What ?
My name is Stella Kanu and I am looking for support to develop the next stages of my novel.
The Latchkey Girls is the first of a trilogy that evokes the music and politics of Black Britain in the 1970's – it’s about love, the 1979 disco dancing championships, the intensity of first friendships, the subtle effects of childhood trauma and finding your way in the 21st century with all its snake oil and grease monkeys!
A bit about Me
I have created strategies and implemented programmes that at a community level bring people and arts together. I have poured my passion and commitment into my work with inner city young people, low income families, ex-offenders under 19; women who experienced mental health and/or prison systems, Asian communities in east London, Homeless and new immigrant arrivals/ refugees, emerging creative entrepreneurs in south London housing estates and indigenous white communities in London’s Barking and Dagenham. To name but a few.
The motivation behind the novel
Over my career I have raised hundreds of thousands of pounds to support meaningful engagement projects and brokered deals with many different types of businesses and individuals to support meaningful projects.
I have loved my time helping others "do" their art but my own creativity became none existent.
Despite being awarded the Powerbrokers International Leadership Award (Arts Council England/ Cultural Leadership Programme) in 2008, and after almost two decades supporting, producing, programming and marketing professional writers, dancers, theatre and film makers, I am up for some personal change; re-channeling my energies and finally making use of that old degree in Writing by using National Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo) to begin the first draft of a novel I have harboured over the last 3 years.
First Draft Complete!
I am making great progress, helped by the fact I am not fighting for work in the UK but living on rice and Thai street food to keep my costs low and my hand continually typing.
I have completed the first draft during November's Nanowrimo ( National Novel Writing Month) whilst in SE Asia. During 2014 I hope to be on the road for 9 - 12 months living low and aiming high with the first and final drafts.
What I Need
There are many ways for you to participate: sponsor a paragraph, sponsor a page, sponsor a chapter, and, if you’re really excited, sponsor the book!
My target goal is $8,000
I need help with:
Electric, Phone, Internet,
Laptop repairs or add-ons
Novel writing software subscription costs
What You Get
$10/ £6 - A big warm Thank You on Facebook and Twitter & e-sample opening pages
$25/ £15 - A personal email and update & e-sample opening pages
$50/ £30 - A Thank You credit in book & e-sample chapter
$250/ £150 - Suggest a character prompt that will be used in the final book & e-sample chapter
$750/ £ 450 - Get a character named after you! Get an e-sample of the book (up to 10 pages)
$1000/ £600 - Dinner with author and private reading and e-copy of book
$2500/ £1500 - All of the above plus a City tour!
The Impact
I am a passionate and thoughtful writer - my work has appeared in Arvon Foundation's Exciting Writing Anthology (2000) and I have performed my words in many venues - I can write. I can write well. There are many books about the Black British experience - I want to expand the diversity of understanding of Second Generation Black Britain's (especially African) who often get over shadowed by other narratives. I am also keen to create a dialogue around trauma and the effects of childhood PTSD on adult lives.
NanoWrimo has reminded me how easy writing is for me.
I want to finish what I have started. I have a return flight booked and I hope I don't make it!
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, I understand that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
- Please get the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
- Suggest other ways of sharing this page
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
I think I need at least 100,000 people to see this page and if those who give are in single percentage digits - we are rocking! Thank you so much!