My name is Kamil. This is my latest project – a video game titled The Grand Vizier. I would like to ask for your support – only with your help The Grand Vizier will see the light of the day. Please watch the video above or scroll down to learn more about this project – and if you like it, make sure to share it among your friends. I am truly grateful for all of your support – whether you promote the game among other people, comment and give me feedback or support directly by choosing one of the perks described below. Together we can make this game happen.
Persia, 5th century. You are the Grand Vizier's young apprentice, his most trusted attendant. Your Master has just lost a war with the usurper and awaits execution. You are thrown into the dungeons and it's most likely you will share his fate. You must escape and undo the evil that has been done to the realm.
The Grand Vizier is a video game that lets you explore vast, non-linear dungeons, full of traps, hidden pressure plates, mysterous potions and enemies trying to hunt you down. You see action from your character's side. You have a variety of measures at your disposal to deal with the obstacles: martial prowess, stealth and magic.
The Grand Vizier features the main campaign (single player), set of independent levels (for both single player and multiplayer), a level editor and many more.
The Grand Vizier is already in production and hit the pre-alpha stage in November 2016. You can see the footage from the game in the video above.
The Grand Vizier will be available on PC in the first half of 2018.
What is this game about then? Why should I be interested? In this pararaph you can get the general idea of The Grand Vizier. If you would like to learn about any of these in greater depth or learn about The Grand Vizier's world in general, scroll down to the next sections.
- Engaging 12 levels of the main campaing (or more – but not less!)
- Level editor which allow you to create your own scenarios and campaigns
- 2 Multiplayer modes (or more – but not less!): race and cooperation
- 6 additional single player scenarios (or more – but not less!)
- 6 multiplayer scenarios (or more – but not less!)
- At least 3 types of dungeons to delve into (Deep Dungeon, Armory and The Upper Palace)
- Speedrun mode with all the tools needed for efficient speedrunning ready for you!
- Variety of human and undead enemies to encounter – with different combat abilities, tactics and stats
- Variety of human and undead BOSSES waiting to smash you into pieces
- Compelling story, featuring characters like The Grand Vizier, The Sultan's Daughter, The Evil Prince, and The Great Sultan Himself
- Easy to learn, yet complex and interesting fighting mechanics – definitely more that 2 moves!
- Ability to sneak past enemies and perform stealth kills!
- Ability to cast spells and perform magic – you are the Vizier's Apprentice, after all!
- Multiple outfits and weapons for your character
- Collectibles and hidden bonuses across all levels
- Hidden levels with surprises waiting to be unlocked
- Variety of well known and completely new alchemical potions for the Apprentice to try out
- The Random Potion Challenge Mode with even more unpredictable alchemical potions for you to try out
- Multitude of traps with spikes and choppers among them
- And many, many more!
In a sultan's absence, a young prince starts an uprising against the rightful regent, The Grand Vizier. The state falls into chaos. The army splits and part of it joins the rebels. Both the Usurper's and the Regent's forces gather near the capitol, ready to resolve the conflict in the only way possible. After a long battle the Usurper achieves victory and manages to capture his opponent. Now the Grand Vizier awaits his execution someplace in the Upper Palace. In the meantime, the young prince forces the Sultan's only daughter to marry him, so he can claim the Kingdom's throne. You, as the Vizier's favourite and most trusted apprentice are thrown into the dungeons deep down beneath the castle to await your grim and ominous future. Here, in the Sultan's Dungeons, your adventure starts. You must escape from prison, free the Grand Vizier and stop the evil prince in his ruthless quest for power!
On your way to fulfil your quest you will visit many parts of the castle.
Deep Dungeons
Under the castle there is a long maze of dark corridors and dusty halls, where rarely anybody dares to enter. Layers upon layers of these dungeons runs beneath the palace and the city, and none of the living can tell what creatures may slumber in the darkness beyond the bleak, flickering lights of the torches. These abandoned, desolate places often serve as a prison for the greatest and most dangerous enemies of the state – and that's where you start your adventure.
