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The Mod is a great vibrator. It's made from 100% silicone.
Its three powerful motors create amazing sensations, ranging from a lovely low
frequency rumble to patterns that move up and down the shaft. It is USB rechargeable,
and its built in buttons make it easy to control vibration patterns and
You can customize the Mod by downloading apps from our
website or by connecting plug-and-play controllers that sync it with your
partner's heartbeat, connect it to your smartphone, or anything else you can
think of.
We'll provide online tools that make it easy to design your
own vibration patterns, or if you're so inclined, you can write your own
programs that completely change how the Mod behaves using our well documented
If you've ever had an idea for a cool sex toy or if you want
a vibrator that you can change to match your mood, the Mod is the vibe for you.
The Vibrator
As a vibrator, the Mod can compete with some of the most popular toys on the market.
Customized Play - No Programming Required
You can easily change how your Mod works by just quickly loading different apps onto it from our website. Giving your Mod different superpowers is as easy as that! No programming needed!
We’ve already been having tons of fun controlling the Mod in all sorts of sexy ways. Your Mod will come with a Wii Nunchuck standard to give you some fun ways to directly control the vibration motors.
Here are just a few of the other things we’ve already built to control the Mod:
Integrated Button - The Mod has a mode button on the handle that you can use to change patterns, change vibration intensity, or trigger individual motors. Instructions on our website make it easy to change the button behavior.
Nunchuck - A standard, simple, and powerful control for the toy. The joystick can manipulate power and pulsing patterns. Shaking the nunchuck's accelerometer can modulate the frequency of the vibrations. To fulfill one major request from Beta testers, we also programmed the "C" button as an easy "kill switch" to shut the toy off right when you come!
Video chat - We process the image coming from a webcam. The more movement in the image, the more intense the Mod’s response.
Capacitive Touch Sensing - Quickly and easily turn most objects in the world into touch-sensitive interfaces for pleasure (ever heard of a Makey-Makey? It's like that!). Trigger your partner's toy by sucking on a banana, or spanking them with a spatula. Connect to a body piercing and turn your partner's whole body into a touchable dildo controller. Many objects can even by used like a Theremin, responding to proximity as well as touch.
Biometrics - A heartbeat sensor lets you feel your partner’s arousal in the throbbing toy. This one is a real favorite — it's super cool to feel the rhythm increase with your partner's excitement.
Web - Make interfaces directly within a web browser. Great for cyber sex, or giving web-geeks a quick way to control their toys!
Soft circuits - A soft stroke sensor that triggers vibrations based on touch. Could be really cool embedded in the tail of a fur suit!
We plan to offer a variety of easy-to-use accessories that plug directly in to the Mod so you won't need electronics skills or supplies to play with fun sensors. What will you build?
Patterns - Three motors can simulate movement; provide hi-fidelity, focused stimulation; and create opportunities for other couplings of input and output.
Power and Frequency - Using multiple small motors also gives you control over a broader range of powers and frequencies. Combining the outputs of different motors generates the nice, low-frequency (rumbly) vibrations usually only found in larger devices.
We use 100% body-safe platinum cure silicone for the Mod. Since we are committed to open-source, we’ll always give you as much information as possible so that you can verify the properties of all the materials we use. We currently use Smooth-On’s Sorta Clear and Dragon Skin silicones to make our Mods and will require all of our manufacturing partners to be transparent about their materials.
The Mod comes with an 875 mAh battery and is recharged with a USB micro cable (same as your Android phone). Just connect it to a computer or a phone charger. Battery life will depend on your particular setup (power draw of any connected accessories, vibration pattern and intensity), but should last several hours of "typical" use.
Donations - Free Dildos!
For every 100 Mods we sell, we will give 1 to a sex-friendly public hackerspace, non-profit, or academic organization. If you would like to be on our list for potential donations please contact us at
Dilduino Platform and OSSex Library
The Mod is controlled by a custom, Arduino-based microcontroller platform called the Dilduino. Since it’s just an Arduino, you can quickly reprogram it using the standard USB micro port. You can also hook-up any sensor to the “Hacker Port” with a normal USB cable.
The Dilduino is a great step forward for small Arduino derivatives. It has many built-in features that are often lacking in many microcontrollers designed for embedded devices:
On-board battery charging - A battery charging circuit makes it easy to connect a Li-ion battery and recharge it over USB.
