Hi y'all, Albert Bates here. For forty years now, a small group of pioneers has been
tinkering with the design of global civilization from a small village in
Tennessee. Called simply, “The Farm,” these pioneers have been looking for a
way forward that will not involve fossil fuels or climate change, and where
everyone is fed and cared for, people are healthy and happy, and violence,
crime and wars are just distant memories.
Their experiments have given us tempeh and soy ice cream,
solar-powered cars, pocket-sized Geiger counters, Doppler fetoscopes, biochar
stoves and ecovillages. Their work has been profiled in books and documentary
films and each year hundreds of people visit or take workshops at The Farm to
learn more.
Now The Farm needs your help to get their discoveries out to
the public and more widely adopted. We need you to help us put the
world on the track to peace, love and rock 'n roll.
For the past many years we've been gathering the makings of a Hippie Museum.
This past couple of months a large number of our objects were loaned to the Tennessee State Museum for a display they organized. The potential is there to use this as a transformative educational experience. What is needed first is a giant building upgrade.
We need a
visitors’ reception auditorium that can also serve our eco-hostel. We need
space to display the artifacts that tell our history. We want to open up The
Farm. Last year we called our project Youre Inn at The Farm. This year we are
calling it The Hippies Were Right!
Whether you are studying the origins of personal
computers and the internet, are a long-suffering patient grateful for medical marijuana, or
a concerned environmentalist thinking about what needs to happen in the next
decades if we humans are to survive on a hot, crowded planet, you’d have to
admit the hippies were right. We were right about peace, love, solar energy, civil
rights, free speech, meditation, yoga, unashamed sex, homebrew computers, and backyard
organic gardens. The hippies did more than make great music; we invented
bioregionalism, permaculture and ecovillages. We think we're onto something.
The Farm is one of the better known icons of the 60s hippie culture. We were country before country was hip. We are now four decades on the land and four
generations. The first generation was not the 320 flowerchildren that arrived
from San Francisco in painted schoolbuses and VW vans, but their parents who began
trickling in 10 years later, when they saw what a good thing their kids had
The second generation, the pioneers, gave birth to a
third generation in the back of blocked-up buses, homespun yurts,
rough-hewn shacks and tar-papered geodesic domes. Those children then gave
birth to a fourth generation, children born to the children born to the land
and to that philosophy, often with assistance from the same midwives who coached
their grandmothers. I am part of one of those four generation families. I came
to the Farm from New York City, fell in love and never
left. I guess you could say I had tie dye in my blood. (omygosh, is there a test for that?)
The Farm is a living example of what we can all learn
from that experiment, and what parts may still be useful to know when charting our
common future. If humans are to survive for many more generations, we
must begin to live today as if there will be a tomorrow, and many more
tomorrows. We must take a path of peaceful co-existence, not only amongst
ourselves and our many different neighbors, but with nature ... with the tides,
the seasons, and the wild creatures we share our home with.
The Farm is among the oldest ecovillages in North America,
but it lacks a place where visitors can stay and experience what the hippies
have learned about practical sustainability. The Farm would like to tell its story
but it lacks an auditorium that reflects its natural building skills, a hostel
for overnight stays that is within the comfort zone of most visitors,
classrooms that could show student groups the practical elements of permaculture,
edible landscape and appropriate technology, and the exhibit spaces for soaring
artistic expressions that celebrate the best work of a generation.
The Impact
What we are doing here is preserving an important piece of history for
future generations to study and learn from, but perhaps more importantly, we
are demonstrating a model for what anyone can build, no matter where they are or
what they have to begin with.
- The Farm is a model intentional community set on 4000
acres of rolling Tennessee hills and dales.
- It has adopted the three legs of sustainability:
social, ecological, and economic.
- It is net carbon minus — annually sequestering 5 times
its own carbon footprint.
- The Farm Midwives are recognized worldwide for their
contributions to the safety of home birth.
- The Farm School (K-12) is a 40-year pioneer in
alternative education.