The Armory
These tunnels may lead you to many places – and the Armory is one of them. It is a military centre of the Kingdom, filled with soldiers, weapons and food supplies up to the brim. Here resides the Head of the Palace Guard – the strongest, the most skilled and the fattest guard you'll ever have a chance to fight against. He won't just let you pass by – you will have to earn your way to the Upper Palace.
The Upper Palace
Upper Palace is nothing like the dungeons you have seen before. Bathed in the sunlight it is luminous and bright, colorful and spectacular. Forget about the darkness you have been through. But its presence is often deceiving: you are not safe here! Your most dangerous enemies gather here, and they already know about your escape. They will not stand still, but actively try to bring you down. Brace yourself and fight against them!
A concept for The Armory building blocks
Enemies are the cornerstone of almost any game. Your enemies in The Grand Vizier are numerous and differ among themselves in almost every possible aspect. Here is the showcase of 3 main types of the enemies in the game.
The Palace Guard
The most common among them is the Palace Guard. He is well trained, skilled and well equipped. He carries a longsword and uses the Kingdom's Coat of Arms. He does not serve The Usurper – he just fullfils his duty, which is to protect peace and order within the Palace Walls. A formidable foe – better not show in front of him unprepared.
The Heavy Centurion
As the uprising starts a serious breach divides the army. Some of the legions decide to take a neutral stance and wait for the Sultan to come back. Others remain loyal to the Grand Vizier and battle the rebels under his command. But there are some, who take the Usurper's side – and among them the most hardened and fearsome 3rd legion. After the war is over and the Prince achieve victory over the Vizier's forces, many soldiers from this legion are given the priviledge of nobility and are transferred straight to the Upper Palace to serve as the new ruler's personal guard. Now they roam the whole castle and make sure no one has even a slightest urge to oppose their leader. They are heavy armoured, carry a large shield and fight with a lance. They strike deadly, but because of all the metal they wear, they're very slow and you can use it to your advantage.
The Living Skeleton
Who knows what horrors may dwell in the abandoned, lowest parts of the Sultan's Dungeons? There are stories whispered throughout the Kingdom, stories that speak about horrid monsters born out of heinous, blaphemous deeds commited by the mages of the past. Are these true? There are some, who claim they've seen there a human skeleton moving by itself, but surely they must've been mistaken. Everybody knows that no such thing has ever existed, and human eyes are easy to deceive in the dim light of the burning torches...
If enemies are the cornerstone of almost any game these days, then the bosses would be the icing on the cake. And The Grand Vizier features at least 4 of them with the Head of The Palace Guard (see above: The Armory) and the Evil Prince himself among them. They are tough. They are fast. They posses special abilities that will make you bent over backwards in order to defeat them. Don't worry though – the moment you get to them you'll realise you are much better prepared for them than you thought you are. But this is something you must discover yourself.
But how do I fight them?
With a sword. Or an axe. Or a dagger. Or a mace. On your way up you'll find many weapons you can use against your opponents. Each weapon has its own strengths and drawbacks. Some have a greater range, while other are meant for a really close combat. Some are faster, but do less damage, while others allow you to perform powerfull strikes at a higher cost of stamina. Yes, that's right – stamina. You didn't expect to wave your weapon indefinitely, did you? Stamina is the key element of the combat. You need to carefully time your moves so you won't run out of steam and get caught off guard. You also need to read your opponent movements to strike precisely at the moment he's defenseless due to the fatigue.
When your opponent slows down his attacks and takes more defensive stand it may mean he used up all of his stamina and cannot perform anything but the most basic combat moves. It is a perfect moment to strike – unless he's deceiving you. You must decide quickly whether to unleash all of your martial potential on him and risk being blocked and then becoming defenseless or wait for a next opportunity. Remember not to wait for too long though – at their full potential your enemies are nearly unstoppable and you may find yourself facing a certain death.
Some people like to hit things with a metal stick until it's dead while other prefer more sophisticated approach. If you are one of them, then you are lucky – Sultan's Dungeons offer as much fun for those who like to fight face to face as for the others, who are more likely to backstab, strangle or break the necks of their enemies. Here, in this eldritch maze of tunnels you are almost always going to find a way to sneak past and hit from behind. You can also lure your enemies out of their safe spots or make them falling into a trap that was meant for you. Fight dirty, if you must – the fate of the Kingdom is at stake!