Integrated Motor driver - The basic output pins on an Arduino are limited to 40 mA of current, which is not nearly enough for really powerful motors. Typically, you would have to connect an external motor-driver circuit to deliver the full power to your vibes, but we built these features directly into the board. Now you can connect up to 500mA per motor channel.
I2C, Analog Inputs, PWM output, and Serial I/O - Our “Hacker Port” is the quickest, most flexible way to incorporate a variety of peripherals in your project. One standard USB port provides regulated 3.3V power and software-switchable pins for Analog, I2C/Two-Wire, or Serial sensors. It also features two PWM output channels in case you want to attach additional motors or lights.
The OSSex Library
The OSSex Arduino library is software to make it easy to reprogram and experiment with your Mod. As far as we know, it's the only freely-available haptic feedback library for Arduino, and we can't wait to flesh it out even more. It’s available now on our Github site. It’s under continuous development, and we welcome anyone to get in touch with us about contributing to it. It currently has several awesome features:
Easy device configuration: tell the software what toy you’re using and it will set up all of your inputs and outputs -- you can read from input 1 and turn on motor 2 without having to know an internal pin-out of the microcontroller.
Built-in functions for running vibration patterns, handling button clicks, and reading inputs
Integrated Input Grooming (Coming Soon): Most sensors are noisy, and getting good responses from them usually requires incorporating smoothing, statistical, and calibration functions. OSSex will have all these functions built-in to automatically present you with well-groomed data.
Serial console to easily tweak how your Mod behaves without having to do any programming. You can build web apps to talk to your toy with Chrome’s Serial API, control it with your phone, or as one of our beta testers put it, find your sweet spot:
“I was surprised by how much I liked the fast [vibration patterns]. Have you ever watched a cat getting petted by 2+ people at once? It can't figure out how to react, and that's how I felt with those rapid random pulses. I had to make each one last longer than 70 milliseconds (250 ms was my sweet spot), and it felt amazing. Purrrrrrrrr.”
Testing and Iterations
The Mod is a result of over a year of work. Our hyper-fast, iterative prototyping process lets us work out the kinks in our designs and to engineer increasingly refined ways to produce the Mod and our future projects and products.
The Mod started as a basic dildo with six tiny embedded vibration motors and a bunch of wires sticking out. Now, it’s a refined form with embedded hardware and buttons for controlling it. We went from clay and foam models to 3D printed models and silicone glove molds. We started off with an off-the-shelf Lilypad Arduino microcontroller, and then designed and produced a custom Arduino-based solution.
We refined not only the technology, but also the user experience. We sent each version out to beta testers for feedback about how it actually felt and what kinds of projects they’d like to make with it. We incorporated this feedback into subsequent designs and now we have something that we’re confident you’ll enjoy hacking and using.
By funding this campaign at any level, you’re also supporting Comingle. Comingle is more than just an open-source sex toy company. We are working to create a sex-positive community of hackers and techno-sex enthusiasts. We support the growth of this community through the principles of open-source, which enable us to easily and quickly innovate in the areas of stimulation, interaction, and doing it yourself.
Open-source Sex Tech
Sex and DIY have always gone hand-in-hand. We want to maintain that relationship as technology begins to play a greater role in the bedroom. The open-source software and hardware movements have provided excellent examples of how to make great, accessible, and customizable programs and products that encourage exploration. By applying the principles and practices of open-source to sex tech, we can encourage hackers to explore sexuality and people interested in sexuality to explore technology. We enact the principles of open-source in three main ways:
Documentation - We don’t just provide circuit diagrams and source code. We go out of our way to clearly document, with photos and instructions, our production processes, design specifications, tips and tricks, and even our materials and suppliers. We want to make sure that everyone has all the information needed to make one of our products.
Access - A key issue in the typical open-source and the DIY tech community is that it’s only accessible to relatively wealthy and well-educated people. We build and document projects that don’t require tons of space, tools, materials, prior knowledge, or start-up capital to do. We know that some of our projects are out of reach for lots of people and we look for workarounds to decrease the barriers to entry for DIY sex-tech.
Community Engagement - It’s not enough just to post a bunch of information if it’s not easy or useful for the community to understand. We conduct workshops which use our projects to teach software, hardware, and sex-positive ideals. We are also constructing an online space for the community to share and find information about projects, ideas, and sex-tech in general.
