Short Summary
The Lost Key is a twist on a classic Whodunit. Think Knives Out meets Ocean's Eleven but with crypto.
It is being made by a collection of diverse and enthusiastic student film makers who have come together to share an amusing story that highlights the growing everyday involvement of cryptocurrency which the whole family can enjoy, after all, who cares whodunit if you are rooting for the bad guy.
What We Need & What You Get
Our main character Dex is a wealthy crypto investor, and as the majority of the film takes place throughout his entire house, we need a house that reflects contemporary wealth but can also accommodate all our sets and crew.
If we exceed our goal, we would love to pay all our creative contributors in post and on set even more because they deserve it!
Tier 1: $25 Dogecoin Doggo
Dogecoin Dogos will receive a signed digital copy of the poster and digital copy of the film.
Tier 2: $50 NFT Noobs
Tether Teasers will receive everything from Tier 1, PLUS a signed script and a “Thanks” in the credits.
Tier 3: $100 Crypto Club
Crypto Clubsters will receive everything from Tier 2, PLUS a "Special Thanks” in the credits along with a Lost Key Digital Postcard.
Tier 4: $300+ Bitcoin Baddie
Bitcoin Baddies will receive everything in Tier 3 , PLUS a Digital Download Kit (Phone wallpaper/computer wallpaper/whats app sticker pack + lots of digital goodies) and a digital Thank You from Cast and Crew!!
Risks & Challenges
Our biggest challenge is finding a location that fits our visual storytelling as well as all our logistical necessities.
As well as casting. We are an ensemble based show, so we rely heavily on the charisma our actors bring to the table along with their chemistry.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not everyone can contribute, and we totally get that! Here is another way you can support us :)
Give us a FOLLOW on Instagram @thelostkey_film and share, comment, like - ALL THE THINGS!
Also, if you have any questions or concerns or just want to chat, shoot us an email at
Lastly, please share our Indigogo with other people you think would love to support this project in any capacity. Maybe you have friends who are also crypto enthusiasts who would love to see their passion on screen?
<3 The Lost Key team