Campaign Announcement 3... New reward tier revealed for The Séance!
£50 Mistress
- 'The Mistress' is the counterpart to 'The Master Tier' and offers an alternative for our top level of support. Where 'The Master' gives you a full written feedback assessment of your play or short story, 'The Mistress' gives you an associate producer credit for 'The Séance.' Like all tiers, all previous rewards are also included (excluding the Master tier.)
Campaign Announcement 2... New reward tiers revealed for The Séance!
£30 Believer
- The all new Believer tier will give you an exclusive insight into 'The Séance,' with an eBook copy of Chris' brand new short story; 'Emily's Ghost.' Find out, who Emily is, why she is haunting Sophie's dreams and what she wants with our sceptic Jonathan. You will also learn about 'The Dark' and what it did to Emily! Plus all previous reward tiers.
£40 True Believer
- The all new True Believer tier will receive an eBook copy novella of 'The Séance.' For those who want more from the play, read further into Chris' occult World and 'see' the things we just couldn't bring to stage! Plus all previous reward tiers.
'The Master' tier receives a free upgrade of 'Emily's Ghost' short story and 'The Séance' novella.
Campaign Announcement 1... 'The Séance' has reached it's 100% funded goal! Stretch goals now unlocked!
Stretch goal 1 £750 - Behind the scenes.
- This extra funding will really help us with the logistics and promotion of the play. If we meet this stretch goal we will be able to put it directly towards transport costs, props, rehearsal time and space and more promotion for our stretch goals.
Stretch goal 2 £1000 - Effects enhanced.
- Raising £1000, will enable invest more in the 'effects' of the play. This extra funding will also enable us to produce a commemorative program for The Séance. Backer perk update - All tiers from 'Acolyte' upwards, will receive a digital copy of the program.
Stretch goal 3 £1500 - Raise the dead.
- 'The Séance' has quickly become a sell out show. Putting on a play is an expensive endeavour, but If we hit this lofty target, we will be putting on a run of multiple dates later this year / early next year. Backer perk update - All tiers from 'Acolyte' upwards, will have their name added to our backers thank you page in the program.
We will be unveiling some new perks very soon!
Christopher Stagg welcomes you to, The Séance.
Hello and welcome to the crowd fund campaign for my new horror play, ‘The Séance.’ My name is Chris, from Psychnosis Productions, and I am the writer and director of the play. My previous work has played in London and East Anglia and I am also a short story writer and curator of the ‘Tales of…’ anthology series with Red Cape Publishing. You may also know me from the Independent Horror Society or from my 90s Radio Show on Phoenix FM in Essex. This is my first play that will be produced by ourselves at Psychnosis!
So why would we need to crowdfund a play? Well, the arts have taken a huge hit recently, not only from the pandemic, but also from being an easy target when it comes to government cuts. Opportunities for grants and funding are getting fewer and much harder to obtain. We believe the arts are essential and fringe theatre needs to be nurtured and supported and we are passionate about that. Our production is only one night and the funds we raise will directly go paying for the cast and crew of the play, as well as the logistics to make it happen. In short, your contributions will enable us to make sure everyone involved in the production gets paid for their time and effort.
The Séance
I’m really excited to be bringing The Séance to the stage. It’s a project I have been thinking about for a while, and as an occult enthusiast, I’ve been fascinated with this World for many years. I wanted to develop a play that would be a theatrical performance with scripts and actors, but would also culminate in a ‘real’ séance…
An evening of live performance utilising the techniques of Victorian Spiritualist Mediums and their more modern contemporaries, in a play that attempts to prove the existence of life after death.
Two friends are invited to the home of a mysterious spiritualist medium to experience a séance in the search for evidence of the paranormal. Our occultist will demonstrate their abilities with spirit boards, tarot, poppets and scrying techniques before joining hands in one last attempt to summon the dead. The dead are listening, but it’s not only them who may answer.
WARNING – This show contains loud noises, flashing lights and possible hauntings.
What We Need & What You Get
The bottom line is, we need to raise £500 to make this play happen. This will ensure that the cast and crew are covered including effects and tech support. It’s really important to us that people are paid properly for their time, and this is the figure we need to reach to enable that to happen. We do however have some stretch goals, if we are lucky enough to exceed the £500 mark. £750 which will help us with more rehearsal time, more effects and props and marketing materials, and £1000, which would help us on our way towards organising a short run for The Séance later in the year – which would be fantastic!
In order to make that happen, we have some really cool perks that we hope people will enjoy.
£5 Initiate – You are an initiate and will receive our eternal thanks!
£10 Acolyte – The Acolyte receives exclusive updates on the production as well as advanced updates before general release. Plus all previous reward tiers.
£15 Elder – The Elder receives PDF copies of Chris Stagg’s plays ‘Clarissa,’ ‘The Frightmare’ and ‘The Séance.’ Plus all previous reward tiers.
£25 Magister – The Magister receives a digital copy of ‘The Séance’ recording. This perk is ideal for anyone who cannot make the performance on the 30th October. Plus all previous reward tiers.
£50 Master – The Master will receive a full feedback analysis of your written work by Chris, including suggestions for how to take forward. Either 10,000 word short story, or your stage play ( up to 30 min / 30 pages). Plus all previous reward tiers. Limited to 15.
Risks & Challenges
We cant foresee any risks to ‘The Séance’ actually being produced. We chose Indiegogo because of the option to have flexible funding. If we don’t make the £500, we will be able to use whatever we do raise in it’s production, and every little bit will definitely help! If we have to reduce the size of the production, then we will, but hopefully we won’t have to! We will stay in regular contact if any challenges crop up and what we are doing to overcome.
We also intentionally chose, all digital rewards to make sure there is absolutely no issue in delivery. Acolyte will be immediate but Elder, Magister and Master tiers, will receive their rewards after the production on the 30th October. We estimate a maximum of a month to get the video of the performance ready (though hopefully much sooner), PDF scripts will be a maximum of 1 week after the campaign ends and the written feedback will be arranged when is mutually convenient from December 2024 to 31st November 2025.
Other Ways You Can Help
We know only too well that times are tough for people and we are very grateful for any funds we are able to raise. But if you are not in a position to donate, you can still help us spread the word! Please do share our campaign on your socials and with your networks and please do share my campaign content on Twitter / X
Thank you very much for your help
Chris and the cast and crew of the Séance.