Old tales speak of sorcerers of incomprehensible power who ruled the land along kings and sultans thanks to their magical prowess. It is said they could raise entire armies out of the sand and conjure stars to fall from the sky. They were feared by many and revered by some. Those times are long gone though and now most of the ancient knowledge is lost and forgotten. Yet, your Master, thanks to his life long studies of the dusty manuscripts, managed to uncover some secrets of old, and taught you few tricks that may come in handy while fighting your enemies. In your darkest hour fire is your greatest ally – you command it, you can mold it, you can empower it and turn it against your enemies should they be foolish enough to come close to its source.
Outfits and weapons
Seriously, you can't expect your character to be running around in pyjamas for the entire game and fight his enemies with an old, rusty sword he has found in furthest and most forgotten part of the dungeon. Extreme conditions sometimes demand extreme responses, but your task is far too important to risk using such an inadequate equipment. Certainly on your way up to the palace you will find a lot of useful, high-quality gear that will make your task easier and accelerate your way to the top.
A concept for the various potions
Alchemy and potions
Potions of all taste and colour – red, green, blue, teal, crimson, indigo and many more. Some of them will heal you. Others – they drug you. Some don't work at all. Others work almost too well. Some make you fly. Some make you faster, others render you immobile. Some turn you into an invincible demigod, while others multiply enemies in your eyes. You will never know until you try. Fortunately, you had an excellent alchemy teacher. You're not clueless. Smell the scent coming from the bottle, watch the liquid flowing back and forth, put two and two together and decide whether it's worth to try this one out. You may just hit the jackpot!
For the eyes that know where to look, the dungeons are filled with forgotten treasures, gold and gemstones, silver and valueable ancient scriptures and artifacts. Most of those, who venture down to the deepest parts of the dungeon, pass these treasures by, never knowing the fortune they've missed. But those valueable items are there – just waiting to be taken from the darkness into the broad light of the day.
Dungeon without traps is like a dragon without teeth – just meh... Sultan's Dungeons are not like that. Within those dark corridors danger follows you like a shadow. On your way up to the Upper Palace you will face many perils and come across multitude of fatal spots. Spikes suddenly sticking out from the floor, treacherous holes in the floor, deadly choppers and grinders, poisonous arrows and flame throwers and who knows what else...? Truly, those locked up in the lower dungeons have very little chance to make it out of there alive.
Engaging 12 levels of the main campaing
The Grand Vizier features a single player story consisting of 12 chapters with at least 1 game level per chapter. Each of the levels of the main campaign present slightly different type of challenge, whether it be traps, enemies, tough level boss or a large maze of tunnels – or combination of those, or something entirely different. Each of the levels plays slightly different, although solutions and skills aquired in the past will help player in the further journey. As player's expertise grows so rises the difficulty and complexity of the challenges. This way the game is always interesting and never gets too easy or too hard.
Level editor and your own scenarios and campaigns
To me personally well done and easy to work with level editor is a brilliant addition to the game. Throughout the years I've seen many games being kept alive thanks to the dedication of their fans, who, while making new content for the game, often surpass original creators in ingenuity and cleverness of their levels design. On the other hand, I witnessed many great titles falling into oblivion just because their fans had no tools to exercise their creativity within the game. Therefore, the level editor and campaign editor are the core features of The Grand Vizier.
Multiplayer modes: race and cooperation and more
The Grand Vizier features 2 multiplayer modes: Race and Cooperation. In the Race Mode players race each other. They start the level in different spots, but have to reach the same objective. Along their way they going to fight in the direct combat, set traps, destroy passages, lure enemies agains each other and try to read each other moves through the changes in environment. The first to complete the objective becomes the winner. The cooperation mode requires players to work together in order to complete puzzles and combat enemies. Each of the players posses different abilities, and none can succed without the help of others. It is possible The Grand Vizier will feature more than those two – but those 2 are guaranteed.
