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The solar powered airship

Discover the most beautiful landscapes for €70 on board of a silent solar powered airship

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The solar powered airship

The solar powered airship

The solar powered airship

The solar powered airship

The solar powered airship

Discover the most beautiful landscapes for €70 on board of a silent solar powered airship

Discover the most beautiful landscapes for €70 on board of a silent solar powered airship

Discover the most beautiful landscapes for €70 on board of a silent solar powered airship

Discover the most beautiful landscapes for €70 on board of a silent solar powered airship

Philippe Tixier
Philippe Tixier
Philippe Tixier
Philippe Tixier
1 Campaign |
Boulogne-Billancourt, France
$9,363 USD $9,363 USD 87 backers
0% of $1,091,909 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

A unique experience

Our company DIRISOLAR SAS wants to offer an other way to fly, a unique experience that allows to discover or rediscover the most beautiful places in the world. The innovations patented in the US and Europe grant an availability of the airship like never before at an affordable price around € 70 or $ 80 per person for a thirty minutes flight.


The Dirisolar flying over Bryce Canyon


Our company designs since 2013 the Dirisolar, a new generation airship for four passengers and one pilot that solves technological, ecological and economical challenges bounded to airships. The Dirisolar is designed to ensure the safety of the passengers and to fulfill the eco-tourism expectations. The whole airship is powered up by solar panels offering carbon free flights. The electric motors propel the airship in silence with only 47 db (equivalent to a quiet office) which allows an experience in harmony with nature. Moreover in this perspective 90% of the airship's components are recyclable and the means of production will be controlled to limit the carbon footprint. 


The Dirisolar flying over a rice field in Vietnam


The Dirisolar experience is a flight in all freedom, in safety, in silence and carbon free.


The Dirisolar over the Norwegian sea near Tromsø


61% of people already questioned are willing to experience it, are you ?


Why fund us ?

Nowadays, climate change and the energy transition has become a global social issue. More and more people are protesting and asking their government, around the world, to act on it.

Dirisolar has the ambition to develop a safe and environmentally friendly aerial mobility device. We invite you to join our adventure by helping us go from virtual prototyping to reality by building our first full scale demonstrator.

The company was founded 10 years ago by Philippe Tixier, an aeronautic engineer from Sup Aéro with a great industrial experience in major french companies. Dirisolar's research and development department is located in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. This department is run by five engineers and supported by experts and special advisors.

Dirisolar, on its own funds with € 1.2 million from twenty-eight individual shareholders, invested € 2.5 million in feasibility study, design, simulations, virtual prototyping, test bench, flying model and specialists' advice.

The next step is the construction of a full scale demonstrator to validate all of our innovations.  EASA certification for a commercial use will come in a second time. The first experimental flight will occur in eighteen months and requires an amount of € 5.25 million.

The first commercial flight will occur in three years and requires an additional amount of € 4.7 million which will cover all the tests to obtain the said certification, the means to launch the production of the serial model and to put the Dirisolar in service. 


Your contribution up to the € 1 million flexible goal will allow us to build the hangar for the airship's assembly and to realize structural and electrical tests which are significant steps for the project. The additional funds needed to fulfill the project will be shared between crowdfunding, new shareholders, industrial groups and public funding. We are at the present time in close negotiation with a public administration.



The short term goal is the construction of the demonstrator in France near the headquarters that will validate all the innovations and performances of the Dirisolar.

The long term goal for Dirisolar is to be an airship designer and builder with a few operating sites while renting and selling the Dirisolar to local operators in order to offer the Dirisolar flight experience to the whole world.


The Dirisolar flying over Istanbul


Support the project and Perks

You have multiple ways to support our project.

First you can donate the amount you want using the back it button. The second way is to choose a perk. Every perk includes items tied with the project however according to Indiegogo community guidelines we cannot issue tickets for a flight in the Dirisolar. Finally, you can support the project by sharing our campaign and following us on our social media.



Every contribution is important, this perk is a way to support the project! As an acknowledgment of our gratitude your name will be displayed on our website


The story of the design

As well as your name our website and our gratitude you will receive a PDF on the evolution of the design of the Dirisolar. The PDF includes photo rendering of the different design of the Dirisolar from the beginning to the actual design with explications on the development.


