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The Great Awakening

A young group of people come together to intensely seek a supernatural experience with God.

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The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening

A young group of people come together to intensely seek a supernatural experience with God.

A young group of people come together to intensely seek a supernatural experience with God.

A young group of people come together to intensely seek a supernatural experience with God.

A young group of people come together to intensely seek a supernatural experience with God.

Marcelo Salgado
Marcelo Salgado
Marcelo Salgado
Marcelo Salgado
1 Campaign |
Oxford, United Kingdom
$0 USD $0 USD 0 backers
0% of $474,758 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


We have been inspired to make a feature film of faith to encourage, build up and inspire people through experiences and stories of spiritual growth.

The film "The Great Awakening” will bring to light several issues affecting people nowadays, besides revealing personal talents like art and music. It will touch people’s hearts, give a new perspective and broaden the spiritual vision of those who have not yet had a deep experience with God; besides this, it will encourage a love for one another, giving us the ability to live a better life in this challenging world.

We really want to tell you a little about this movie that was totally inspired by the Holy Spirit and which will influence thousands of people and future generations.

The Great Awakening Poster

* The poster contains illustrative images of the characters.



The movie “The Great Awakening” will be produced in England where a group of young Oxford university students come together to share their experiences, feelings and thoughts about what is happening around the world. Not content to live the way they are living, they begin to intensely seek a supernatural and profound experience with God.

In the midst of all this, four stories of people close to them are revealed and connected into this plot.

In the first story, a stable marriage changes completely after this worldwide pandemic. Forgiveness has the power to overcome fights, betrayal and any financial hardship.

In the second story, you will be amazed at the healing and transformation of a young girl. The rebellion after her father's death by COVID reflects the trauma caused by her childhood abuse.

In this global financial crisis, a business couple struggle to keep their employees' jobs. In the third story, they need light, revelation and wisdom in the midst of this darkness.

Drugs, nights out, women and money. The fourth story is about a young addict who grew up in an orphanage but did not know the true love of God. His transformation is something beautiful and intense.

The power and empowerment of spiritual gifts begin to come upon each of these young people: visions; dreams; prophecies; words of knowledge; healing, and speaking in tongues… They can feel God's transformation in their lives and in the lives of those whom they love. 

As so many bad things are happening worldwide, a great supernatural move is about to happen… A Great Awakening!




The movie "The Great Awakening" will be produced by Absoluta Films - a video production company founded by Marcelo Salgado and Suelen Lemos - that has been in the audio-visual market for ten years, creating institutional content for TV commercials, the internet and documentaries.



We hope and believe that you could help us fund this movie. Cinema is a powerful tool for evangelism. All funds raised will be invested in equipment, hiring actors and technical staff to ensure the best cinematic results and high visual quality.

Your contributions will help develop an incredible evangelistic tool where our primary motivation is to reach the lost by spreading the gospel as far and wide as possible!

We are seeking to raise £380k by April 2022.
The funds we raise will be used specifically for the following:






You can contribute by choosing one of the perk options on the left-hand side of the screen. Each one has a different contribution value, and you consequently get a different product for each one. If you can't find a perk amount that's just right for you, you can also enter a custom amount at the top of the page by clicking "BACK IT."

Be a part of it! You've never seen anything like it!

You can get t-shirts and/or mugs at some peck options. Clicking on the perk will open a window so you can select your preferred design option for the t-shirt and mug from a list.

Please see the available design options below to let us know which option you like best.





How do I keep track of your progress with the movie?
We will provide regular updates on the progress of the film in the Updates Section of this Indiegogo Campaign. Also, we will provide regular updates on every aspect of the filming process for this movie on our social media channels.

When will the movie be done?
A lot of that depends on when we receive full financing for the film. If all goes well, the goal is to shoot the movie between May and September, and then go into post-production for the remainder of 2022. Our hope is for an early 2023 release. Once we know for sure, we’ll announce it to you all first!

