We need Your help, to help make this
campaign successful!
Even though we probably won't reach our goal of $10,000, all of the contributions will still be used for some of the materials; the prototype will still be constructed, albeit later than planned. I would like to Thank Everyone who has shared, liked, commented and donated towards this campaign!
What the Magnetic Battery is:
Following in the footsteps of Tesla, Maxwell, Farraday & Crookes, I've used concepts from electrodynamics, chemistry, magnetism and physics to devise a modified electrodynamic generator that accepts Alternating Current (AC) electricity to be converted into an electromagnetic field. Circulating without resistance (heat) and stored in-phase, the magnetic flux acts as both a seal between the surrounding alloys (preventing damage to circuitry) and as a plentiful power source.
Why this Should be made
Modern electrolyte batteries store a nominal voltage & current, which is not sufficient for renewable energy sources, electric vehicles or makeshift shelters.
Imagine a modern electric car for example: Current battery banks consist of dozens of large (and low amp) 12volt batteries; this device could fit into a socket, emit electricity and not release any hazardous materials or radiation. It could store more than 700 times the amount of energy than the 12v battery alternative.
The design can be scaled to mostly any size, with exponential storage ability.
Besides, longer-life batteries means less toxic material in landfills, and less chemical pollutants from manufacturers!
If you take the effects a step further, you'll see how this concept affects everyone. Gasoline has a dominant role in creating Greenhouse emissions from hydrocarbons (which are warming the atmosphere); if your substitute the combustion engine/drive-shaft for batteries & DC motors, you're actually saving money.
How it will be made
The exoskeleton (chassis) will be made of a soft iron alloy to prevent EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from being emitted under unwanted circumstances and nullifying any energy that is stored.
Modern batteries function on closed-circuits, which nullifies the current when not attached to a load (outside of air conductivity). In order to maintain the magnetic field though, the current is required to be constantly moving. One circuit I invented is a trans-connection circuit (TCC); self-generating the current by mechanical means, inside a closed system.
If I was using DC power, the magnetic fields generated by the flow of current wouldn't move (unlike AC) due to constant voltage; however I need shifting waves working in conjunction with each other to amplify the signal.
There are few ways to convert the primary energy source from electromagnetism --> electricity. The most common way is by moving a piece of metal, like Iron, alternating past the face of a coil, cutting off the field lines.
What are the materials needed?
The materials that I need are mainly transition elements and alloys that I will need to melt & forge myself. Most are inexpensive, but one compound in particular is rare in its' purest form. Pretty much all types of circuitry components are needed (and will be sealed from EMR - except basic coils & some non-logical circuits).
I will also need to purchase several pounds of graphite to form the mold of the chassis, and upgrade some equipment to assemble the components.
How long will it take to make this device?
After gathering & testing components, and melting/forming the chassis, assembly will take roughly a month to complete the device with a few hours per. day to spare.
Please share the word!
- By liking this page (see above media links) and sharing the official Facebook or Twitter links, more people can learn about this device.
- By commenting, Indiegogo lists this page farther up on the featured list, which helps gain more sponsors.
- There's only one way to save the world & your wallet, and that's by investing in this battery. Please contribute, if you can.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and every effort to further this project!
Thank you,
Harrison King
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