A Resource for the Sex Hacker Community
We see Comingle as a resource for the sex-tech community. We will sell components, kits, and complete products that make it easy for hackers of all levels to build the sex tech of their dreams. We’ll also host forums, encourage dialog, and publish instructions from our community. We want to give like-minded people a place to go for sex hacking info and discussion. Finally, we’ll host workshops, hackathons and parties to bring sex-tech to people who might not encounter otherwise.
Open-source - Remaining open-source in a global supply chain will be complicated. Some suppliers want secrecy, and knock-offs are even easier for other people to make. We’ll do our best to find sympathetic suppliers and protect our brand with a trademark while keeping all the information free. Then, you'll at least know that when you buy something that is made by Comingle, we’ll stand behind it with a guarantee of quality.
Manufacturing - Our anticipated order quantities are in between the number we can make ourselves and the minimum order quantities required by larger manufacturers. Also some of our design decisions may pose challenges for medium-scale manufacturers that we intend to work with. Refining our design so that it has all the features we want while making it easy to manufacture will require us to solve some challenging problems. Our track record with improving our design and manufacturing process shows our ability to solve these problems as we move forward with scaling up manufacturing.
Community Building - Building a product is one thing. Building a community is something else entirely. We’ll be actively developing our website and continuing to document our projects. We’ll also be stepping up our social media game to engage with people where they already congregate to find out more about what they’d like to see from Comingle. However, a community is only as valuable as its members, so we’ll be doing things to attract contributions from talented people, to jump start our forums and grow our how-tos section.
Andy and Paul founded Comingle after Andy helped a colleague make a vibrator in the Panamanian jungle out of electronic parts he had for his dissertation research (true story). Based on that experience, they realized that sex could be a great way to get people interested in learning electronics and coding, and that their Ph.D. research had given them all the skills they needed to make a great vibrator and to create new ways for people to interact with and experience sex toys in general.
Andrew Quitmeyer
Andy is a polymath adventurer exploring new ways of interacting with living creatures. At Comingle, he employs his skills in physical computing and animal interaction to develop novel means of engaging with the human animal.
Paul Clifton
Paul's focus at Comingle is on interaction design, combining forms and sensors in ways that let our products respond to your body. His background is in digital media, interaction design and engineering.
Craig Durkin
Craig oversees Comingle’s electronics and software design. His background is in materials science and nanotechnology process development.
Melanie Satchno
Melanie helps craft and document our growing list of how-to articles. She has a background in non-profit administration and sociology.
Over the last year, we’ve really refined the device. We still have a lot of work to do to help make the Mod more widely available in order to fulfill our vision of an open-source sex hacker community. We’ll keep you up to date about our progress through the campaign site, our blog and social media accounts, and our mailing list.
We currently have developed a process to produce high-quality Mods ourselves. We use these for beta-testing and in publishing How-To articles that instruct and inspire aspiring sex hackers.
This campaign will give us the resources we need to complete the testing and engineering of the Mod for mass production. The contributions will also build out our website to allow contributions and conversations from all the horny hackers out there.
We'll be constantly developing more peripherals and features to illustrate the Dilduino's potential. These will be documented and made available in our online store. And finally, as Comingle grows, we’ll be able to provide completely new toys, like a re-engineered, body safe Electric Eel Digital Condom!
After a year and a half of design and prototyping we are ready to launch! We'll have all your dildos ready to ship by July at the latest! By August of this year, people should be having lots of fun!
By funding our campaign, you’re supporting the growth of a sex-positive company committed to the principles of open-source. The perks are a great way for us to give you something for your support, and for you to continue to show your support after the campaign ends.
If you choose our featured perk, the Mod, you’ll get a great vibrator, and the more people who do projects with the Mod, the more powerful it becomes. Funds from the Mod will help us grow production and design even more cool sex toys. Other perks, like t-shirts and party packs, help fund the growth of the Comingle community. We want our website to become a place like Instructables, full of user generated content that encourages sexual and technological exploration, and your support will help us build the infrastructure to support that community.
If you don’t want your boss or parents to know that you funded a dildo company, just choose “Don’t display my name on the campaign page” on the Indiegogo pledge page:
Support Comingle
If you just want to see Comingle grow, you can choose this perk and enter any amount on the pledge page. It costs us about $200 to post a new How-to article, and every contribution gets us closer to our goal.
