eat:em bar
We've developed a natural, tasty and healthy cricket bar. The recipe is simple: crickets, cocoa beans, cashews, almonds, dates and coconut oil. We now need your help with funding for the first batch. We promise to deliver an honest bar with a great purpose. Back us!
3 reasons to eat crickets
1. Crickets are efficient protein factories
Crickets need a very small area to grow. This makes them easy to include in already existing agriculture. It is also possible to feed them plants that are not sold to humans because of their blemishes. Crickets are also over 10x more efficient than cattle when it comes to converting feed into protein.
2. Crickets don't eat sprayed food
A lot of the food we eat everyday are being sprayed with chemicals. The food our crickets eat are not sprayed with insecticides because that would kill them. Crickets therefore contains less toxins than most of the vegetables we eat.
Well then, what does crickets eat? Non-sprayed carrots, ecological food waste and other vegetables. So fresh!
3. Crickets are like meat - without being like meat
Crickets are rich in protein, iron, zinc, vitamin b12, magnesium and calcium - exactly as meat. These are minerals and vitamins you need to feel good and stay healthy. But the best part is that eating crickets doesn't have the same drawbacks as red meat, which increases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Risks and challenges
Our main challenges is to grow and develop products without outside investors. We believe that independence is crucial for us in order to be focus on sustainability and health over profits. This campaign is very important for our future independence.
We are certain that we will be able to deliver bars if the campaign is successful. The recipe is ready, production is ready. We just need help with funds for the first batch.
Bar (45g)