I'm Hoping To Employ An Editor For My New Book
I'm Kylie Sturgess, podcaster for the Token Skeptic, blogger on Patheos and writer for the Skeptical Inquirer website's "Curiouser And Curiouser", occasional radio presenter, social media maven, TEDxPerth presenter ... and mostly harmless.
I'm the author of one self-published book on skepticism, secularism and atheism, published in 2013, called The Scope Of Skepticism: Interviews, Essays and Observations From the Token Skeptic Podcast .
In 2014, I worked on creating the second book, which is still untitled. However, the chapters are written, the book is planned out... and I'd like to make it better than the first book.
That's where you come in.
I'm passionate about getting skepticism, science and rationalism beyond the "choir" (although choirs in themselves are awesome to be in and without them, how do you think choral singing started? Penguins miming to a backing track?) - and for most of my career, I've contributed my time, money and energy to just that. I fund pretty much all of my travel, get some great help with my podcast, but a book is a different kind of project.
I've written one book of interviews, essays and reflections, and I'd like to do the same thing again. Not just "things already found online", but some unpublished work and unprinted interviews or extended ones.
But I'd like a better product this time round, and an editor seems the best way to make that happen.
The book is going to happen, as it's already written.
What I'm after is some help to improve it - and an editor can do that.
What I Need & What You Get
Here's the deal:
I've contacted a great editor, who has done fantastic work for atheist and secular authors in the past - they're happy to take on the project (which was my first big step!). I'll be putting the final touches on my book so they can have it by the end of September.
- What can you get? Credit in the book! Copies of the "audio version" of the book! Copies of the book, either electronic or paperback, and I'll get merchandise if I hit some stretch goals.
What happens if I don't hit my goal? Doesn't matter.
All that money goes to the editor, and they'll do the best they can with the time they have and the funding I can get them. I'm a student and I'll do what I can with what I can afford.
This book is going to be made, I'd just like to make it better.
Why A Book?
The last book, The Scope Of Skepticism: Interviews, Essays and Observations From the Token Skeptic Podcast, got some great reviews and a lot of likes from people who might not ordinarily think that there's such a range of thinkers and issues out there.
It'd be great to reach more people, with a edited product that reflects the high regard I have for the people who do so much for worthy causes.
I've interviewed artists, musicians, comedians, activists, educators and more - if you'd like to get an idea of the content, you can just check out the Curiouser and Curiouser column, where some (not all!) of my interviews are housed.
Risks & Challenges
Maybe I won't make enough money to hit the goal? Well, I've put in too much time over the past two years with my work to let that stop me.
But every cent goes to the editor, who was the one who cited a reasonable cost for their valuable time, which is the goal set here.
Any extra? I'll contact a great designer and see if they can help polish the final product. Even if I end up doing much of this myself, I'll be hugely grateful for you for helping employ people to get this book out.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Get the word out and make some noise about the campaign! Social media loves the noise of good causes and you can do that with ease.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools!
Any further questions, just hit me up at tokenskeptic at gmail.