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The Pond House Bed and Breakfast

An Unforgettable Bed and Breakfast that GUARANTEES to be the MOST UNIQUE in the area.

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The Pond House Bed and Breakfast

The Pond House Bed and Breakfast

The Pond House Bed and Breakfast

The Pond House Bed and Breakfast

The Pond House Bed and Breakfast

An Unforgettable Bed and Breakfast that GUARANTEES to be the MOST UNIQUE in the area.

An Unforgettable Bed and Breakfast that GUARANTEES to be the MOST UNIQUE in the area.

An Unforgettable Bed and Breakfast that GUARANTEES to be the MOST UNIQUE in the area.

An Unforgettable Bed and Breakfast that GUARANTEES to be the MOST UNIQUE in the area.

Brenda DuPont
Brenda DuPont
Brenda DuPont
Brenda DuPont
1 Campaign |
Payson, United States
$26 USD 2 backers
0% of $34,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

My Story:

Life is not about how long you live.  It is about the Memories you create.

Hi!  My name is Brenda DuPont, and I have been an "innkeeper" in my heart for over 20 years. With your help, I am hoping that it can become a reality. Most of my story is  on . The full story of where I started and what I need to do next.  Please also check out the Gallery for pictures of the property.

I have been grooming the property for over 10 years. Using all my resources to get it to the point of my retirement and starting what I have always wanted to do.


At one time, I had the equity in my home to build my dream. Then, you guessed it.  The BIG RECESSION OF 2009.  Now my mortgage company tells me I owe more than my property is worth......but I can not get them to come out and look at it, or all the improvements that I have made. They say I am "upside down" in my value......but I know that is  NOT TRUE! 

This property is so unique....that they just do not have anything to compare it to. I have been told that by appraisers. They just flat do not have anything in the immediate area to use as comps.

I have been told by realtors that it should appraise between 610K and 1 Million. It all seems to boil down to "accountability". No one wants to put themselves on the line. With out the "comps" they just won't do it. So, they appraise it as if it is just an ordinary house. They do not take into consideration that it has an acre and a half SPRING FED POND....AND all the WATER RIGHTS. They do not consider the pond at all. It is as if EVERY home in AZ has their own lake.....big deal!  Have you been to Arizona?  Do you have a lake?  I just want to kick them!

I am not going I can wait it out. ......but what can't is my dream

Please check out my website so I do not repeat myself.

My fondest memories have always been wrapped around children, family,vacations, relaxation and the people you meet that inspire you. I guess you can say that now that I am older, my new hobby is making happy memories.  And I have some I would like to share with you.

This is Miss Alice.  Alice does not live here on earth anymore, but when she was with us.........the Pond house was her "happy place".  She did not win the third battle she fought with cancer, but at 90 years old..."she sure gave 'em hell" (her words). This seems like a sad memory to you, perhaps, but to see her smile was a special one for us.  Alice died shortly after her last visit. Alice was not family, but I would have been honored to call her so.  She was as tough as nails....and as sweet as pie.

Alice taught me how to be patient....and grateful for every day that I was given in this life. She taught me how to say "Thank You".....and mean it!  And Thankful I am.

She never complained, and always had a sparkle in her eye. Her "memory" stories were amazing.  She once owned a lodge herself....way more "rustic" than mine will ever be and some of her guest were quite famous.  Hers was a hunting lodge back east.

 A fun quirk of hers was that she had been keeping this special ivy going that she had brought from her home land alive for over 71 years, and passing it on to those she loved.  I guess you could not buy it here, so to her it was very special. She had a summer home in Pinetop Arizona, and she would take it up there in the summer, and keep it in Phoenix in the winter.  I have had several pots of it going for several years now.  I move it inside in the winter...and outside in the summer, because up really does not get that hot, and I have not forgotten to "share it" with those who I love. A few months ago I almost lost it.........I went away for about a week.....and forgot to have it watered.  That would have been heartbreaking to me, as I could not have replaced it. Turns out the plant is as "hardy" as Alice herself. With water and pruning..... it came back!  As beautiful as ever!  I can not remember the name of it..........................................

  So.....we just call it ALICE.

More memories of Alice:

                      She was quite the fisherman! 

This is Alice with Max and Maynard. Maynard had one brown eye and one blue eye.