Your name on the envelope

Your name will be display on the envelope of the first demonstrator of the Dirisolar. After its life the envelope will be kept in our research department as a reminder of all the person that help us succeed. All the perks above are also included.


First flight live streaming

In addition to the perks above, you will be able to witness the opening ceremony and the historic moment of the inaugural flight of the Dirisolar through live streaming. Those events will be broadcast live for everyone who chose this perk.

In the meantime, you will receive a conference narrated by Philippe Tixier on the history of airships specially made for the backers.


Invitation to the first flight

You are officially invited to the opening ceremony and to attend the inaugural flight of the Dirisolar. This historic moment will be an occasion to meet our team and to see the Dirisolar flying with your own eye. It will be the occasion to find your name on its envelope! All the perks above are also included.


Name the production center

If you ever wanted your name on a building, you are in the right place. This exclusive perk allows you give your name to the demonstrator's hangar. You will be able to visit the hangar during the inaugural event. All perks above are included.


Name the first Dirisolar

If you want to give your name to the first Dirisolar ever built you have this opportunity by  choosing this unique perk. Your name will hence be the official appellation of the first Dirisolar.


The lighter the better


Airships are part of the lighter-than-air (LTA) family in the aircraft taxonomy. Unlike heavier-than-air (HTA), LTA does not require energy to stay in the air. The lift is generated by a lifting gas according to Archimedes' principle.



The Dirisolar will use helium which is a stable and flame-proof gas that can lift approximately one kilogram per cubic meter.


But why have airships disappeared from our sky?

Airships have had a golden age in the early 1900s. At first airships were mostly use for military purposes then they were introduce to civil applications such as the first transatlantic commercial flights. However, airships remained difficult to maneuver due to their sensibility to the wind and meteorological conditions inducing a important flight cancellation rate.

Ground crew having difficulties to get the Clement-Bayard 2 out of its hangar in 1910

The Hindenburg fire in 1937 and the fast progression of aviation ended the civil use of airships and later on their military missions as well.


Why are they coming back?

In 2001, the German firm Zeppelin NT put a new airship into service. This improved performance airship launched the renewal of airships, dozens of innovative projects are emerging around the world.

NASA published in 2016 a file on the situation of airship projects mentioning Dirisolar (page 12). However, so far no projects reached the handiness expected by the market and the operators. The competition between innovative projects is still on, Dirisolar expects to improve the handiness and to greatly reduce the flight cancellation rate.

Today, the societal awareness has shifted for the energy transition. 20% of today’s pollution comes from transports and the aeronautic industry produces 2% of the CO2. The world needs less polluting aerial solutions. New technologies, like digital engineering and very light materials, are now available for the come back of airships.

Thanks to their low need in energy airships are the perfect candidate for solar energy. Moreover an airship possesses a large surface allowing it to achieve self-sufficiency in energy thanks to sunlight. It is the choice made by Dirisolar.


Structural Innovation

The Dirisolar is a rigid airship, that means its shape is given by its structure and not by internal pressure as blimps do. The Dirisolar's structure is mainly made of aluminium tube,  stretchers and a woven envelope. Each of those components are chosen for their light weight and high strength.

The rigidity of the Dirisolar offers major advantages :

Thanks to the structure the helium tanks are not in contact with the envelope offering a protection against hazard from the exterior. In addition helium will be stored in separated tanks which grants a natural stability and safety in case of leak of one tank.

The structure allowed us to design a tail that stabilize the Dirisolar offering a comfortable flight to the passengers.

It also allows the cockpit to be at the front of the airship giving a stunning view at 180°.

The Dirisolar flying next to chalk cliffs in Étretat


Last but not least, the structure gives its flat bottom to the Dirisolar. It is a major innovation that is patented in the US and Europe by Dirisolar. The flat bottom has already revolutionized automobile races, applied to airships it makes the landing easier and without the help of a ground crew.

Pressure around a formula 1 car

Pressure around the Dirisolar landed

Indeed, a depression occurs under the Dirisolar which attracts it to the ground and allows it to land easily.