Tricky Perk
Donate $3 or more to support Comingle and you could get to name a vibration pattern in the OSSex library. The trick is that only the last 5 people who choose this perk will get to pick a name, so watch the number of this perk that get claimed and donate again if you have to.
Comingle Zine #1
The Comingle Zine will include exclusive offline content and will feature one well-documented Mod hack, lots of beautiful photos, and one theory article about a topic relevant to open-source sex technology.
(It'll look better than this)
Show your support for techno-sexual exploration by wearing a Comingle shirt like we wear in our videos. For $25 you get a shirt silk-screened with standard ink. For $40 you get a shirt like we wear in the videos, printed with the same silicone we use for the Mod. From the amount of clothes we have ruined pouring silicone, you can trust us that it won't fade in the wash! We’ll follow up with you after the campaign about size and color preferences.
Comingle Party Pack
Want to have a fun sexy party. For $25 we’ll send you some condoms and lube with our logo on them, as well as some stickers and temporary tattoos that you can use to boldly proclaim your support of open-source sex tech.
Adopt a Homeless Dildo
We make lots of dildos to test our molds and colors and sometimes just because we can. If you choose this perk, you get one of these adorable dildos that’s just looking for a nice place to call home. These guys don’t vibrate, but they look really cool. $25 gets you a small dildo. Increase your pledge to $35 if you’d like one of the larger ones. (As with many of our items, some might even glow in the dark!)
Make it Glow
Add $14 to your dildo or other silicone contribution if you want it to GLOW! Add $7 and we'll throw in a UV laser to draw on it!
Dilduino and Motors
If you want to start from the ground up, this is the way to do it. The Dilduino is the Arduino-based platform that runs the Mod. It includes three motor driver circuits and a USB recharging circuit for a LiPo battery, so it’s really easy to embed in your project. You can program it from scratch using Arduino, or use our OSSex library to make selecting inputs and driving the motors easier.
The motors are the most powerful vibrating motors we could find that operate at 3.3 volts. You can really tell the difference between them and some of the tiny vibration motors that you find all over the place.
$60 gets you the fully assembled board and three vibration motors. We’ll leave the motors unattached to give you more flexibility.
Dilduino and Snow Crash Kit
Want to build your own Electronic Hallucinogens? Try out some digital psychedelia with flashing light patterns? It's crazy but fun!
We will send you the dilduino plus all the components necessary to build your own shocking kit. It can also be used as a TENS unit for stimulating muscles. We have full documentation here.
The Mod
Be one of the first to own this great vibrator and get a head start exploring your own techno-sexual fantasies. You get all the features of a great vibrator: 3 powerful motors in a firm yet bendy shaft, 100% body safe silicone, USB recharging, and lots of great patterns that you can control using the built in buttons.
Every Mod purchased through this campaign comes with a Nunchuck controller. We have made it plug-and-play for you, and it's a great way to directly control each motor and manipulate patterns while they run. It will also include a USB micro cable for charging and reprograming.
Select this perk if you want to have a good time as soon as possible, and you’ll be ready for the release of our plug-and-play accessories for things like heartbeat detection and music syncing.
The Mod + Sensor Pack
If you want to dig a little deeper into attaching sensors and programing your Mod, choose this perk, and you’ll get everything that comes with the Mod (Vibrator, Nunchuck, and USB cable) and a collection of sensors that you can use to control the motors and patterns from your Mod.
Unlike some of the peripherals (like the Wii Nunchuck), the sensors in the pack won’t be directly plug-and-play. You’ll have to build some simple circuits around them and program the Mod to work with them. We’ll have lots of illustrated sample circuits and code on our website, though, to get you started quick.
You’ll get the following components in the Sensor Pack:
An important part of Comingle is helping people explore their sexuality through hacking. Workshops are a big part of us accomplishing that mission. For $1800 plus the cost of flights and hotel rooms, we will come to your event, party, or jungle expedition to run a workshop about electronics, coding, and sexuality.
Workshops can be targeted for absolute beginners up to Arduino experts and can be tailored to suit your needs. We’ll sort out the details with you in plenty of time to make it to your event, but we can’t do any workshops before May. Just choose this perk and contribute $1800, and we’ll get the conversation started.
