My name is Radames Medeiros, 30, creative director / "jack of all trades". From Earth like you. For the past 11 years i worked with something that people "hates" >> ads. So I decided it was time to stop all that and do something that I liked and motivated people. Curious as I have always been, I have always been easy to learn everything, I began 2 years ago to venture into making games, but I’ve spent years narrating table rpg games and playing, always playing, rpgs of the most varied kinds, creating worlds, systems and narratives. As an advertiser I created several pieces and I even had some winning scripts, but that does not count here. based on all my knowledge and skills acquired until then. See, I'm not bragging about anything, but since there is an internet I visit tutorials and learn things, simple as that. These abilities enabled me to create - what you will now see - practically alone. (I would like to stress that when I say "Alone" I mean the main job. I would not be where I am today without help from other people). It was only in 2017 that I took the courage to abandon all advertising life and devote full time to development, even though my base is still the art direction I can produce interesting things (I think.). Well, life is a box of surprises, some of you must know that and along with all this 2017 also brought me depression, invaded my house, my father had an avc, there were two cases of cancer in the family, my paternal grandmother died 1 week after our reunion more than 10 years away. Other than that life here is not very easy, my father, mother and maternal grandmother (85 years old) struggle hard to survive, it was my duty to raise my head and pursue the dream / work that I always wanted. Many struggled for this and I should sacrifice myself and strive for double. And that's how I did it, since four months have passed. I have many joys to share now, work happily 24/7 and have been inspiring people to pursue their dreams too.
I have only a few desires and duties that I want to share with you: I would like with this campaign to be able to put more people on this boat that I navigate. Developing alone is good on the one hand, but I want to offer more quality to you, put my ideas at the level I see. Directing art and doing art do not always go hand in hand, although I can exemplify my visions, more skillful people could accomplish them better than I do. In addition I would like the intense participation of the community whenever possible, as I make this game for you. So they have fun and have a piece of what they want for their life somewhere.
It is very easy to talk to me if you wish, my contacts will be at the end of this project and I would very much like your opinion and ideas.
Well, let's go to the point:
The Intern - O Estágio places the player in the shoes of an aspiring creative lady who will travel through worlds, times and dimensions in search of 3 other masks to occupy a position with the gods of creation. The game is separated into 8 stages, each phase containing 2 stages, 1 mini-boss and 1 boss. These levels will be produced jointly with the community and released episodically, always in pairs, until all are complete. Players traverse the maps to find the portals that lead to bosses, accumulate experience that leads to increase Mana (main attribute of the game that defines the basic attributes of the character as it increases), evolve skills and enable transformations by collecting 3 different types of Mana, which are adapted to the style that the player chooses (Fire, wind and water / melee, speed and distance), besides being able to count on the aid of Summons acquired when defeating the mini-bosses and extra powers granted by the masks collected by defeating the main bosses. The game also features some mini-games and puzzles, such as races, chases, secret places to visit. Each phase contains about 30 minutes of gameplay, totaling 320 minutes of gameplay on average. The player will travel through 3 planets of different dimensions and times until they complete all and be able to enable the last challenge.
Don't be afraid! Mana is everything.
While you have your Mana stock full you 're virtually imortal and more the Mana don't have a "limit". So while you are accumulating more mana you'll be more powerfull.
- I've planned transfomations to be a expression of your power!
- When was the last time you completed a game?
How about playing quietly and get to the end, record that gameplay, edit the video and still have time to go out with friends? The Intern looks on two fronts: TIME / BENEFIT. Of course if you spend more time inside the game you will have greater benefits but if you are that casual player who just wants to enjoy the story and get to the end of it all. This game is for you too!
The game tells the story of a girl on a journey through dimensions / worlds / universes / parallel times. She is "plucked" from her common life (newly formed job-seeking and frustrated with life, living in a world where everything is boring) after receiving a special message inviting her to get a gray bus that would take her to compete for a vacancy, she desperately runs after the opportunity. What the girl did not expect is that this search for this bus would take her, in the middle of a storm to visit another dimension.
After crossing the continuous space-time, it plunges into another world, where it knows its ally, the mask of truth. The mysterious mask unites the protagonist by releasing his power and controlling his mind and body. The truth enables the intricate young woman to release and accumulate the Mana that exists in all things, as well as grant special skills and knowledge directly to the wearer. The other world is a wonderful place, in fact it is one of several dimensions and times, an island of floating stones, very green and abundant and also dangerous life. True, the mask guides the protagonist through this wonderful world in order to reach the competitors the mysterious wave, but fails to arrive too late to the portal. It is when the young woman discovers that she is not alone there, that the message was actually a summoning and that this whole situation was part of a larger test in order to gather all 4 masks that control the Mana of things. The young woman's goal becomes clear, although she is still reluctant, even knowing everything the mask knows, she still did not "believe". Far from the truth, but confident in getting "The Job" she enters the portal willing to follow her new companion.
This is where the real adventure begins, our protagonist sets out to gather the four masks without knowing that such an objective was necessary to take on a very important job.
Everything that I'll show now it's the evolutions and the point that the game is right now after 4 mounths of solo development. I want to improve everything in the polish stage, so disregard what is in the moment and imagine what can come with your support. At the end of the project I will leave my references: what I would like to follow in order to give quality to the project.
Well. I don't want to make games cause i want to be rich. Far from this. I want make games to people have fun, to make their life a little more interesting, for inspiring. Of course I've expenses and plans, but 0 incoming. My family and friends 're my main backup and their are helping me on this journey. Deisi girl are working for free too right now and i'm living with my parents... So, why Indie gogo? Cause I want to give more quality and help who is helping me with the well deserved value of their work. I wish with that you can experience the best experience that my imagination and dedication can provide. With the Indiegogo I can put more people on the boat and help them with their dreams and searches! I Want to show for everyone that just a guy with help of the internet can make something good for the others.
I have many ideals here you can make a difference too. With or without the success of the campaign I will continue the hard work and try to deliver my best to everyone.
Risks & Challenges
I don't see risks in the development of the game because for me it is a personal goal to complete it, I will go to the end in one way or another. Whatever comes will be good.
Every day I have challenges in this development, discover new things, optimize, create contacts, tests and more tests, arts, everything has its share of tests. But that's what makes creating such a fun game, I believe.
I'd like to implement some things too, procedural Skills tree, more worlds, more mechanics, deeper stories, breakable things, there is much that can be done. For now, I want to achieve what I have already said here, and if by chance many help this little world can become a multiverse.
Other Ways You Can Help
There are many ways you can help us:
The Simpler: sharing this campaign on your social networks. It costs nothing and you help me immensely. I saw a theory once that anyone is only 6 known away from you. I wish Terry Crews would see that! =) Can the internet get to you?XD
The second: is accompanying our work by following us on our social networks there's a lot of game material, gifs, updates, and you can talk direct to me:
The third: way is to get the pre-order in the ITCH.IO(We accept bitcoins too!) You can make a direct donation to paypal (To radacria@gmail.com ), playing the alpha, giving your opinion, talking to me personally in my networks, any kind of human support is welcome.
The fourth is getting our physical products shown below with Perks or HERE:
Thank you so much!