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The People VS Samandal Comics

Help Samandal fight censorship and continue publishing comics in Beirut

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The People VS Samandal Comics

The People VS Samandal Comics

The People VS Samandal Comics

The People VS Samandal Comics

The People VS Samandal Comics

Help Samandal fight censorship and continue publishing comics in Beirut

Help Samandal fight censorship and continue publishing comics in Beirut

Help Samandal fight censorship and continue publishing comics in Beirut

Help Samandal fight censorship and continue publishing comics in Beirut

Samandal Comics
Samandal Comics
Samandal Comics
Samandal Comics
1 Campaign |
Beirut, Lebanon
$31,106 USD 294 backers
51% of $60,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

What is Samandal?

Samandal is a volunteer-based non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the art of comics in Lebanon and the rest of the world. Based in Beirut, we have published comics anthologies and hosted comics-related events  since 2007.

from the launch of Samandal issue 5 in Beirut

In 2009 three of the four editors were charged by the Lebanese state with inciting sectarian strife, denigrating religion, publishing false news, and slander on account of “Christian personalities” taking offense to two panels from different comics in our 7th issue, titled “Revenge”.

Samandal 7: Revenge.

The panels were taken out of context and misinterpreted through a narrow sectarian reading, yet after five years of litigation we lost our case and the following appeal, forcing us to pay 30 million Lebanese Liras in damages.

The Samandal NGO has buckled under the weight of these fines and our latest issue, “Geography”, looks to be our last. We are launching a crowdfunding campaign in a last ditch effort to help Samandal fight this unjust ruling and continue publishing comics.

Read our full official statement about the court case here.

You can also read more about this story in this article in The New Yorker.

Where will your donations go?

Our primary aim is to publish more comics, mainly through our annual anthologies. We would like to secure funding for our next 2 books to be released in 2016 and 2017.

Samandal's latest book: the 2015 Geographie, edited by Joseph Kai

Each book will cost approximately $20,000, which are distributed thusly:

   •   Printing: $10,000
   •   Contributors: $5,000
   •   Translation: $2,000
   •   Release event and communication: $3,000

Second, we are building a comprehensive website in which all our back issues are available to download for free, in English, Arabic and French. It will also include a complete database of past and present contributing artists, cross-referenced with all their individual stories, functioning as a hub for contemporary comics in the region. This will cost $8,000, which are distributed thusly:

   •   Design: $2,700
   •   Development: $5000
   •   Domain registration and hosting: $300

Third, we are hiring an administrator, to organize and manage Samandal Comics Association for the coming 2 years. This will be a part time job paying $500 a month, which will amount to $12,000 in total.

If we manage to exceed the 60 K mark, the following is a list of possible future projects:

   •   Publishing Utopia by Omar Khouri in 2016
   •   International distribution plan
   •   Storage and office space
   •   Publishing additional anthologies and graphic novels

15 issues and 4 books published since 2007. Photo by Jonathan Guyer. Used with permission.

During the history of our association since 2007, we have so far published 15 magazine issues, 4 books and a number of special edition fanzines. We have organized a number of workshops, comics jams, lectures and exhibitions, and collaborated with comics collectives such as L'employé du Moi (our Belgian co-publisher for the above mentioned issue 7), L'association in France, Toktok in Egypt, Skefkef in Morrocco, and many others. Samandal also co-founded Beirut Animated, a biennial animation festival in Lebanon, with Metropolis Cinemas. We have been invited to and taken part in a number of comics festivals around the world including Angouleme International Comics Festival, Lucca Comics in Italy, Erlangen Comics Festival in Germany, to name a few and won 2 awards at the Algetian internationale comics festival (FIBDA). Support over the years has come to us from Xanadu, Foundation For arts Initiative (FFAI), Arab Fund for Art and Culture (AFAC), Young Arab Theater Fund (YATF), Ashkal Alwan and many other local and international organizations.

But our greatest support has always come from our readers and fans, who give meaning to all our hard work and trouble. 

 What will you get in return for your generosity?

