What is The Red Museum?
The Red Museum is an old fruit-packing warehouse on the outskirts of Mansion Flats that has transformed into an epicenter of experimentation and raw arts culture in Sacramento. We provide affordable practice/studio space to local creatives and occasionally host highly-curated events that bring people of different ages, ethnicities, genders, economic backgrounds, and tastes together to experience new music, performance, food, and visual art for a reasonable entry price. We believe in the cultural value of providing exposure for emerging artists and we never want money to be a barrier between a good artist and a successful artist. We also want the public, no matter their demographic, to have access to this culture through our events.
Why do we need help?
Here’s the wrinkle in all that. First, earlier this summer, the City paid us a visit and gave us a list of upgrades to complete to help us become safer and code compliant. Secondly, we want to be able to publicize and promote our arts events to reach a wider audience. We have had a lot of support getting this started, but we need more help. That’s where you come in!
What are we offering?
We’re kicking this off with Red Ex: Vol 1, a mini festival on August 26th at The Red Museum. We wanted an event that felt very unified in vision but also represented the diversity of the current up-and-coming talent in our city. We didn’t book anything just to sell tickets – these are all people that we really believe are of high artistic merit and quality. We are also very dedicated to crossing over between often siloed art scenes – music, art, comedy, food – because we think that audiences appreciate being stimulated in different ways at one event. Sacramento has a warm community of artists and art supporters who are open to experiencing new things, making our city a really unique incubator for creativity.
How will we know if we succeed?
The success of this project will demonstrate that there is a path to helping art spaces survive in a changing and gentrifying city. By galvanizing support from city leadership, local businesses, and the community, we can ensure that the future of the arts is secure here in Sacramento. We’ve decided to make the Red Ex tickets the foundation of this campaign and have added other special perks from there. We appreciate any support and hope we will see you soon at The Red Museum!