This physical phenomenon has been validated by numerous computational fluid dynamics simulations and a proof of concept called the DS06.


Virtual prototyping

The virtual prototyping has been realized thanks to our partner ESI-group which helped us to make all the aerodynamics studies and mechanical simulations. 

The computational fluid dynamics simulations have optimized the shape of the Dirisolar and its flat bottom.



Flow around the Dirisolar landed


It also was a powerful tool to design the tail granting the stability in flight of the Dirisolar.



Flow around the Dirisolar in flight


The virtual prototyping helped us design the structure of the Dirisolar to ensure the safety of the passenger and the airship's performances. The mechanical studies cases include test from the smallest component to the whole airship.



Putting in place a rivet between a tube and a connector



Tanks filling up with Helium



Stress on the Dirisolar in flight at 50 km/h


We already have made some test bench of structural sub-assembly to correlate results from virtual prototyping with the reel stress in the structure.

Sub-assembly of the upper part of the structure



Structural sub-assembly of the flat bottom


We were able to validate the flat bottom structure of our design and to optimize the connectors as long as to calibrate our virtual prototyping parameters.


Thanks to our researches and the experimental flights we will define the flight envelope of the Dirisolar to ensure touristic use in all safety for the passengers.

At the present date, the process of construction of the demonstrator of the Dirisolar is ready to be launched.


The team behind it


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Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
The whole team behind Dirisolar thank you for your support and your name will be displayed on our website as a acknowledgment of our gratitude.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
Estimated Shipping
October 2020
8 claimed
The story of the design

The story of the design

Currency Conversion $33 USD
€30 EUR
As well as the thank you on our website and our gratitude you will receive a PDF on the evolution of the design of the Dirisolar. The PDF redraw our scheme of thought from where we begin to the actual design.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
  • PDF of the Dirisolar's designs
Estimated Shipping
October 2020
8 claimed
Your name on the envelope

Your name on the envelope

Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
You can become one with the future ! By choosing this perk your name will be on the envelope of the first demonstrator of the Dirisolar. After its life the envelope will be kept in our research department as a reminder of all the person that help us succeed. All the perks above are also included.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
  • PDF of the Dirisolar's designs
  • Your name on the envelope
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
15 claimed

First flight live streaming

Currency Conversion $87 USD
€80 EUR
In addition to the perks above, you will be able to witness the opening ceremony and the historic moment of the inaugural flight of the Dirisolar through live streaming. In the meantime you will receive a conference narrated by Philippe Tixier on the history of airships.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
  • PDF of the Dirisolar's designs
  • Your name on the envelope
  • The History of airships
  • Streaming of the first flight
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
18 claimed
Invitation to the first flight

Invitation to the first flight

Currency Conversion $546 USD
€500 EUR
You are officially invited to the opening ceremony and inaugural flight of the Dirisolar. This historic moment will be an occasion to meet our team, to see the Dirisolar with your own eye and to find your name on its envelope. All the perks above are also included.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
  • PDF of the Dirisolar's designs
  • Your name on the envelope
  • The History of airships
  • Streaming of the first flight
  • Inaugural flight invitation
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
6 claimed
Name the production center

Name the production center

Currency Conversion $10,919 USD
€10,000 EUR
If you ever wanted your name on a building, you are in the right place. This exclusive perk allows you give your name to the demonstrator's hangar. You will be able to visit the hangar during the inaugural event. All perks above are included.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
  • PDF of the Dirisolar's designs
  • Your name on the envelope
  • The History of airships
  • Streaming of the first flight
  • Inaugural flight invitation
  • Name the Dirisolar's hangar
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
0 out of 1 of claimed
Name the first Dirisolar

Name the first Dirisolar

Currency Conversion $1,091,909 USD
€1,000,000 EUR
That's not expected but if you want to give your name to the first Dirisolar ever built chose this perk. Your name will hence be the official appellation of the first Dirisolar.
Included Items
  • Your name in the "Thank you"s
  • PDF of the Dirisolar's designs
  • Your name on the envelope
  • The History of airships
  • Streaming of the first flight
  • Inaugural flight invitation
  • Name the demonstrator
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
0 out of 1 of claimed

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