Short Summary
Award Winning Imperious Films is making a feature film of the adventure with stunning landscapes and a fantastic cast lead by Ramon Tikaram.
We’re telling the story of the poem but we’re adding layers:
It’s a Victorian expedition with steam punk technology to an island of the mind. An island inhabited by the flora and fauna of Carroll’s quirky imagination – Bread and butterflies, the Bandersnatch, thimbles and soap – Alice makes an appearance and so do many other Wonderland characters. There’s also weirder stuff like the ghost of Darwin and the inexplicable fossils of ancient monsters under their feet.
All will be revealed in due course – but we need your help!
What We Need & What You Get
We would like to raise £3000. But more than this our aim is to find supporters and fans who want to see the film. So even if you are not ready to buy a perk - click that heart button (next to the back it button) to become a Ship's Mate. It's a great way to support us and get more stuff as the crew sails on into the adventure.
We will use part of the money for CGI – enhancing the footage. We will use the rest to begin our long campaign of getting the film out in the world – festivals, screenings and social media. And that starts here! We can’t emphasise enough that the money will help but more than anything we want you as a supporter and evangelist! Please click that Heart!
One key Imperious Films policy is to give young people experience – For example, one of our costume designer/makers Phil - has had valuable hands on experience and gone on to get work with a leading film and theatre costume hire company. We love giving people an opportunity!
Because we are mainly interested in getting fans we have kept the perks simple but with really great value. There are 5 types:
Snark Crew Member. Gets you a digital copy of the film and access to all our news and behind the scenes stuff.
The Snark Film Plus gets you a digital copy of the film – and lots more behind the scenes news and information including an exclusive documentary on how and why Lewis Carroll wrote the poem.
The Snark Special Supporter perk gets you the special Snark T shirt with the ‘What I tell you 3 time is true’ logo. You also get a Special Supporter’s credit (and the Film Plus perk).
The Snark Associate Producer perk will get you an Associate Producer credit rolling at the end of the film. (and the Film Plus perk)
The Snark Executive producer perk will get you an executive producer credit with a special status invite at the film’s UK premier (and the Film Plus perk) - see details in the perk section.
The Impact
We want you to become fans! Join the crew and help us get this film made. Click that Heart!
Risks & Challenges
We have already started filming. Imperious Films has a fantastic track record on delivering as promised!
Other Ways You Can Help
Please get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.