Paleeto Town to further solidify its footing.
Friendly, fun, and fancy characters are nothing to shake a stick at. But, there are some individuals, intimidating beings, and un-flavorful creatures who ignite both fear and danger.
With the toggle-able option of combat, Coach Flekor can guide you in the ways of fist, blunt and blade to defend against these foes - or to much his dismay, plunder the depths they reside within.
This new place you call home sits on the edge of a land known as Telaku - and it's vast. From the highest mountain peaks down to the darkest dungeon floors, the Jellybat Glow-caves to the Great Norshi Forest, getting lost is trivial as you'll always find your way to somewhere.
With the area of the old farmlands and Paleeto Town combined, that accounts for only a few percent of the total playable game world - in other words, it's huge. But what good is a massive open-world fantasy farming game if there's nothing to do in the wild? Well, lucky for you, there's plenty!
You'll spend your time filling out the many-paged compendium, documenting the undiscovered minerals, ores, animals, enemies, fossils and much more found in these lands.
Playing with combat toggled on might be preferable as you clear out enemy camps and dungeons while plundering for the most useful and valuable loot?
Have you considered locating and setting free the hundreds of imprisoned Pintari spirits scattered throughout the world?
There's the option of riding around on a tamed Pongon bird, or shooing those pesky Onchkins away as they steal electricity from the powerlines.
You might even prefer collecting one of every substance in the game to stock the museum you refurbished back in Paleeto Town!
Hardly scratching the surface of things to do and places to explore, it's unlikely you'll ever have a clear in-game schedule.
Hi! I'm Zoyji.
I'm a solo game developer who has been wanting a farming game to this scale going on a decade now. Throughout years of learning, countless personal hobby projects, freelancing for indie dev companies, and honing my skills, I've finally arrived at the destination of having the ability to develop The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier on my own.
Although I am a solo developer and wouldn't change it for the world, I do need help from time to time. I have a network of game developer friends who lend thoughts and advice on my work, we even bounce some ideas off of each other at times.
One area I have little experience in, is the production of music - something crucial in a game like this.
In saying that, I'm thrilled to introduce Jolene!
Jolene is going to be composing all the music for the game, she created the music for the Kickstarter trailer and the rest of her work is fantastic, I look forward to working with Jolene throughout the development process.
Find Jolene Here: website.
Please note, all content shown here is prototype in nature. Video shown in the trailer and screenshots shown on this page are of features found in the game, but a lot of this content is not yet in a cohesive state.
This means, that although many systems and features can be demonstrated and playtested, not all can yet be used in the same instance of a fluid gameplay experience.
The purpose of this Indiegogo is to further develop every feature shown to completion, along with developing a plethora of new features, while combining them together into a stable, playable video game.
As a solo developer, time is the most valuable asset. In my case, time is acquired by the alleviation of a day job.
On top of the funds raised through the successful Kickstarter campaign, Indiegogo can help fund my development venture in further to ensure the absolute completion of the game.
This is of interest to me as I'd prefer to stay away from investors and publishers. I don't want to make decisions based on impressing investors to ensure the continuation of funding and/or to make money for others, I genuinely just want to make the game.
A fully funded game grants the opportunity of nothing but passion-fueled production, for the sake of love and excitement for this untapped genre.
I'm already working full-time on development, but I need to pay rent and eat. Other than that, the only place this money will go is to upgrades to my equipment like PC specs, motion capture systems, the production of high-quality soundtrack, etc.
I and all of my backers are required to be on the same page at all times in terms of development progress and direction.
This is a core reason for why the community discord exists. It allows us to communicate on a daily basis and discuss what you, the player, actually want from a farming game like this.
As a backer of The Gods Fabled: Soil Frontier, you can expect nothing but my unconditional love and devotion to the game. You can expect to be able to get my attention whenever you have questions or concerns. Finally, you can expect the most unbelievable farming experience like no other, fueled by passion and incapable of being restricted by time-wasting, budget issues, internal team conflicts or company politics found in larger teams.
Join the discord to share your thoughts and ideas to help shape the direction of the game!
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