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For more than 40 years, In These Times magazine has reported on and helped advance movements for social, economic, racial and environmental justice.
Today there's a hunger for new ideas—and an energy to organize and resist—that hasn't been seen in decades. Independent journalism that challenges corporate capitalism and isn't afraid to stand up to the powerful is needed now more than ever. To meet this demand, we're reinventing the magazine from the ground up—and we want you to join us.
“In These Times was my introduction to the Left.” —Ta-Nehisi Coates, award-winning author of Between the World and Me and Black Panther by Marvel Comics
This past year has been like nothing we've seen before. The election of Donald Trump has brought on new threats to women, workers, people of color and marginalized communities everywhere. But at the same time, we’ve seen an unprecedented outpouring of activism and organizing. Across the country, people are banding together to resist Trump’s reactionary agenda and push for real progressive change—from a higher minimum wage to action on climate change and single-payer healthcare.
As a non-profit, independent progressive magazine, the new In These Times will be there every step of the way, reporting on the growing resistance movements and campaigns to create a more just society. We’ve recommitted to covering efforts to protect and empower the communities who are now most at risk, and to highlighting the new ideas and new voices we desperately need.
The new In These Times will feature on-the-ground reporting from the front lines of social movements, as well as the ongoing battle to remake the Democratic Party in a bolder, more progressive direction. Each issue will be full of coverage you won’t find anywhere else, including incisive political analysis from the Left, thought-provoking features, investigative reporting, essays on culture and the arts, cartoons and much, much more.
We’ll delve into the most important political debates happening on the Left today—including how we can:
—Resist Trump
—Combat climate change
—Rein in corporate power
—Strengthen workers' rights
—End runaway income inequality
—Fight racism and white supremacy
—Curb mass incarceration and police violence
—Support the struggle of undocumented immigrants
—Expand the social safety net
—Protect voting rights
—Defend civil liberties
—Confront corporate capitalism
The new magazine will also be a place you can turn to for hope, highlighting some of the most effective and inspiring organizing happening today.
If there was ever a moment to invest in independent, progressive journalism, this is it.
Every backer will get behind-the-scenes access to follow the progress of the new In These Times, as well as a chance to weigh in as we go.
“At a time when fewer and fewer large media conglomerates own and control what the American people see, hear and read, the role that In These Times plays becomes ever more important. We need publications in this country that are unapologetically on the side of social and economic justice, and environmental sanity. And that's what In These Times is.” —Bernie Sanders
“In These Times provides a platform and sustained attention to a host of issues that are too-often overlooked by other outlets.” —Chris Hayes, former In These Times senior editor and host of All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC
Your support will help cover the costs of expanding the magazine with more pages, more features, and more writers every month. As a non-profit magazine, In These Times has always relied on support from readers, not corporate advertisers, to continue publishing. Today, it’s becoming increasingly clear that this is the only way hard-hitting journalism has any chance of surviving.
It's a tragic irony of our time that just when we need bold, truth-telling journalism most, financial support for this kind of reporting has all but evaporated. Between 2007 and 2015, the number of full-time journalists working at daily newspapers fell by 40 percent. Every day there are fewer reporters on the beat, and less on the ground reporting is being done.
That may sound bleak, but we’ve never been more optimistic. Every day, more and more readers step up and show that quality journalism matters to them—and that they’re willing to chip in to support it. This is your chance to fund the kind of journalism you want to read.
“I’ve rarely encountered a left organization more thoughtful, open, and dynamic than In These Times circa 2017. Added bonus, they're almost all in their 20s and 30s. If this is the Left of the future, we have little to fear.” —Rick Perlstein, historian and author of Nixonland and The Invisible Bridge
“Part of the reason the New Left [of the 1960s] disintegrated was that it had no intellectual center and no popular publication to disseminate its ideas and let people know what it was doing and why.” —In These Times founder James Weinstein
In 1976, historian James Weinstein and a handful of journalists moved to Chicago to launch an independent publication to inform and critically analyze the emerging new movements on the American Left. They modeled their new publication on Appeal to Reason, a socialist newspaper from the turn of the century that once reached more than half a million subscribers.
from a 1915 issue of Appeal to Reason
The early issues of In These Times created a community for progressives who, inspired by the political rebellion of the 1960s, continued to desire transformative change. Over the years, In These Times carved out a unique space on the Left, bridging coverage of social movements with progressive electoral politics, while publishing groundbreaking investigations that challenged the growing power of corporations over government and our daily lives.