- Plenty International and Global Village Institute are
award-winning relief and development organizations with amazingly
effective projects on six continents.
- Come and visit us, spend a weekend, enjoy some of our
music festivals, workshops, and holiday events. Kick back, breathe clean
air, enjoy our pure, limestone well water, have a lovely meal with friends
and family...
... at the EcoHostel you helped build!
Twenty years ago we broke ground on a “living and
learning” facility we called The Farm Ecovillage Training Center. With a mere
shoestring of funding, mostly small donations and volunteer work, we scratched
out the core elements for a useful hippie-lifestyle sampling experience: a
rustic dormitory; wooded campsites; examples of strawbale, cob, earthships and
geodesic domes; solar showers and organic gardens. That served its purpose, and
since the mid-1990s hundreds of students have received permaculture design
certificates and learned many other skills with which to grow organically,
install renewable energy, construct ecovillages of their own, or just improve
their own lives and the lives of others.
The training center is affiliated with the Global
Ecovillage Network and Gaia University, and today offers college degree credit
for its longer programs. Students from more than 60 countries have come to
study subjects such as Mushroom Cultivation with Paul Stamets, Fermentation
with Sandor Katz, Carbon Farming with Darren Doherty, Joel Salatin and Elaine
Ingham, Natural Building with Ianto Evans, Joe Kennedy and Howard Switzer,
Solar Electric Installation with Ed Eaton and Dave DelVeccio, Bamboo Joinery
with Matt English and Josh Doolittle, Permaculture with Peter Bane, Rick Valley,
Julio Perez and Dave Jacke, Beekeeping with Fedor Lazutin and Leonid Sharashkin, and Ecovillage Design with Max Lindegger, Declan
Kennedy, Diana Leafe Christian and Greg Ramsey.
The problem is one of scale. Our building was never
big enough or able to provide passable accommodations for most of the people
who would have liked to visit. There were too few bathrooms and showers, a weak
internet connection, and a core building that dated from the early 1970s and was
falling apart. There were many more people who wanted to visit than could
be reasonably accommodated.
What is needed is a giant upgrade. We need a
visitors’ reception auditorium that can also serve our eco-hostel. We need
space to display the artifacts that tell our history. We want to open up The
Farm. Last year we called our project Youre Inn at The Farm. This year we are
calling it The Hippies Were Right!
Tennessee’s most famous contemporary eco-architect,
Howard Switzer, has designed a new building with auditorium, classrooms,
dormitories, dining area and industrial kitchen.
The Prancing Poet is the first LEED Platinum building at The Farm. Innovative
features include:
· passive heating and cooling
· biomass radiant floor heating
· solar-and-wind augmented free vortex energy
with stand-alone storage
· high-albedo roofing
· straw & biochar insulation
· biochar plasters to passively absorb mold-spores,
clean interior air, and shield the interior from electronic pollution, infrared
and EMP.
· native black walnut & bamboo biochar stains
· 100% recycled building wrap heat transfer
· bamboo lathe and trim
· lime/clay plasters and geotech finishes to fireproof
· soy-based foam ceiling insulation
· rooftop rainwater collection
· 11,000-square-foot constructed lagoon and
reedbed system that aids in fire suppression, wastewater treatment and
This year we would like to begin work on the wraparound covered porches and decks where visitors can sit and gaze out upon our gardens and forests, perhaps sharing a pipe of Old Toby Halfling's Leaf. As Gandalf the Grey said to Saruman the White,"You might find that smoke blown out cleared your mind of shadows within.
Anyway, it gives patience, to listen to error without anger."
Butterflies and dragonflies waft on gentle warm breezes over
our constructed wetlands, while composting systems and cradle-to-cradle
recycling naturally reclaim all our solid wastes. Under the bright summer sun on our
rooftops, thousands of Watts of energy are captured and converted into music
and colored light. Off to the side, a small Resourcer's Laboratory conceals our
carbon-negative ecofuel and free energy workbenches.