Joe Sacco's original cover for his celebrated book Palestine. Drawn February 1994.  Ink on paper, 25.5 x 28 cm. From the list of the campaign's perks

We have a juicy selection of books and magazines, handmade and digital limited edition prints, original comics pages and artwork from a bunch of local and international artists. Highlights include original work from:

   •   The renowned comics journalist Joe Sacco, author of Palestine, and Notes from Gaza
   •   L’Association editor and Swiss/Lebanese comics artist Baladi
   •   Artist and filmmaker Akram Zaatari
   •   Eccentric artist and musician Raed Yassin
   •   Prolific comics artist and musician Mazen Kerbaj
   •   Delirious Samandal co-founder and Creator of imaginary items Omar Khouri offering to paint an original portrait of the donor in gouache
   •   Belgian artist Valfret and Samandal co-founder Lena Merhej, authors of the two original pages that caused the censorship problem

As well as:
Hatem Imam, Barrack Rima, Andy Warner, Frank Vega, Vito Manolo, Jana Traboulsi, Laure Ghorayeb, Paula Bulling, Lautaro Fizman, Joanna Hellgrin

We have created a page with images of all our perks for you you to choose from. Please click here

Unfortunately, shipping of these perks is not included in the prices, because it will vary depending on origin country and destination of each.

You can also contribute by spreading the word and buying our comics, and remember to use the indiegogo share tools!

Omar Khouri inspecting the printing
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Choose your Perk

Thank you!

$5 USD
We will add your name on a thank you page on our website & you get a pdf download of a back issue of your choice.
10 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Latest Book Download

$15 USD
We will add your name on a thank you page on our website & you get a pdf download of our latest book, Geography.
34 claimed

Mini Comics

$25 USD
We will add your name on a thank you page on our website & you will receive 4 mini comics by Andy Warner or 2 issues of Irene Comics Magazine.
28 out of 400 of claimed

2 Books

$40 USD
Your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive Soulala, and Mrabba w Laban.
25 out of 300 of claimed

Latest Book

$50 USD
Your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive the latest issue of Samandal Comics, Geography along with pdf download of 5 back issues of your choice.
50 out of 200 of claimed

Prints Collection 1

$100 USD
Your choice of a silkscreen/digital print by the following artists: Frank Vega, Andy Warner, Vito Manolo Roma, Jana Traboulsi, Barrack Rima. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
31 out of 47 of claimed

Prints Collection 1B

$200 USD
Your choice of a linocut/silkscreen/mixed media print by the following artists: Cathon, Zeina Bassil, Raphaelle Macaron, Vincent Longhi, and the Fdz. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
4 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Prints Collection 2

$250 USD
Your choice of a silkscreen by Mazen Kerbaj or a signed and numbered etching by Hatem Imam. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & your will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
12 out of 35 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Original Artwork Series

$300 USD
Your choice of an series of original drawing by the following artists; Ghadi Ghosn (3 drawings), Sara Sukhun (5 drawings), Julie Delporte (3 drawings), Otto T (4 drawings), BERT (6 drawings) In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
0 out of 5 of claimed

Prints Collection 3

$350 USD
Your choice of a signed silkscreen by Laure Ghorayeb or a signed and numbered etching by Mazen Kerbaj. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & your will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
4 out of 13 of claimed

Original Artwork 1

$500 USD
Your choice of an original comic page by the following artists; Velfret, Barrack Rima, Lena Merhej, Omar Khouri, Jana Traboulsi, Lautaro Fizman, Joanna Hellgren. Or, an original watercolor sketch of Soulala cover by Paula Bulling. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
4 out of 40 of claimed

Original Artwork 2

$700 USD
An original gouache A1 page from the comic book Occam's Razor by Omar Khouri. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
0 out of 5 of claimed

Kerbaj or Baladi Original

$1,000 USD
An original drawing by either Mazen Kerbaj (1) or Alex Baladi (4). In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
2 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Original Offending Page

$1,000 USD
An original page from Issue 07 by Velfret or Lena Merhej. AKA, the pages that got us in trouble. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
1 out of 2 of claimed

Custom Portrait

$1,500 USD
Your portrait painted in gouache on a 36 x 51 cm paper by Omar Khouri. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
0 out of 3 of claimed

Raed Yassin Original

$3,000 USD
An original digital print photo with certificate from Raed Yassin. In addition to that, your name will be added on a thank you page on our website & you will receive our full backlog in pdf format.
0 out of 1 of claimed

Akram Zaatari Original

$3,000 USD
A digital print photo with certificate from Akram Zaatari.
0 out of 1 of claimed


$10,000 USD
For this amount of contribution, kindly get in touch with us on
0 claimed
sold out

Joe Sacco Original

$3,500 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed

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