Alice also taught me to go for it!  She said not to wait too long......"dreams have a way of fading away" she would say, "Age might have something to do with it.........don't get old and regret it!    LIFE was meant to LIVE.......LIVE IT GIRL!"               I can hear her voice just like yesterday.

This campaign is important to me because she is right!  I am letting this slip away because of the ECONOMY. Because the banks are still not lending, and property values are still down.  I just turned 64 years old in September.  I  AM getting older and I need to do this now. I have been grooming the property for over ten years. I have the perfect location....the experience..........and the DESIRE.

Because of the economy.........I just do not have the money to get it started. That is why I am ASKING for your support. The banking community is still too raw to make these kind of loans.  

Payson is a small town of 25,000 people, including Pine and Strawberry. We are building a satellite Arizona State University which will create a 6000 student campus. The town is growing. According to the Chamber of Commerce, it plans to grow to 38,000.....just Payson proper.  There is a need for quality lodging and jobs. The town is one of the few in Arizona that has the water to grow.  It has solved its water woes with the building of the Blue Ridge Pipeline.

If you would like to learn more about the growth going on here, the Payson Chamber of Commerce has a  site  you can visit for everything you need to know about Payson Arizona. It is

With your contributions and support, I can get the Pond House Bed and Breakfast open and time for this growth.  I am strong, healthy and still young.  I am very vested in this project, both emotionally and financially. By taking the steps to  fulfill my life long dream now, I am also grasping  the opportunity to be apart of this perfect timing.  And (a perk for me).  Alice would be proud of me for "kicking out the coward".  I am GOING for it! (Alice) 

Please help me in this start up phase! 

Gratefully yours,


p.s.   Happier memories made here to end your day.

        Cousin's Reunion                  

All the Fall leaves were just going to waste!  

      She couldn't help it!


Madyson --KC and Gremlin.  Except Madyson is now 18.  p.s....we still have the cats.

 Happens  every year      Halloween Hay Ride and Bonfire

Me at 63.........................see.....I Am Still young!


What We Need & What You Get

I have broken down the start up costs into 4 phases. For the phases go to   The Transition Page.

What I am targeting for is Phase One.

Changing the Office into Innkeeper quarters, so I can change the house into 3 units and a common room.....and open.

  • I will need $34,000 dollars to make this transition.
If we reach this target.
  • ALL addition funds will go towards Phase Two.
  • Than Phase Three.

Our Perks:

We are selling 4" x 8" and 8" x 8" Engraved Bricks to build the "Manzanita Patio" and the "Boat House Patio".  This is a very special project for us, as it will be a way for us to remember all those that were generous contributors to our start up.  We will have your names FOREVER and you will forever  be a part of us. No "Out of Sight - Out of Mind " here, every day we will be reminded of your generosity and say

   "Thank You".                                             '.

4" x 8" Brick- 3 lines of text (18-20 characters per line) including punctuation and spaces. This brick will be engraved with your information or message and physically installed into the patio.

8" x 8" Brick - 5 lines of text (18-20 characters per line) including punctuation and spaces. This brick will be engraved with your information or message and physically installed into the patio.

We reserve the right to refuse orders found to be inappropriate, discriminatory or have inappropriate messages.

These patios will be constructed in the summer of 2015. We will collect all information from the backers when the campaign ends.

We will also have :

  • The Pond House at Flowing Springs Note Cards

  • The Pond House at Flowing Springs Calenders

  • The Pond House at Flowing Springs Tee Shirts


  •    Or this  Tote                               


Special "Thank You" if we make it past Phase Three:

For those that have contributed to the "Donor Recognition" patios by purchasing an Engraved Brick, a voucher will be mailed to you for 1 or 2 nights at the Pond House at Flowing Springs, depending on which size you can come and find your brick. And we don't care when you long as we are open and the rooms are available.

We just can't wait to meet you in person!

My Vision and your Impact

The Pond House at Flowing Springs will be more than just a typical Bed and Breakfast. It has a unique "Southern Plantation" feel, and country setting with the East Verde River on one side and backed up against National Forest on the other. It will be the first resort type bed and breakfast in the area, yet only 6 miles from Payson and 9 miles from Pine, AZ.  Both are rich in western history, antique shops, museums and art galleries. Pine is ALIVE on weekends. There is always something going on in that little town! Also, the FAMOUS Tonto Natural Bridge is between us and Pine. For is a must. Strawberry, AZ is only 3 mile UP the hill (about 500 feet higher) and Don't blink.  Very quaint...and from there you can take Fossil Creek Road to the turquoise pools and travertine waterfalls of Fossil Creek. 

Here is a drawing I did of it once for my Christmas Cards of the Fossil Creek Bridge.

Fossil Creek is a 14-mile perennial stream in central Arizona's high desert region, fed by the warm artesian waters of Fossil Springs. A local rancher looking for a water source for his cattle discovered it in the late 1880's.  Now it is a favorite swimming hole.

We will offer relaxing, enjoyable lodging coupled with outdoor activities. This is a Bed and Breakfast that includes breakfast for 2 people with the use of the property.  With several different activities available guests can choose from hiking trails, boats on the pond, fishing in the pond, the hot-tub, the sauna, the game room, free movie checkout, the use of the common areas for relaxing and watching television, the library where there are multiple books to borrow, the internet hookup with work stations, and every night take advantage of a complimentary salad and soup bar in the dining room.

Guest can choose to purchase food "setups" to grill on their own at night to accommodate the soup and salad. These setups will be sold in the main dining room and will consist of a potato, rice or a vegetable with either fish, meat, pork or chicken. These will be packaged so the guest can do their own grilling at the gas grills located next to the dining room or patios. If you don't feel like going out to one of Payson's many restaurants in the evening or forget to bring your own steaks....we've got ya' covered. And reasonably priced too.

The Pond House at Flowing Springs will cater to the business traveler, the university parents coming to check out the school, vacationers looking for the tranquility of the country and the beauty of the land and animals yet seeking the pampering that only comes from a quality bed and breakfast. There is no urban life here, although the availability to connect to the outside world, when necessary, is available.

The Pond House at Flowing Springs will be the only "resort" type bed and breakfast in Payson with multiple services all available at one location. Some of these services will include:

  • Hiking trails on the property, and out into the National Forest from the property.
  • Private Lake on the property.
  • Fishing on the property that requires no special license (private land).
  • Quad and Argo rentals from the property.
  • Private tours from the property with guides.
  • Internet stations with free satellite service.
  • Soup and Salad served at night, with the option of guest purchasing set ups to complete meal.
  • The property is adjacent to the East Verde River and Weber Creek.
  • This is an Indian artifacts area.
  • Use of paddle boats, fishing boats and canoes.
  • Fresh eggs and organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Comfortable home away from home.
  • Nothing.....just setting on the many patio's and watching the day go by, or finding a hammock and reading.

We will be able to accommodate those looking to host weddings, graduation parties, family reunions, as well as business and church retreats

One primary goal is to increase the lodging options in the growing Payson area, which will increase employment opportunities in career fields such as reservations, sales, landscaping, yard maintenance, cleaning and maid services, repairs and maintenance, cooks, servers, and guides just to name a few for the local community and the surrounding areas..

Reasons To Support Us:

Your support will make some pretty awesome things happen.

The biggest IMPACT will be to STOP THE PAIN of waiting to finish the creation of a dream.

  • To share and create unforgettable memories and enjoyable experiences.
  • To be an important part of helping a small business evolve in these difficult times. 
  • Help create local and rural jobs.
  • Because you enjoy discovering different and unique locations and exploring unique destinations, you get to pay it forward by helping to create one.
  • You will always be a part of us.
  • You have a NEW place to call home.

Risks & Challenges

Most of the risks I have already taken.

  • I own the property. It is a reality, not a vision. I am not asking you to help me purchase it. 
  • I have already purchased the two lots behind me for growth and to be a completely contained area.
  • I have groomed the property and the pond to the point of building
  • I have built and remodeled most of the buildings and patios.
  • I have cut in all the hiking trails, 
  • I have the furnishings for all the rooms. (except the fireplaces).

With any Project there are always Challenges.

Small business is the driving force in the economy and no population has been more successful at it than private entrepreneurs. The LOVE of what you are doing  IS the DRIVING FORCE.

I have stayed in 96 Bed and Breakfasts, and have been employed in the Travel industry both as a Travel Agent and a Travel Agency Owner.

I have extensive experience in marketing and running a business.

I have the personality and likability required to be an Innkeeper

I have gone through training programs and understand the work and the risks involved in Owning a Bed and Breakfast.

