For our first stretch goal, we are offering ALL backers the opportunity to get ahold of 20 Psychotronically designed stickers from our partners at MOO! WITH NO WAIT TIME! These stickers are ready for immediate distribution to your mailbox! And all this just to hit our goal of $1000!
![The Psychotronic]()
Aren't you tired of the same old, same old? Isn't it time for something...
Slightly offbeat?
Outlandishly bizarre?
Addictively outrageous?
Uniquely eccentric?
Isn't it time to get a little weird?
Then let's get a little weird.
F%# that, let's get very weird!
We're talking ghouls, science fiction, beach blankets, drag racing, crazed farmers, mad scientists, disasters, vampires, sex goddesses, surfing, cavewomen, bikers, killer teens, gorillas, jungle weird! Angel's Wild Women-weird. Hellcats of the Navy-weird. Sincere social commentary-weird. Utter trash-weird. Ex-models-weird. Ex-sports stars-weird. Dead rock idols-weird. Future presidents-weird (like, Ghosts Can't Do It-weird.) Would-be Marilyns-weird, and has-beens of all types-weird.
Yeah...We said crazed farmer weird!
This is a documentary about The Psychotronic, after all. And if you were expecting normal...well, you obviously never read The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film...or Psychotronic ![Dale]()
Video Magazine...or The Psychotronic Video Guide...or Psychotronic TV...or watched as Michael J. Weldon, the creator of all that is Psychotronic as he waxed poetic on Rock n' Roll, Monster Movies, and whatever else entered his Psychotronic brain to Kurt Loder on MTV.
And, yeah, this full-length documentary is about Rock n' Roll, Monter Movies, and the Crazed Psychotronic Brain. And everything else...
Because Michael didn't create just a Psychotronic Book...
He created a Psychotronic Movement!
This is the story of that movement!
They always say put the money in the middle...so, here it is. Of course, $1000 will not get us through production but it's a start, and right now, that's all we need. But as the campaign continues we will offer stretch goals and new perks to keep raising the funds we will actually need. Consider this a starting point. And with your help, we will reach that end goal to tell the story the way it is supposed to be told. For reference, here is the percentages of where the financing is going to. 100% to the production of this amazing documentary!
We've Got Swag!
Jeff(The one on the right)
Writer/Director/Fantastic Penpal
You may look at these two Jeff's and think future-looking visionaries, but they know each other as something much simpler...much deeper. They are the two best-est penpals two men could ever be. Sure, Jeff(the one on the left) may not have the time he wishes to write, ever, but Jeff (the one on the right) is always willing to pick up the slack. You may be asking, "If Jeff(the one on the right) has access to the world's richest man (the one on the left), why would he need to use Indiegogo to finance his documentary?" This friendship runs far too deep to get mired in the complicated world of finance...unless Jeff (the one on the left) feels like it, then, yeah, Jeff (the one on the right) will take it.
Along with Jeff's (the one on the left) confidante, the team consists of: