We want to make the life-changing parables of Jesus contextually relevant to the audience of today using the most powerful communication tool we have; film.
What do I mean by that? If Jesus was to tell the same parables to us today, what characters would He use? What settings? In no way are these meant to replace the parables of the Bible, these films are meant to connect people to them.
So, in 2016 we enlisted the help of some friends and grabbed the equipment we had and made a pilot version of one of the parables we’re intending to produce but to be honest, that wasn’t the beginning.
This isn't something we just decided to do a few weeks ago, this series has been in the makings for a very long time and now we just need the final push to make it a reality. Have a look at where we are in this epic journey...![]()
Above you can see the five films we’re going to be producing; The Sower, The Hidden Treasure, The Good Samaritan, The Talents and The Rich Fool.
Some of these films will be direct retellings like you can see in The Good Samaritan Pilot whereas other such as The Hidden Treasure, only two verses long in the Bible, will expand on what it would look like to go back to your family and convince them to sell everything you own for a treasure in a field. Our aim will be to serve the teaching of the parables in ways that viewers can connect with to have a fresh insight into the Biblical text.
The Impact
Last October we gathered a group of pastors and ministry leaders to watch the pilot of The Good Samaritan and to try out a sample of the accompanying study guide for feedback. What we didn't expect was the scope of their ideas a suggestions...
- Teaching Pastors wanted to use the films and bible studies in their small groups (especially to challenge preconceptions of older generations)
- Youth Pastors suggested using the films within their sermons to then jump into further discussions with their youth groups
- Others said these films had a place within schools on an RE syllabus to aid classes in what Jesus taught.
We also showed the film to a youth group (over sixty people) after some rowdy games. As soon as it started everyone was quiet and watched intently as the parables of the Jesus were brought to life on screen before them in a relevant way that they could more easily understand, freeing them to talk about the parable afterwards with greater understanding.
We want these films to be available to everyone. Everywhere. And that's why we will release them on YouTube; for everyone to watch on their phones, tablets, computers and TVs.
Take a look at what these pastors and ministry leaders had to say after watching The Good Samaritan Pilot and going through the study guide.
Film making is not cheap, but with a skeleton crew and jam-packed filming days we can produce each film for about £5000 each and use another £5000 to purchase the necessary filming equipment. We're asking for at least £15,000 on IndieGoGo to fund the equipment and the first two films of the series. The more we raise, the more films we can produce as we ask churches at the same time for match-funding.
The majority of the finance will go into the actual production of the films. We'll be casting professional actors, hiring sound designers and paying our film crew. That may not look like much at a first glance but each film will have a team of at least ten people (cast and crew) during shoot days, for a week of filming per parable, for five films. It adds up.
Then a small budget to go towards our post-production team to get it all looking and sounding beautiful.
The pre-production? ...that’ll be a lot of voluntary late nights!
What You Get
But the good news is, we've got lots of rewards and perks you get for helping make this project a reality. Here are some examples.
And much more. If you have any questions about any of the perk then please email us at info@roarlight.com
Why Download?
You may be asking why there is a download version of the films, which you have to pay for, when all the films will be released on YouTube for free?
That's because the YouTube versions are for everyone to watch privately, for their own enjoyment or study. However, if you are a pastor or ministry leader and want to show one or more of the films publicly, then you would need to purchase a Licensed Version which comes without any watermarks.![]()
And finally...
Please share this page on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Email lists and anywhere else you can. We want this to reach as many people as possible so we can make this series happen.
And most importantly, please pray for us. Not only for the fundraising campaign, but also for the production itself. We will be working with people from all walks of life and we want to represent Jesus in all that we do.
That's why it's our mission statement. To roar the light of Christ on and off the screen.
Thank you and God bless.