Hello Friends,
The current job application process is broken. Employers have a really hard time finding good people and good people have a really hard time finding good employers…especially in a bad economy. With your help, this book is going to change all that.
Here's a taste of what will be in the book:
- What hiring managers really want from an applicant (Nine out of ten people are absolutely floored by this secret.)
- What the new rules of job-hunting are and how to use them to your advantage
- Applications employers go wild for. Awesome new application strategies that actually QUADRUPLE your chances
- 25 Hiring process facts you don’t know (but should) when it comes to attracting employers ‘ attention
- The single most important element of any resume…and how to exploit it to maximize your chances
- Surprising things that intensify your ability to get hired that take only seconds
- Beyond the resume. Advanced application strategies employers love
- The 7 common mistakes all job hunters make that will kill your chances every time
- The secret resume filter process that employers will never admit too
Hi, my name is Paul McGraw and I’ve been a marketing strategist for more than 13 years now and because of my profession I have noticed this terrible problem, jobs aren’t getting filled because the hiring process is a mess.
To illustrate, let me tell you a story about a friend of mine. Part of what sparked this book idea was when I saw a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time at a business expo. I noticed him out of the corner of my eye waving to me so I waved him over.
We shook hands and exchanged the usual pleasantries: “How ya doin?” What’s goin on” etc. Then when I asked about his work his whole demeanor changed. His eyes gazed downward; he slumped his shoulders and put his hands in his pockets. I asked him what was wrong and then...
...he related to me one of the worst struggles to find a job I had ever heard.
Now at this point you might think that he didn’t have good qualifications or that he had some personality or drug problems, but none of that was true with him. That’s why it shocked me. He had graduated top of his class with a Masters in Finance from a prestigious university.
He had additional certifications to boot and had been interviewing with some of the largest investment banks in New York City before the market crashed. Unfortunately, I see this all the time and I end up playing matchmaker for some of my clients to find good people. Because I create business growth and with growth comes the need to hire more people.
It’s not that there is a shortage of good people out there to hire.
I mean, look at the unemployment rate. The market is flooded with them. It’s the fact that people don’t know how to market themselves in a way that makes them stand out from the “sea of sameness” that floods the hiring managers’ inboxes, and the fact that many small businesses aren’t very good at hiring people. They just don’t have the time to get good at it.
Long-story-short, I made an appointment to get together with my friend and we met on a Saturday and redid his resume and we even changed his whole strategy for getting a job. His resume looked like no one else’s and it showed up like no one else’s did. Less than a month later he had the perfect job for him with incredible pay and benefits.
This was great for him, but what about all those others out there right now struggling to get the job they really want? I charge more than most without a job can afford so what else could I do but put step-by-step instructions down in a book and send it to the masses for the price of a movie ticket?
Here's More Of What I’ll share in this book:
- 10 application tricks every person must master. Become an unforgettable candidate with this definitive list
- What to say so that employers can’t help but notice and pay attention to you
- Why Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, and other similar job search sites should be avoided at all costs when looking for the job of your dreams
- Little tricks that will move you to the front of the line
- Inside the hiring manager’s mind. Secrets they wish weren’t secret but the law prevents them from speaking their mind
- The secret multi-step application process that’s GUARANTEED to get any employer’s attention
- 7 Things you don’t know about the hiring process but should
- 5 questions to ask before applying for any job
The 15 minute resume makeover. Transform your resume into a hiring manager’s dream!
- America’s 20 HOTTEST job markets and why they need you
- The 20-minute secret that can turn your career around overnight (It’s so simple, you’ll kick yourself for not having thought of it yourself)
- The NUMBER ONE rule that absolutely must be observed for you to get employers to call you
- The clumsy mistakes 90% of all job-seekers make during the application process…and how to quickly learn the “inside” secrets of the top 10% who always seem to easily get a job
- Simple job-getting strategies that require no experience whatsoever (I know of former welfare recipients who got the job they were after in just 2 days in this economy)
As If That Weren't Enough There's More...
- How to use a little-known “positioning secret” to completely cancel out the superior education or experience of other applicants for the same job (Education and experience are meaningless when you know how to use this secret.)
- Why your resume may be the absolute worst thing you can use to get a job in specific situations
- How to easily “position” yourself so employers actually compete for your attention
- The one huge mistake all inexperienced job-seekers make in their head that guarantees they will be turned down…and how to “parlay” that into an advantage that will give YOU an instant 200% increase in your chances—even if it’s your first job ever!
- Exact word-for-word samples of self-marketing systems that secured incredible jobs…and how to adapt those same systems to get you your dream job
- Proven ways to get employers to initiate “accidental” interviews that are pressure-free!
- Why you’re already sitting on the best possible “skill” you could ever offer an employer—and how to use it to secure your ideal job
- The smart way to apply for a job
- The Real Reason people choose to hire anyone—the secret truth long known by master salesman, sociologists, and “con men” finally revealed
- 20 Guaranteed Ways to increase readership and response to your resumes and cover letters…without re-typing anything
...And Even More...
- The 10 easiest high-paying job markets “rookie” job hunters can tap to maximize their chances
- A truly “no brainer” (yet usually overlooked) way to bump your chances of getting an interview by 100% or more…automatically!
- The absolutely essential First 3 Things you must do before you attempt to get a job anywhere
- “Insider” tips from the world’s top hiring managers on how to shortcut your way to your dream job
- The 15 most important questions you need to ask yourself before you start receiving calls from employers
- How the 3 Basic Elements found in every single successful (multi-million dollar) television infomercial can also be used to boost the response to your cover letter alone
- How to follow up on an application (Do this wrong and your resume is as good as garbage)
- Tips from head-hunting experts on how to spot problems with your resume that may be hurting your chances and the triple-step technique they use to solve them fast
As you can see this will be PACKED to the gills with valuable information that anyone can benefit from.
The Perfect Gift
Because this project will be released in December it’s the perfect gift for anyone who is underemployed or who just don't like their current job. Not to mention those who are in desperate need of a job.
It’s also great for recent college grads about to enter the workforce. It will prevent a lot of unnecessary frustration. ..especially in today’s harsh job market.
Who else wants to help those people who are honestly looking for work to find the job of their dreams?
Choose one of the perks on the right and contribute today. Thank You!
Paul McGraw
P.S. Other Ways You Can Help
I know some of you may be strapped for cash, but that doesn't mean you can't help.
- You can post a link to this page on your Facebook or other social media channels.
- You can tell everyone you know about it and encourage their support, etc.
Even if you can't help with money, please share this page and help us change the hiring landscape so that so many no longer have to suffer needlessly.