Today, there’s a new wave of people who are rising up to resist, but who also want new solutions to the problems we face. To meet the challenge—and the opportunity—of this moment, we’re re-envisioning the magazine from the ground up, to create a monthly magazine for these times. And we want you to be part of that process.
Every backer will get special, behind the scenes access to follow the progress of the editorial and design teams as the new magazine comes together. You’ll also get a chance to weigh in, to let us know what you think and what you want to see, and to help shape the final product.
As a non-profit, we rely on support from our readers to go to press every month, and this magazine is just as much yours as it is ours.
This is your chance to be the first to read the new In These Times, hot off the press. But that’s not all—we also have all kinds of perks for each level of support to thank you for chipping in to make this project possible.
THE MAGAZINE: Get a one-year, two-year, or lifetime subscription to In These Times, starting with the first issue of the new format.
"THE AGE OF INEQUALITY": New from Verso books, this collection highlights some of the best writing from In These Times charting the staggering rise in inequality and the fall of the American middle class over the past 40 years.
"#BLACKLIVESMATTER TO BLACK LIBERATION": From Haymarket books, activist and scholar Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor looks at the rise of the Movement for Black Lives and its potential to reignite a broader push for Black liberation.
"OUTSIDER IN THE WHITE HOUSE" and "OUR REVOLUTION": Two books from Bernie Sanders—the first charting his unlikely rise from student activist to presidential candidate, and the second telling the story of his unprecedented 2016 campaign.
"INVISIBLE BRIDGE": Get 12 issues of the new In These Times, plus a signed, hardback copy of Rick Perlstein's critically acclaimed book on the fall of Richard Nixon and the rise of Ronald Reagan, "The Invisible Bridge."
"THE S-WORD": Naomi Klein calls John Nichols book on the U.S.'s rich tradition of socialist thinkers and lawmakers “a crucial book” and “a chilling reminder of how much rich American history has been erased.”
"THE LONG DETOUR": James Weinstein's overview of the history of socialism in the United States and of the continuing relevance of socialist principles today.
"NO IS NOT ENOUGH": Naomi Klein's newest book in response to the election of Donald Trump will help you understand not just how we got here, but how we can collectively come together to build a better world.
THE PARTY: Join us in Chicago on September 9th for our annual party, and help kick off the new In These Times in style. Hosted by Troy LaRaviere (the principal who took on Mayor Rahm Emanuel), we'll be honoring Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director of the Domestic Workers Alliance, as well as Natalie Moore, Chicago reporter, ITT alumna and author of The South Side.
BE A PUBLISHER: Join the ITT Publishing Consortium as an Ally or Colleague, and help ensure the work we do can continue for the long-haul.
One of the most important things your donations will support is our continuing commitment to remaining a place were emerging young writers, and especially women and writers of color, can get their start in journalism. Not only does this provide In These Times readers with access to some of the newest and most vibrant voices writing on the Left, it helps plant the seeds for next generation of progressive journalists like Chris Hayes and Ta-Nehisi Coates.
The first issue of the new In These Times will feature on-the-ground reporting from former ITT intern and regular contributor Carlos Ballesteros, on how local communities are responding to the ongoing crisis of gun violence on Chicago's South Side. Here's what he had to say recently about the importance of In These Times to young journalists:
And former intern and regular contributor Keisa Reynolds stopped by our office to talk about the importance of In These Times magazine for young journalists of color:
By chipping in to help support this campaign, you'll be investing in the next generation of journalists.
Looking for more information?Check the project
Support independent, progressive journalism and help it grow with a 12-issue Solidarity Subscription.
