About The Secret Eye
The Secret Eye follows two men who are thrust into service during World War II. There is a marked difference in the motivation of these men as they choose to serve their country. A secret gift to the United States from Great Britain propels the US to a technological advantage that will determine the fate of the war. But, a new threat emerges from Japan, one that will terrorize the US forces in the Pacific. How can America Survive?
I love history and World War 2 has always fascinated me. These young men were our greatest generation. The main character of this book is based on the life of my stepfather Charlie who grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas. He chose to serve in the Navy and become one of the few men to work on America's newest secret weapon.
On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in the Land of the Rising Sun, a young man struggles to find his way in the world after his father is killed fighting in the Sino-Japanese War. As the oldest, he is exempt from serving during World War 2, but he still serves.
The two men leave everything at home to meet in battle, one armed with terror and the other armed with a secret weapon. Japan will try to win the war using terror, how can America win the war? The Secret Eye.
How Can You Help & What You Get
This is my first book and I have dreamed of writing a book like this for most of my life. One that would honor the men who sacrificed so much for our freedom. I am providing you an opportunity to pre-order this book and take advantage of some special purchase perks.
The Impact
To help me publish my first book, the money raised through this campaign will help fund:
- Editing services necessary to prepare my manuscript for publishing
- Creation of Book Cover Art
- Interior formatting of the book
- Publishing of the final manuscript
Risks & Challenges
The biggest challenge with publishing a book is completing the manuscript and making it ready to publish. Handling worldwide shipping can be challenging as well. I have eliminated the shipping risk by including the cost of shipping into each campaign tier.
I will be working closely with BookBaby Publishing to make sure we ship your selected perk to you as early as possible (I anticipate a Summer publishing date). We will keep all backers of this campaign apprised of the delivery status of their book. My publisher has worldwide reach and can accommodate any order.
Other Ways You Can Help
I know some of you may not be able to contribute to publish The Secret Eye for various reasons. But that does not mean you cannot help. Here are some ways you can help drive interest in The Secret Eye with your friends:
- Consider helping me get the word out and make some noise about my campaign using Social Media.
- Indiegogo has outstanding share tools that will help you tell the world about my secret, The Secret Eye!
About The Author
Brad Hanson is a first time author from Texas. His extended family has served the United States through military and civilian service for over 50 years. Brad's love of history has taken him all over the world visiting ancient and modern historical locations. He brings his specific interest in World War 2 history to his first book, The Secret Eye.
Brad works in technology as a Program Manager for a fortune 100 company. He is married with 2 grown children and 2 furry babies.