A 3:30min dance film, with the running theme of shell shock / PTSD. Project description: "The period of this film is WW1. The film has two male dancers which will showcase through the movement or non-movement of their bodies, what is it mentally like to have those after war stresses. One dancer will be the sufferer, now working in a Gunpowder Mill, the other, a reflection of its past military self. The location, the ruins of a Gunpowder Mill, is used to portray to the viewer that even though we suppress memories, they will still be present."
We are highly inspired by Pina Bausch and Physical Theatre.
You can check out all my research via my university blog.
Why do we need the money?
By shooting this film in January, I need to make sure my crew have the correct clothing on. This means all members have to be in fleece lined, high-vis jackets with boots.
We will be able to hold auditions in London, meaning we will have the ability to use from more of a variety of dancers.
One of the most important things is to keep everyone on set warm during this cold, outdoor shoot. Your money will provide all with hot food and drinks throughout filming, which could lead to fewer injuries.
Having the ability to pay the dancers for their time would be amazing. It's not just the crew that have to find time to make this film, the dancers do as well. Being able to pay more than their expenses would be fairer for all parties.
How can you help?
If you can't give any money to the project, just sharing the previs would be amazing! We are grateful for what everyone can give.
You will also be helping to raise awareness for mental health, which is a big plus for us!