What if you don’t hit your target??
We’re still moving forward! Aside from this campaign, we are aggressively pursuing other avenues of raising funds for the movie, and we are very confident that we will be able to raise whatever is needed even if we don’t quite reach our campaign goal.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Support the Film

Support the Film

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
You don't have a lot to spend, but do you want to support the cause? All project supporters will have our eternal gratitude, plus we will send you a digital copy of the film poster.
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
0 claimed
Digital Download of Film

Digital Download of Film

Currency Conversion $37 USD
£30 GBP
You will receive a download link for "The Great Awakening" movie once the movie is released; to watch and share with family and friends. And you can say "I made this movie happen"!
Included Items
  • Digital Download of Film
0 claimed
Oficial Mug

Oficial Mug

Currency Conversion $62 USD
£50 GBP
You will receive an official "The Great Awakening" mug. Choose from one of the available designs. Discover the designs in the project description and inform your preference at the checkout.
Included Items
  • Mug
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Oficial T-Shirt

Oficial T-Shirt

Currency Conversion $125 USD
£100 GBP
You will receive an official The Great Awakening t-shirt. Choose from one of the available designs and sizes. Discover the designs in the project description and inform your preference at the checkout.
Included Items
  • T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
T-Shirt & Mug

T-Shirt & Mug

Currency Conversion $250 USD
£200 GBP
Do you want more? We made it happen! You will receive an official The Great Awakening t-shirt and mug. Choose from the available designs and sizes. Discover the designs in the project description and inform your preference at checkout.
Included Items
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Film, Poster, T-Shirt & Mug

Film, Poster, T-Shirt & Mug

Currency Conversion $625 USD
£500 GBP
You will receive a download link for the movie "The Great Awakening" when the film is released. Plus a digital poster, t-shirt and mug (Choose from available designs and sizes. Discover the designs in the project description) as well as your name listed in the film under the "Special Thanks" credits at the end of the movie
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
  • Digital Download of Film
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Special Thanks Screen Credit
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Genuine Wardrobe Piece (Plus)

Genuine Wardrobe Piece (Plus)

Currency Conversion $1,249 USD
£1,000 GBP
All of the above (Film, Poster, T-Shirt & Mug) plus you get a genuine wardrobe piece from the film The Great Awakening and a Certificate of Authenticity. This will only be dispatched after filming is complete, of course!
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
  • Digital Download of Film
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Genuine Wardrobe Piece
  • Special Thanks Screen Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2022
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Genuine Film Slate (Plus)

Genuine Film Slate (Plus)

Currency Conversion $6,247 USD
£5,000 GBP
Lights, Camera, Action! You will receive one of the Film Slate (5 Film Slate in total) used in the film with your name on it and a personalized thank you written on the board for contributing to our crowdfunding campaign. You will also receive all the items included in the 'Genuine Wardrobe Piece' package. Dispatched after filming is complete.
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
  • Digital Download of Film
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Genuine Wardrobe Piece
  • Genuine Film Slate
  • Special Thanks Screen Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2022
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Co-Producer Credit

Co-Producer Credit

Currency Conversion $12,494 USD
£10,000 GBP
Get film, poster, t-shirt and mug PLUS you will be listed on the screen credits (and on IMDB) as a CO-PRODUCER on the film.
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
  • Digital Download of Film
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Co-Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
May 2022
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Executive Producer + Guitar

Executive Producer + Guitar

Currency Conversion $24,987 USD
£20,000 GBP
Get all of the above PLUS you will be listed on the screen credits (and on IMDB) as an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER on the film. Also, you will receive a genuine guitar that will be used in the film. Dispatched after filming is complete.
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
  • Digital Download of Film
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Genuine Guitar
  • Executive Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2022
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Executive Producer + Painting

Executive Producer + Painting

Currency Conversion $62,468 USD
£50,000 GBP
Get all of the above PLUS you will be listed on the screen credits (and on IMDB) as an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER on the film. Also, you will receive one of the paintings that will be used in the film. Dispatched after filming is complete.
Included Items
  • Digital Film Poster
  • Digital Download of Film
  • Mug
  • T-Shirt
  • Painting Canvas Replica
  • Executive Producer Credit
Estimated Shipping
October 2022
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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