Short Summary
The project, tentatively named The KDHX History Project (but sure to change before completion), will be an assemblage of 31-chapters, each dedicated to an aspect of the history of KDHX radio in St. Louis. From the methodology of individual programmers to the station's most memorable events to sidebars on podcasts, talk shows, cable access TV and more. Because it's an online project, we'll able to sprinkle in liberal amounts of photography, video and lists, lists, lists. The resultant work will be a website, organized as if a book, in which a reader can move easily through topics/chapters.
What We Need & What You Get
It's important to note here that the project is being run with the blessing of KDHX and with the resources of the station's print and digital archives, but is being done completely independently of the station, with no funds coming from the KDHX organization.
The curator of the project is myself, Thomas Crone. I've been a longtime station volunteer and programmer. The monies collected, at the projected $10,000 will be broken down: 10% to editing/research/upload/tech assistance; 5% to the funding source you're on right now; 5% to event needs, for a pair of release-themed gatherings; an added 5% for surprise needs; a full 30% pulled back for taxes. The remaining 45% will offset time created in compiling, editing, interviewing, writing (and scanning what's already looking like a big mass of print materials), all with an anticipated date of web release in January of 2019.
Oh, yeah: we have perks!
The Impact
As a longtime programmer at KDHX, I've often wanted a nice, single-source location for both simple historical background on the station, but also a place to find stories told by the many, varied people who've been involved. This work will touch on all the eras, from the KDNA origin story to those amazing yogurt dishes at Squatter's Cafe, plus all the good stuff in the middle.
If goals are met, the site/book will be entertaining and educational, providing historical context to what we all believe is one of America's great radio stations.
Risks & Challenges
Two main notes here:
1. This project was given the blessing of KDHX's management, but is being created independently of the station, with no station funds going to the project.
2. I'm opting for the fixed level, rather than the flexible level. In effect, if the goal's not hit, the project won't go live. My belief is the work will amount to something valuable to the KDHX community and, though I've spent hundreds of hours volunteering for KDHX, this is a level-up need and opportunity. As noted above, the cash will allow for a large chunk of my freelance time to be spent on this project through the remainder of 2018.
Other Ways You Can Help
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