(Here's a little workshop/talk we had in Good Vibrations in San Francisco)
Sexy Workshop On a Plane
We’re just as fancy as all those other fancy dildo companies, and to prove it, for the low, low price of $40,000, we’ll host a workshop for you and three of your friends on a private plane. You all get Mods and a bunch of accessories, and you’ll learn how to hack it at 40,000 feet (that works out to just $1.00/foot!). This sounds like a LOT of fun to us, so we’d love it if someone claimed this perk.
How will you make money if you give away all your designs?
We will sell components, kits, and sex toys to people who don’t have access to tools, the time, or the desire to make their own dildos from the ground up. For people who do want to make their own vibrators, we’ll have the info available, but for others, the documentation is as much about inspiring new ideas as it is about duplicating our products and projects.
Will you ship your products discreetly?
Yes, by default we will ship all products super discreetly in nondescript cardboard boxes. For people who have a personal relationship with their mail carriers, though, we also provide an indiscreet shipping option.
What color will the Mod come in?
As you see in our photos and videos, the Mod could come in a dizzying array of colors. We'll offer the Mod in solid colors and with a metallic finish, and hopefully be able to offer glow in the dark and marbled colors as well. We'll communicate with our backers after the campaign about color options.
In your videos and How-to articles, I keep seeing different sizes and shapes of dildos? What's going on?
All the Mods you see in our documentation are prototypes. We made the different shapes to test different forms and to figure out how best to embed electronics in silicone. Here's a rendering of the shape of form of what you'll be getting. It won't have any rough edges, and the ports will have a cover to keep out water and lube.
What do you mean by Gender-neutral?
We tried to design this toy to be fun no matter what you have between your legs. It's designed to hit g-spots, prostates, clits, glans, and taints of all sorts.
What business do three white dudes have making sex toys for ladies?
First of all, butts. We’ve all got ‘em and our vibes are super good for all of them. Second of all, you’re totally right, we’re privileged. We had the benefit of having the opportunity to and encouragement to pursue education and careers in science and technology, and we’re really grateful for that. Sex is fun for everyone, and we hope that our work can help grow interest in technology, but we’ll always be looking for feedback from people with backgrounds, body types, and identities different from our own.
By leaving the design open and accessible, we encourage you to make the Mod truly yours. We've had beta testers tell us that certain vibration patterns didn't do it for them, and it was no problem for them to change the pattern or remove it completely.
Finally, we understand that different people like different things. We know that one shape of the Mod won't work for everyone. We hope that by having a successful campaign, we can produce the Mod in many different forms and continue to create resources for people wanting to create and modify their own toys.
Looking for more information?Check the project
If you bought a dildo and you want us to make it with glowing silicone, just add $14! If you want a cool UV laser with it to also draw on your dildos just add $7 more dollars.
5 claimed
$5 USD
Perk to simply demonstrate your support and help us fund more articles and documentation of Open-Source Sex Technology! You can increase this pledge as much as you want! Approximately every $200 let's us produce another article at
16 claimed
Comingle Zine #1
$17 USD
Get a print version of our first zine! Cool photography and articles about the latest in Techno-Sexual exploration!
Estimated Shipping
April 2015
3 out of 100 of claimed
$45 USD
Just the straight up dilduino!
We made our favorite microcontroller for embedding in projects, it's got all the extra circuit you usually have to add on in any full project:
like battery charging circuit, momentary on-off push buttons and toggle buttons, and motor drivers, and singular access input pins that you can change via software (like analog in, serial, interrupts)!
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
6 claimed
The Mod
$199 USD
The Mod, as described, with a Nunchuck controller and USB cables. A great vibrator at a great price, that will only get better as we and others make new peripherals for it.
Add $20 for international shipping.
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Sexy Mod Workshop
$1,800 USD
We will come to your event, party, business, gallery, or wherever and run a workshop about making and hacking Mods. We can tailor the workshop to any skill level and can cover lots of different topics of interest. The workshop host will also be responsible for airfare and lodging. Please contact us if you have any questions about this perk.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
1 out of 2 of claimed
Sexy Sky Time
$40,000 USD
To keep up with other fancy sex toy companies, here's an outrageous perk. Give us 40K, and you get a bunch of sex toys for you and your 3 closest friends to check out during a flight on a private jet. We'll sort out the details after the campaign, but rest assured this perk will be a LOT of fun.