Short Summary
Please note that the filmmaker, Menelik Shabazz, passed away during filming. His colleagues and life partner Neferatiti Ife have joined together to complete the film. You can find part 2 of the crowdfunding effort at this link The Spirits Return - Ancient Zimbabwe Part 2
From the 11th-15th century the civilisation known as Great Zimbabwe flourished and like the pyramids of Egypt has left a great mark on history. These great monuments created by African people still remain a mystery. Fragments of ancient Zimbabwe is still alive in the Shona traditions but these cannot answer how their descendants were able to created buildings without mortar and what led to their demise.
The film uncovers the mystery of this civilisation using the ancient/traditional technique of chanelling/mediumship to uncover the past. Psychic/author Neferatiti Ife ' the ancestral whisperer' is able to tap into ancestral memory to uncover lost secrets as seen in her previous film Pharaohs Unveiled' that brought to light the lost the secrets of ancient Kemet/Egypt.
She has audio recorded conversations with the Ancestors of ancient Zimbabwe. These recordings put flesh on the bone of a lost culture. Enabling the Ancestors of the past to tell their story for the first time and much more. These conversations will astound and will give a voice to an untold chapter of African history and beyond.
I am passionate to tell this story because so often our history is told by others, who have no idea or just scratch the surface of our culture. Whilst on the other hand our oral traditions are not enough to bring the depth of understanding needed about our past in today's world. The recordings by Neferatiti, brings a new narative and a voice to Africa before, enslavement. The Spirits Return is not only a film that brings alive the past, its also about Zimbabwe present and future,
What We Need
We need to raise £13,500
This is a relatively small amount for a film production but there will be in kind support and shooting in Zimbabwe is alot cheaper. In addition I will not be taking any fees personally.
Funds raised will go the production (crew, equipment, actors/talents, travel, transport, food) and post production ( Editing, animation, music, sound mix )
What You Get
- 1000 - one to one online conversation with me, Menelik Shabazz to discuss the film, Credit on the film/ preview with friends/ DVD or digital copy
- 500 - Credit on the film/ preview with friends/ DVD or digital copy
- 250 Preview/ share with two friends/ DVD or digital copy
- 150 - preview/dvd or digital copy/ mention on facebook page
If the film is not made by any chance, you will be notified and refunded.
The Impact
The film will bring the voice of the African Ancestors to the world.
It will bring an untold history about a great chapter of African history to light.
It will bring a understanding of Africa before slavery,
it creates a new narrattive about Africa's past, present and future.
It brings a pioneering/template to re-tell our history.
Your contribution is important to bring an untold part of Africa's past to light.
We can only change the narrative when we empower ourselves to take the mantle
When are we going to make the change if not now.
Risks & Challenges
Every film project has it's risks. Getting enough finance, especially independent films is always a challenge. And of course films about African history and Ancestors that change the narrative is never going to get the fincial resources it deserves. The risk is not having enough to make the film.
The second risk is shooting in another country and the logistics, lockdown and COVOD-19. I am partly living in Zimbabwe so I have a handle on how things work on the ground. I am also working with a local crew and tapping into local resourses and in kind support. The project will start once the lockdown there is over. Thereafter I will take necessary steps to ensure testing is done and social distance is in operation where possible with the crew, talent and those we come in contact with. From my past experiences when I am determine to make a project I usually find a way. Usually this means putting in my own resources.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not everyone will be able to make a contribution to the film but there are others you can support the campaign.
1. You can let people know via your social media
2. You can mention to your friends national and international by whatsapp
Feel free to use the Indiegogo share tools.