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The Monochrome Project

Every day Albinos in Tanzania are hounded in the name of witchcraft. Their photographs, their story.


The Monochrome Project

The Monochrome Project

The Monochrome Project

The Monochrome Project

The Monochrome Project

Every day Albinos in Tanzania are hounded in the name of witchcraft. Their photographs, their story.

Every day Albinos in Tanzania are hounded in the name of witchcraft. Their photographs, their story.

Every day Albinos in Tanzania are hounded in the name of witchcraft. Their photographs, their story.

Every day Albinos in Tanzania are hounded in the name of witchcraft. Their photographs, their story.

The Monochrome Project
The Monochrome Project
The Monochrome Project
The Monochrome Project
1 Campaign |
Glasgow, United Kingdom
$148 USD $148 USD 3 backers
21% of $677 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Monochrome Project

Every day in Tanzania, albino men, women and children are persecuted in the name of witchcraft! With threats of torment, amputated limbs and even death these people with albinism have been forced to live in compounds for their own safety. The Monochrome Project has three aims:

  • To raise awareness of the persecution of persons with albinism and the witchcraft rituals that lead to their torment. 
  • To let these people with albinism tell their story through photography.
  • To publish their photos and raise further money and awareness of the charities trying to support these people.

The plight of these people is often ignored and is certainly underrepresented in the media. You can help by supporting this three-tiered project of awareness, expression and support.

A NOTE ON THE TITLE: The Monochrome Project was chosen as a title to reflect the use of black and white photography and also because monochrome is the opposite of colour, a point of pain for many of these people.  In addition this project is about capturing the stories of these individuals. It is often said that there is no better way to capture emotion than monochrome photography.

The Plan

Here are some more specific details about how the money will be spent:

  • We hope to send at least £100 on disposable black & white cameras to various albino compounds in Tanzania. The camera will be distributed amongst men, women and children of all ages with the brief 'to tell their story'.  
  • We will also submit a form to each person along with the camera, asking them to tell us their story or to write a poem for inclusion in the book.
  • When all the cameras have been used they will be returned to the UK and the photos will be developed. Selection will be made of photos for the book, text will be edited and publishers approached.
  • If publishers do not accept the work a website will be launched to promote the cause. 
  • If the fund raising goal is not reached, all proceeds will be submitted to the Tanzania Albino Charity for use where they see fit. 

The Impact

With 1 in every 1428 Tanzanians is born with albinism. The Monochrome Project would initially one reach a handful of these people, but the raising of awareness has the potential to make a real impact in this area:

  • Raising awareness of the Tanzanian albino situation - human-rights issue - without endangering those affected. 
  • Giving these people a voice, a means of expression to tell their story.
  • To create a book or website that will continue to promote these people, the charities and their cause.

Risks & Challenges

So what are the risks...?

  • If we did not reach our budget then the cameras could not be sent and the funds would be donated to the Tanzania Albino Charity who are always in need of new clothing etc. for the people they care for.
  • Similar projects in the past associated with artistic causes have proved very successful. We would not have to worry about the photographs not being good enough. 
  • If the publishers reject us, again no problem. We will instead launch a website to promote the cause through the stories of these people.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you just can't contribute for whatever reason, that doesn't mean you can't help:

  • Please promote The Monochrome Project through, societies, friends,  social media and any other ways you can think of. 
  • Getting the word out about these people's lives is always important!

If you want to find out more or donate to another Tanzanian Albino Charity visit Tanzania Albino Charity or Under the Same Sun for more information.

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Your Name - Our Book

Currency Conversion $12 USD
£10 GBP
If you donate even just £10, we will acknowledge you in our book (and/or website). Upon receiving publication orders we will give you priority for purchasing first editions.
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