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A film about how the strength of 5 namibian mothers who live with HIV could be the solution to the country's epidemic.

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A film about how the strength of 5 namibian mothers who live with HIV could be the solution to the country's epidemic.

A film about how the strength of 5 namibian mothers who live with HIV could be the solution to the country's epidemic.

A film about how the strength of 5 namibian mothers who live with HIV could be the solution to the country's epidemic.

A film about how the strength of 5 namibian mothers who live with HIV could be the solution to the country's epidemic.

Paola Oliveras
Paola Oliveras
Paola Oliveras
Paola Oliveras
1 Campaign |
USA, Puerto Rico
$1,840 USD 25 backers
15% of $12,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our Story

In the Ovambo culture, Meme is a word that means woman and/or mother. It is also the title of a powerful documentary film that exposes the struggles that namibian women face because of the brutal AIDS epidemic that Namibia suffers.

It focuses on the life of 5 infected mothers from Ovamboland, the most populated region of Namibia, and one of the territories with the highest HIV incidence in the world. 

The story presented itself to spanish director Adrian Sanchez while working in Namibia with the HIV community. After being inspired and moved by the life of these women, he contacted director Paola Oliveras, from Puerto Rico, with the proposal of a documentary film, who decided to travel to Namibia to make the film. 

The co-direction of their first documentary was self funded, with limited resources, still the greatness of the story  traduced into a realistic and beautiful portrayal of the battle that the Memes head in Namibia: the battle against AIDS.     

The Impact

With the production of the film finished, our goal is to make the Memes voices heard around the world and to create awareness of this heart wrenching problem.  

The memes are revolutionizing their country while facing cultural and socioeconomic barriers, and they are a phenomenon never before seen in their culture. Due to socio-economic dependence in their culture, many people still carry the belief that women are not allowed to speak of sex or to question the patriarchal socioeconomic structure that contributes for them to be constant victims of the HIV infection.

 But the HIV rates are so high and frighting that they are talking about HIV and AIDS, a sexual matter, for the first time in history. They have declared war against HIV and AIDS using their voice, the only weapon they can afford. 

Moreover, we see that these modern-day heroins do not have a a trace of sadness and do not need to be pitied, but are an inspiring example on how to deal with the obstacles life can bring. 

With your help, the stories of these Memes will travel across the world in international film festivals and will inspire anyone who hears their stories, and will give information that will help to end myths of HIV that have caused so much social stigma and discrimination. 

What We Need & What You Get

We will need money for the inscription of international film festivals, as well as some extra expenses for some post production and distribution expenses, like press kits and EPK (electronic press kits), posters, promotional material, dvd copies, festival travel expenses, trailer production costs, publicity and marketing costs, legal and copyrights cost, webpage costs,and festival debut funds.   

We also have the goal to bring one of the Memes to Europe to share her message directly in a film festival, so she can understand the magnitude of impact that she, as a Meme, has caused.  Also, we would continue our goal of spreading awareness, giving viewings to different HIV support groups and communities at risk.  

The strategy is to apply to 10 "A" Film festivals and 10-30 "B" Film festivals, as well as festivals interested in social issues, women issues, health issues, culture themed, and documentary films, in which in each the minimum application cost is $25.00, and exceeding to $80.00.  We are calculating we will spend: around 20% in festivals submissions, around 21% in distribution and marketing expenses, around 5% in legal and copyrights expenses, a 5% in festival debut costs and 20% of the contribution for the traveling expenses of one of the Memes and a translator, and a 9% in the indie-gogo commission charge. 

Up to now, the film has been completely self funded, aside from the invaluable collaboration of incredible artists and professional who have given their talents and resources to support the exposure of the beautiful story of the Memes. And also some economic collaboration by kind hearted incredibly generous persons for some traveling expenses (thanks, Mom, Dad, Sis and sis's hubby!) 

But now, we need YOUR help! Every dollar counts!!  Every small contribution can help a new person be moved by the story, learn from it and could be a step closer eradicating this terrible disease.  

Whatever amount you can contribute will add to a new window opportunity for Meme documentary to be shared. You have the chance to help this five Namibian warriors show their story and to be able to get the resources they need to end the epidemic that haunts them. Also, you will help a couple of young filmmakers reach their dream of combining their passion for film and their moral responsibility of showing the reality that they have learned through their life's experiences.   

The contribution will be acknowledged in the webpages and press that the film generates (unless the contributor prefers to be anonymous). Meme updates and news will be available first for the contributors and will receive every promotional and marketing gifts in advance.  

Other Ways You Can Help

Every person you talk about Meme to, very tweet, every forward, very "like" counts!  Make some noise! Help the great message of the Memes be heard!    (Ndapandula: Thanks, in Oshiwambo, language of the Ovambos.)

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Choose your Perk

One Can Make a Difference

$1 USD
A personalized shout out at the Facebook page!
0 claimed

Each Finger Counts!

$5 USD
A personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages.
3 claimed

Top Ten Contributor!

$10 USD
A personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 2 Meme stickers.
4 claimed

Twenty Hugs Contributors!

$20 USD
A personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 3 Meme stickers and 1 Meme official t-shirts.
4 claimed

Coolness Contributor

$50 USD
A personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 4 Meme stickers and 2 Meme official t-shirts.
2 claimed

Awesome Contributor

$100 USD
2 personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 4 Meme stickers and 2 Meme official t-shirts. An Official Meme Contributor certificate.
5 claimed

Splendiferous Contributor

$250 USD
2 personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 6 Meme stickers and 3 Meme official t-shirts. An Official Meme Contributor certificate.
0 claimed

Super Duper Contributors

$500 USD
2 personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 6 Meme stickers and 4 Meme official t-shirts.An Official Meme Contributor certificate. A dvd with the choir soundtrack music. If it is a corporation, it could request a private viewing of the film for an event.
1 claimed

Royal n Mighty Contributor

$1,000 USD
3 personalized shout-out at the Facebook Page! Appearing in the list of contributors at the Facebook page and other webpages. 10 Meme stickers and 5 Meme official t-shirts. A "special thanks" mention in the film's credit. A space for logo of the company in the webpage. An Official Meme Contributor certificate. A dvd with the choir soundtrack music. If it is a corporation, it could request a private viewing of the film for an event.The mentioning of company name in all press interviews.
0 claimed
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