6 additional single player scenarios and more
Have you ever felt that after completing the main campaign, after attaining the mastery of the sword and sorcery, you can't find anyting to do with your exceptional combat prowess? The Grand Vizier provides a solution. The game features six additional levels to test your skills after completing the main campaign. Tougher enemies, deadly traps and punishing bosses await those who dare to descent into the very bottom of the Sultan's dungeons.
12 multiplayer scenarios
The Grand Vizier features 12 scenarios designed specifically with the multiplayer modes in mind. Six of those scenarios form chapters of the multiplayer co-op ladder (see above: Multiplayer modes), and the other six are prepared for the Race Mode.
Speedrun mode
I love watching speedruns. People who can make an hours-long games into a 5 minute escapades never cease to amaze me. Therefore, for the convenience of those who wants to speedrun the game after playing it casually, The Grand Vizier features a special Speedrun Mode. In this mode all of the cutscenes and dialogue is skipped by default and there's a timer in the upper left corner of the screen. I am also open for suggestions for this mode, as I am sure hardened speedrunners can come up with many other ideas that will make recording speedruns easier.
Random Potion Challenge mode
Random Potion Challenge Mode is an another mode in the game in addition to the Standard Single- and Multiplayer modes. In the Random Potion Challenge Mode you can play any level or campaign you like – but all the potions have random, unpredictable effects that may help you, slow you down – or even kill you. And some of those potions are products of truly insane minds. They make you crush dungeon walls, walk on the ceiling, shoot lasers from your eyes and turn you into the mosquito.
This mode is not supposed to be serious. The palette of potential effects of the potions is very broad and they are meant to shock and surprise you. They are meant to turn the game upside down and inside out and make you think in the most unpredictable, unexpected ways. It is an addition to the 'normal' part of the game – if you will ever need a break from a regular dungeon delving, this mode is waiting for you.
But there's more! I count on your help. With the GRAND VIZIER reward package (learn more about the reward packages in the REWARDS section below) you can submit your idea for the insane, game-twisting potion for this mode. I hope that with the help of many people submitting their ideas this mode will be as interesting as possible.
Hidden levels
Back in the '90 one of the best part of playing videogames was searching for – and sometimes finding – game's secrets, hidden levels, characters and cheat codes. Barely anyone had an internet access and it was taking an actual effort to either find secrets yourself or find any information about them. Now it is much easier – you can just type the right phrase into your favourite search engine and – voila! - you can know all the game's secrets in less than one minute. Still, for those, who are willing to discipline themselves to not to look up everything on the web in the very beginning, I want to include hidden levels into the game. They are not obligatory – in fact you can complete the game without entering single one of them.
I started working on the game in April 2016. It took me around four weeks to finish the design on paper and in the beginning of May I was able to start materializing my ideas. Since then, thanks to the 6 months of work, The Grand Vizier has reached the pre-alpha state of the build and I can show you the actual footage from the game.
The footage you have seen in the video comes from the pre-alpha build of the game. The game is fully playable as of now, even though many of its features remain to be included. Thanks to the smart level creator, making new game levels and expanding existing ones is very easy and takes almost no time. The same goes for adding new assets to the game. There are already 4 levels made for the demonstration purposes. Almost all of the main character controls and movements are already in place and coded (more than 40 animations in total). I do hope to improve the set of animations though (as well as to improve the main hero model). Basic in-game devices like spikes and gates are already done and coded, and few others are halfway done. A very versatile and easy-to-controll camera is already in place. Plenty of other small elements of the game – scripts, models, prefabs – are in place.
I am sure you can remember an old classic titled The Prince of Persia (the one from 1989). You may also remember another classic called The Lost Vikings. To me, those two titles were the best games of the early '90. If you cannot recall them or if you haven't played those games at all, I recommend you to do it as soon as possible. In my humble opinion those two are the true gemstones of gaming and you will miss a fantastic experience, if you let those two titles pass you by. Despite the years that have passed since their initial release, they didn't lose any of their charm.
Those two titles were the main inspiration behind The Grand Vizier. Both inspire me in two ways: as a professional I see very well executed games with clever, genuine and well designed mechanics and as a gamer I remember all the fun and challenge they gave me. I hope The Grand Vizier can live up to its spiritual ancestors and – like them – give players a lot of fun and challenge while having an easy to learn, yet complex and interesting mechanics.
