Our Story
Welcome! We
are The Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles and we make art that blends
Shakespeare with the history, landscape and people of Los Angeles. Every year
we bring students and teachers to our downtown Los Angeles facility to see a
production of Romeo and Juliet
because it is the most common “gateway” to Shakespeare and we want students to
get excited about it!
But not for
selfish reasons alone.
Sure, we
love Shakespeare and we want everyone else to love it, too.
But more
than that, we want to break down barriers (real or perceived) that keep people
from feeling that Shakespeare is “for them”. We also see the difference that it
makes when those 400-year old words come alive with actors just 20 feet in
front of the audience. We know that students who experience our shows come away
with a new perspective on theatre, their communities and their ability to be
agents of change in their own lives.
The Impact
The Romeo and Juliet
Project will give thousands of
students an immersive experience of Shakespeare text as audience and art
In addition to the performance, students receive a pre-show and a post-show workshop with a veteran
teaching artist. These amazing men and women help students contextualize the
play and then create their own artistic responses to Romeo and Juliet’s
themes, characters and story.
Our multi-ethnic casting reflects the reality of life in contemporary Los Angeles and allows students to see themselves in the production. Our actors are not just doing a show, they share our mission to serve the students with spectacular performances and insightful post-show discussions.
1. Students.
We believe that every child can transform their learning, their community, and
ultimately our world. It’s our job to help them know that and to give them
tools to succeed. Coming to a performance not only helps them understand the
play, it helps them understand that they have a place in the artistic continuum
from Shakespeare to today.
We love teachers. They work darn hard. And the teachers we work with are motivated, exceptional people who
believe that their students can achieve great things. Because teachers partner with
expert teaching artists to make classical text relevant to their students, they come away with additional tools to use in their classroom.
Schools face continual budget cuts, schedule changes, and ever-scarcer
resources. Nearly all of the schools that we serve are Title I schools which
means that approximately 85% of the students receive free or reduced school
lunch. For many of our schools, this is the only field trip that the students
will get and the only time that a teaching artist can come into the classrooms. There is an overwhelming number of schools who want to participate, however our facility and budget can only accommodate a percentage of the requests.
What We Need & What You Get
It costs us about $28 per student to produce Romeo and
Juliet, transport students to the venue, and send a teaching artist into the classroom. Schools pay what they
can, but that usually amounts to about $3 per student. We have raised grant
money to pay for part of it, but that only gets us to about $19 per student.
SO...we need an additional $9 per person if we want 3,000 students to have the tickets, transportation, post-show discussion with the actors, and workshops leading up to and following the performance.
You can give at any level, but the perks start at a mere 9 BUCKS!