Included Items
12 issue subscription
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
124 claimed
Support the Cause
$5 USD
Want to show your support for independent journalism? Kick in $5 to help.
Included Items
Behind the scenes access
20 claimed
The Online Reader
$20 USD
Prefer your journalism online? Read all our content on, guilt-free.
Included Items
Behind the scenes access
190 claimed
One Year Subscription
$30 USD
Get 12 monthly issues of In These Times magazine, starting with the first issue of the new format.
Included Items
12 issue subscription
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
233 claimed
Give a Gift Subscription
$30 USD
Know someone who might enjoy In These Times? Give a one year, 12-issue gift subscription to a friend or family member, starting with the issue of your choice.
Included Items
12 issue gift subscription
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
20 claimed
Renew Your Subscription
$30 USD
Already a subscriber to In These Times? We'll extend your subscription by another 12 issues.
Included Items
12 additional issues of ITT
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
101 claimed
2 Year Subscription
$50 USD
Double down: Get two full years (24 monthly issues) of the new In These Times.
Included Items
24 issue subscription
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
101 claimed
From #BLM to Black Liberation
$60 USD
Get 12 monthly issues of the new In These Times magazine, as well as a copy of Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor 's acclaimed book "From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation" and a copy of the September 2016 issue of ITT, featuring a cover story on the Movement for Black Lives.
Included Items
12 issue gift subscription
Behind the scenes access
"#BLM to Black Liberation"
Black Lives Matter issue
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
14 claimed
12 Issues + Age of Inequality
$75 USD
Get 12 issues of the new In These Times magazine, as well as a copy of our new book, "The Age of Inequality: Corporate America's War on Working People," featuring contributions from Bernie Sanders, Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy and more.
Included Items
12 issue subscription
"The Age of Inequality"
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
27 claimed
Feel the Bern
$100 USD
Get 12 issues of the new In These Times magazine, as well as both of Bernie Sanders' books ("Outsider in the White House" and "Our Revolution") and a collector's edition of the July 2015 issue of In These Times, featuring Bernie Sanders on the cover.
Included Items
12 issue subscription
"Outsider in the White House"
"Our Revolution"
Bernie Sanders collector cover
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
15 claimed
The Democratic Socialist
$125 USD
Get a two full years (24 issues) of the new In These Times, as well as two important books on the history of democratic socialism in the U.S.—"The Long Detour" by historian Jimmy Weinstein, and the "S-Word" by John Nichols.
Included Items
24 issue subscription
"The Long Detour"
"The S-Word"
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
20 claimed
The Book Buyer
$150 USD
Prefer books to magazines? Get two books that explain how we got to this present moment, along with two that chart a clear course out: "The Age of Inequality" from In These Times, "The Long Detour" by historian Jimmy Weinstein, "Our Revolution" by Bernie Sanders, and "No Is Not Enough" by Naomi Klein.
Included Items
"The Age of Inequality"
"Our Revolution"
"The Long Detour"
"No Is Not Enough"
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
4 out of 50 of claimed
Party Like It's 1976
$250 USD
Get 2 tickets to our September 9th anniversary party in Chicago, along with a 12-issue subscription and a copy of our new book, "The Age of Inequality: Corporate America's War on Working People," featuring contributions from Bernie Sanders, Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy and more.
Included Items
12 issue subscription
"The Age of Inequality"
2 tickets to our Chicago party
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
3 claimed
Lifetime Subscription
$500 USD
Show you're in it for the long haul. Help ensure that In These Times can continue making trouble for the next 40 years.
Included Items
Lifetime magazine subscription
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
16 claimed
$1,000 USD
Join the In These Times Publishing Consortium as an "Ally" and get a lifetime subscription for yourself, as well as a lifetime gift subscription for a friend or family member.
Included Items
Lifetime magazine subscription
Lifetime gift subscription
Behind the scenes access
Estimated Shipping
September 2017
0 claimed
$2,500 USD
Join the In These Times Publishing Consortium as a "Colleague" and get a full page ad in the magazine for an organization of your choice, a lifetime subscription for yourself, as well as a lifetime gift subscription for a friend or family member.