Here's the complete list of all perks with all the details you need to decide which one is the best for you. Below the perk descriptions you can find information about the editions of the game as well as other rewards.
Thank you for your support! You'll get a 50% discount for a digital copy of the game.
You get:
- 50% discount for a digital copy of the game after the game is released – whether it be the Standard Edition or the Extended Edition.
Get the Standard Edition digital copy of the game!
You get:
- One copy of the Standard Edition of the game
Get the Extended Edition digital copy of the game! Extended Edition features a digital copy of the game, a digital soundtrack, a digital artbook, a set of 4K wallpapers and an additional level in the game made specifically for this edition!
You get:
Get a Diamond Edition of the game! Made exclusively for our backers, the Diamond Edition is only avaiable during the Indiegogo campaign. It features everything from the Extended Edition plus some special stuff: special outfit for the main hero, optional retro graphic style and a 3 level mini campaign explaining events from the time of the uprising. Also your name will appear in the credits of the game!
You get:
Get a Diamond Edition of the game and two copies of the Standard Edition! Want to get straight to the multiplayer and complete it with your friends? This is the reward for you! You will get a Diamond Edition of the game as described in the NOVITIATE reward package and two additional copies of the Standard Edition of the game. Also your name will appear in the credits of the game!
You get:
Palace Guard
Get everything from the APPRENTICE reward package + an access to the beta version of the game! Have a chance to play the game before anyone else. This is the only opportunity to get access to the beta release of the game!
You get:
Elite Guard
Get everything from the PALACE GUARD perk + an access to closed message board, where you can discuss the game, provide the devs with your feedback and vote on certain elements of the game. Have a chance to play the game before anyone else and tell the devs what you like and what you dislike about the beta. Have an impact on the final shape of the game! Also, get another two copies of the Standard Edition (a total of 1+4 games) for your friends!
You get:
Get the Sultan's Bronze Badge of Honour and total of 9 copies of the game for you and your friends! Your name will be displayed in the special, V.I.P. section in the credits with a Bronze Badge of Honour next to it. With this reward you get everything from the ELITE GUARD perk plus 4 additional copies of the Standard Edition.
You get:
Get everything from the PRINCE perk plus a chance to tell other players few words through the collectibles within the game! Attach a short message to the one of the game's collectibles and let it being read by anyone who manages to find it! Read more about the game Collectible Messages in the Rewards section.
You get:
- A place for your message in the game's Collectibles Menu (see below to learn more about Collectible Messages)
- Everything from the PRINCE perk
Get the Sultan's Silver Badge of Honour and total of 12 copies of the game for you and your friends! Your name will be displayed in the special, V.I.P. section in the credits with your Silver Badge of Honour next to it. With this reward you get everything from the ELITE GUARD perk plus 1 additional copy of the Diamond Edition (total of 2 Diamond Ed.), plus 6 additional copies of the Extended Edition (total of 10 Extended Ed.) and your name is displayed in the V.I.P. section in the credits with your Badge of Honour next to it.
You get:
- The Sultan's Silver Badge of Honour + your name will appear in the V.I.P. section of the credits
- Everything from the ELITE GUARD perk
- Six copies of the Extended Edition
- One additional copy of the Diamond Edition
- Your 4 copies of the Standard Edition from the DUNGEON RAIDER package are upgraded to the Extended Edition
- (all that gives you a total of 2 copies of the Diamond Edition + 10 copies of the Extended Edition)
- A place for your message in the game's Collectibles Menu (if still available)
Grand Vizier
Design your own potion for the Random Potion Challenge Mode! With this reward you get everything from the KING reward package plus you can submit your idea for the potion (how does it work? How does it look like?) for the Random Potion Challenge Mode! See below to learn more about this package.
You get:
Great Sultan
Get the Sultan's Golden Badge of Honour and total of 15 copies of the game for you and your friends! Your name will be displayed in the special, V.I.P. section in the credits with your Golden Badge of Honour next to it. With this reward you get everything from the ELITE GUARD perk, but all your copies are upgraded to the DIAMOND Ed. You also get additional 3 copies of the Diamond Edition of the game, making it a total of 15 copies of the Diamond Edition.
