RagNBone Productions is an independent video production company whose members have over thirty years combined experience working in film, video, commercial and television production.
We are trying to raise funds to have professional quality DVD's printed for self distribution of our companies first film "The House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks."
"The House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks" is a found footage film unlike any you've ever seen. Three low-life punks set out with a video camera for a night of violent thrill seeking. They take a seemingly helpless couple captive in their home where they brutalize and torture them. Everything looks hopeless . . . until their son comes home.
Staring Amanda Baker, Alec Drake, Eric Sopko, Tom Smith, Brittiani McNeil Ketcham. Written by Arthur leo Collins and Mike Petrucci. Produced by Keith Boron. Directed by Arthur Leo Collins.
This money will allow us to distribute our film at conventions and festivals, as well as through our webiste and other online retailers. We will also be purchasing high quality T-shirts, posters and other promotional materials to help us spread the word about our movie.
$1,100 will go to having DVD's printed and UPC codes made for DVD's and online sales.
$800 will go be used to make high quality T-Shirts with a "House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks" logo.
The remaining funds (if we reach our goal) will go to printing posters, hand outs, buttons, stickers and other online promotion.
With a $25 contribution your name will appear in the Special Thanks credits. Plus you will receive a DVD copy of the film and a Bleeding Soul CD with songs from the soundtrack!
With a $50 dollar contribution your name will appear in the Special Thanks credits. Plus you will receive a DVD copy of the film as well as a The House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks t-shirt and a Bleeding Soul CD.
With a $100 contribution your name will appear as a producer in the end credits of the film! You will also get The House on the Wrong Side of the Tracks DVD, a t-shirt, the Bleeding Soul CD and a limited edition movie poster!
Whether we reach our goal or not, we will use the money we make printing DVDs.
RagNBone Productions wrote, produced, shot and edited this film in less than eight months between January and November of 2012. A hard-working cast and crew worked on this fantastic film and we owe it to them to make sure it is seen by as many people as possible. Your contributions can make this a reality.
If you are unable to make a financial contribution, but would love to see this movie, we would appreciate sharing our campaign with your friends on any social media you use.
Thank you for your consideration.