We hope that by the end of 2015 visitors can arrive at our
site and relax in the comfort of our Prancing Poet dining hall, share home
brews with friends in the Green Dragon Tavern, or just stroll the grounds and
walk the trails of our nature preserve. When the Great Hall is not alive with
music and cabaret, it will be the venue for a permanent exhibit on the history
of our movement — a Hippie Museum.
What will all this cost,
you might ask? To date we have raised and spent approximately $275,000. We
anticipate we will spend at least that much again to complete the whole
project, including exterior decking, porticos, more bathrooms and an industrial-scale
kitchen, but we are taking it one step at a time.
Through the generosity of donors to our 2014 Indiegogo
Campaign, our volunteers, WWOOFers and permaculture apprentices were able to
infill all the walls in the Great Hall with light clay-straw-slip and cover them
with earthen renders they made themselves with bamboo biochar and local red
clay. They worked towards completion of the Green Dragon Tavern and began on
the bamboo lathe and geotextile renders that will cover the exterior of the
At each completion of the various stages, the Great Hall of
the Prancing Poet hosted cabaret performances by Moonshine Boheme, attended by
the whole community. We also hosted our annual Kids to the County summer camp
for disadvantaged urban youth, now in its 28
th year.
I know from personal experience that a project of this scale
can be done. We didn’t have any grants or loans and we could not get any
mortgages when we started The Farm, but we are still here, hundreds of us
hippies, with our own schools, businesses, roads, water systems, and farmland.
We still can’t get mortgages or bank loans because The Farm is a conservation
land trust, and none of its land holdings could ever be foreclosed, or pledged
as collateral. And yet, we started the Ecovillage Training Center 20 years ago
and it has been running programs ever since. We began the Global Ecovillage
Network with just 12 communities and now there are more than 20,000 ecovillages
All we need are more like us; people who share a vision of a
better world. It is not a world based on avarice and war, but on love and
understanding. Please help us share our
What You Get
campaign is just the next small step in our BIG IDEA. We are asking for $10000
this winter, but we could easily use ten times or a hundred times that, and the
project would only become even better. So this is an open request, and the
beginning of a longer conversation. We want your participation, and we invite
you to visit and stay a while, but what we really want is to have a larger
effect on the world. Here is what you get:
- Satisfaction and (if you want) recognition for helping
to invent a better future;
- For $5000, you can stay 2 months in a family suite;
- For $1000, you'll have unlimited overnights in our
dorms or campground, free!
- For $500, you'll get a 30% discount at the EcoHostel,
for life!
- For $100, you'll get a free 4-day weekend stay, any
time in the next 3 years;
- For $50, 10% off all visits by any member of your
family for 3 years PLUS
- For $50, 10% off all items in our bookstore, including
by mail;
- For $25, you will find 2 tickets on call for the next performance of Moonshine Boheme at the Great Hall of the Prancing Poet
- For $20, tour the site with Albert Bates for 1 hour,
learning about the permacultural and ecological design aspects in detail;
- With any donation your name goes on our Wall of Honor; and
- If you cannot donate now, please share the link with
your friends!
Other Ways You Can
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about
our campaign.
- Join our Farm team of volunteers and apprentices and take a special sense of pride in
what we can accomplish.
- Please use the Indiegogo share tools on this page
And that’s all there is to it. Over the last 40+ years, The Farm has become
well known for many things, from natural childbirth and midwifery to healthy
diet and vegetarian cuisine, creative arts, reforestation and alternative
technologies to its partnerships and assistance to native cultures. We choose
to live in community where we share our lives and fortunes, good times and hard
times. We know that we are better people together than we could be separately,
but we are not just the young folks who chose to live at this one place
anymore. We are a much larger tribe, one that thinks about big issues and
constantly strives to make things better, and to provide positive examples from
which people learn. From which things change. Will you help?
Direct your friends to this page, Like our Facebook cause page (www.facebook.com/farmecohostel)
and visit our website at www.i4at.org. We
are a registered, tax-deductible charity. We'll be posting more in the near
future — a new website, videos, progress reports, so please make a small
contribution now to stay updated as we go. Thanks!