You get:
The Grand Vizier is available for you in three different editions during this campaign. Those editions are: Standard Edition, Extended Edition and a special Diamond Edition. Two of these are going to be available later on the day of release – the Standard Edition and the Extended Edition, but the third one – Diamond Edition – is prepared specifically with this campaign in mind. You can find a detailed description of each of the editions and their content below.
Standard Edition
Standard Edition is the most basic edition of the game. It contains one code for a digital copy of the game.
You get:
- One code for a digital copy of the game.
Extended Edition
Extended Edition is the the next tier edition of the game. It contains a lot more that the Standard Edition. With this edition you can enjoy the world of The Grand Vizier even when you are not playing the game.
You get:
- One code for a digital copy of the game.
- A digital soundtrack to download
- A digital artbook to download
- Set of 4K wallpapers
- An additional single-player level for you to complete – made specifically for this edition, with the bonus type of trap, potion and enemy.
Diamond Edition
Diamond Edition is only available exclusively during this campaign. It contains everything from the Extended Edition AND some extra stuff.
You get:
- One code for a digital copy of the game.
- A digital soundtrack to download
- A digital artbook to download
- Set of 4K wallpapers
- An additional single-player level for you to complete with the bonus type of trap, potion and enemy (the one also available with the Extended Edition).
- Special outfit for the main hero
- Option to turn on retro graphic style
- Additional 3-level mini campaign explaining events from the time of the uprising
Your Name in the Credits
Your support is important. The Grand Vizier can only happen because you believe in it. Therefore, I would like to put your name (or your nickname, if that's what you wish) in the game credits. By all means you deserve to be recognized by other memers of the gaming community. Without your help The Grand Vizier won't happen, and no one will be able to play it.
For those of you who decided to support the game by choosing PRINCE perk or higher there's a special V.I.P. Section of the credits. It is displayed in the very beginning of the credits and all names in that section have an appropriate Sultan's Badge of Honour next to them.
With the PALACE GUARD perk you are invited to play beta version of the game once The Grand Vizier hits that stage. Remember, this is the only opportunity to get acces to the game before the final release!
Message Board
With the ELITE GUARD perk, shortly after getting access to the beta version of the game you will get access to the closed message board where you can discuss all kinds of game-related stuff with other backers and creators of the game. You can provide your feedback, ask for things to change and submit your ideas. On occasion I'm going to ask you to vote on certain aspects of the game – whether you want it to be one way or another.
The Sultan's Badge of Honor
Sultan's Bronze, Silver and Golden Badges are digital badges awarded to those who support The Grand Vizier by choosing the PRINCE perk or higher. They are going to be displayed next to your name or nickname in the game credits, on the closed message board and basically wherever you want. They have your name engraved on them. They show your dedication to the idea of The Grand Vizier and your contribution to the game.
Collectible Messages
Attach a short message to the one of the game's collectibles and let it being read by anyone who manages to find it! Each of the collectibles within the game will unlock a short message from the backers and the creators of the game. That may include your message too! Submit your message with the SORCERER reward package and tell the other players what you think!
Messages do not show in the game automatically. You can find your message as well as messages from other backers and creators of the game in the Collectibles Menu. Within this menu you can find description and history of every collectible object you find (and view the object up close).
On the last note, submitted messages are moderated and they are supposed to be rather short. I will announce the message length and the exact rules in due time. In order to make it to the game your message must pass moderation, but I promise moderation to be as lenient and forgiving as possible.
Random Potion Challenge Mode
Unleash your creativity and help me design the most insane, game-twisting potions you can think of! With the GRAND VIZIER reward package you are able to submit your idea for a crazy potion and I will make my best effort to implement it to the game. Tell me what does the potion do, how does it look like. Don't limit yourself, be as wild as you like! I hope for the players to experience a true madness while playing the Random Potion Challenge Mode. It is not suppose to be too serious – have a lot of fun thinking about the potion!