  • I am a member of the Professional Association of Innkeepers, and stay informed of what is going on in the industry. 
  • I know that more people are traveling within the United States, and the "Home Stay" industry is thriving.  
  • More business travelers are going into these types of accommodations, that is why the "Hotels" are tagging themselves as "Bed and Breakfasts" resorts.
  • The mortgage is paid by me that is not a risk. It is not an added expense........but the property will generate an ADDED INCOME.


Can I Cook?

YES!  I am an excellent cook (if I say so myself).  I have a reputation among those that know me of being a "gourmet" cook. 

My daughter-in-law said it best: 
"our resume may look better on paper than yours........but you are probably the better cook"   Michelle has been Kitchen Manager of several major and well know restaurant chains.

Thanksgiving is coming I would like to share one of my "signature" recipes with you. This is one that is requested every year.

3/4 Cup uncooked wild rice, rinsed and drained
2 Tablespoons powered instant chicken bouillon
3 Tablespoons Butter
2 Cups sliced mushrooms
1/2 Cup sliced celery
1/2 Cup chopped onion
1/3 Cup flour ( all purpose)
1/4 Teaspoon ground pepper
4 Slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled
2 cups half and half or light cream
3 tablespoons dry sherry

In a large saucepan over high heat combine 3 cups hot water, wild rice and 1 teaspoon of chicken bouillon.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce to low, cover and simmer for 45 minutes (or until rice is tender BUT NOT mushy).  Drain.

In a Dutch Oven over medium heat, melt butter.  Cook mushrooms, celery and onion in hot butter until tender, ( about 5 to 7 minutes). 

Add Flour.  Cook and stir until light brown. ( In the South we call this a rue).

Gradually add 4 cups hot water, remaining 5 teaspoons bouillon and pepper.

Cook and stir until smooth.  Bring mixture to a Boil.  Add Rice.  Reduce to low and cover.  Simmer for 15 minutes.

Add half and half, bacon and sherry.  Cook until heated through DO NOT BOIL!

Serve hot .......and ENJOY!

Other Ways You Can Help

  • Please help us get the word out and make some noise so this campaign can  happen. Tell everyone you know! Your Facebook Friends, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon.........any way you can.  We would be so grateful!
  • The more EXPOSURE WE GET.....the better chance we have of being FUNDED.  PLEASE HELP!
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools. It really makes a difference!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

HONK- If you love the concept!

$1 USD
We realize that there are those that want to see us succeed. But not in a position to purchase a perk. This HONK....still means a lot to us! With a lot of HONKS.....we can still be heard.
1 claimed

Thank You Picture Post Card

$5 USD
Thanks for helping out. ALL contributions will be a big help in getting us open. THANKS for the VOTE of CONFIDENCE. Sincerely appreciated!
0 claimed

Note Cards

$22 USD
Photo cards of the Pond House 10 Piece Set with Envelopes. Ribbon Tie and Gift Box Mailed to you direct from us with a sincere "Thank You"
0 claimed

The Pond House Calendar

$30 USD
A 2015 FULL PHOTO WALL CALENDAR of The Pond House at Flowing Springs All Photos are taken from the property and of All Seasons Beautiful and Inspiring..... Your gonna' want to come and visit us!
0 claimed


$40 USD
YOUR CHOICE: A Pond House at Flowing Springs Long Sleeve Tee Shirt or A Large Two Tone Tote. Both have a picture of The Pond House with our "motto" "Where the Heck is Flowing Springs ....and How do I Get There?" Don't forget your size for the Tee
0 claimed

4" x 8" Engraved Brick

$60 USD
Choose three lines of text to be etched into your brick. The Brick will be engraved with your message and physically installed into either the "Manzanita Patio" or the "Boat House Patio" in the summer of 2015. We Will Remember You FOREVER! Don't forget to check in see if we have "Gone all the way"...for your "Special Thank You"..
0 claimed

8" x 8" Engraved Brick

$120 USD
This gets you a LARGE 8" x 8" Brick Etched with 5 lines (18-20 characters per line) including punctuation and spaces This brick will be engraved with your message and physically installed into either the "Manzanita Patio" or the "Boat House Patio" in the summer of 2015. We will remember you FOREVER ..and see you EVERY DAY....... to "Thank You". Don't forget to check up on us often to see if we have "Gone All The Way" for your "SPECIAL THANK YOU".
0 claimed

2 Night package

$250 USD
Upon opening. Any day you choose that we are open and rooms are available. 2 night accommodations with breakfast and dinner setups included
0 out of 20 of claimed
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