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The Traversers: Father & Daughter

The soon-to-be best action game to come from crowdfunding!

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The Traversers: Father & Daughter

The Traversers: Father & Daughter

The Traversers: Father & Daughter

The Traversers: Father & Daughter

The Traversers: Father & Daughter

The soon-to-be best action game to come from crowdfunding!

The soon-to-be best action game to come from crowdfunding!

The soon-to-be best action game to come from crowdfunding!

The soon-to-be best action game to come from crowdfunding!

1 Campaign |
Milwaukee, United States
$577 USD 6 backers
11% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The playable demo is at the bottom!


You know what this world needs? More retro-inspired indie platformers. With that in mind, the game The Traversers: Father & Daughter is prepared to fill that already stuffed to the brim hole by creating one of the more unique and action-orientated platformers that DOESN’T use retro-inspired graphics, that DOESN’T emulate how games played back then, but instead aspires to build off the retro inspiration to create a game that is bustling with unique ideas.


The gameplay of Traversers is as stated, retro inspired and definitely the most important aspect of the game: quick. Traversers is an action platformer best described in the same vein as Megaman X & Megaman Zero. There’s a lot of crazy, fast paced action along with level geometry to hop off of and varieties of enemies to fight! Other gameplay elements included come from other inspirations. There are hub worlds with a variety of fun characters to talk to and upgrade your characters similar to Magical Fantasy Adventure: Popful Mail and a triadic character system like Popful Mail and Megaman X8.

There’s a lot of other inspirations, with slope and momentum physics akin to but not exactly like Sonic the Hedgehog. And while the combat is like the Megaman X/Zero games, other inspirations come from the Ys Series for combat, Rocket Knight Adventures for loose momentum and tricks like bunny-hopping and canceling moves akin to the Devil May Cry Series.

If you’d like to try the game out, you can! Here’s the catch, due to the major issue of time, I couldn’t make a proper alpha or at least very clean looking project with this game’s current functionality. What I have right now is an advanced proof of concept to show that the game’s base gameplay is, well great and fun! While as of now it’s not perfect, it’s still a good example of how the game would probably play both gameplay wise and level design wise should this be funded properly.


One morning, military private Datavine wakes up to find that her father is missing, with an incriminating note not written in his hand writing but implying it's him. Upon leaving home, she discovered that her dad caused havoc to the world around her, and it’s up to Datavine to stop him.

Along the way, she meets two allies who will serve as a great importance to her: Marcella, one part of a twin assassin business who decides to join Datavine after realizing Datavine’s father tricked her by manipulating records that Datavine was a criminal. Goat also joins the two after finding out Datavine’s father took the flare gem needed so that his villagers can grow crops. Together, this rag-tag team of adventurers are out to stop Datavine’s father from… Well, you’ll find out.

Traversers is a mostly-comedic game that’s highly inspired by older anime shows and OVAs such as Outlaw Star, Trigun, Tenchi Muyou, Dragon Half, Those Who Hunt Elves, and the biggest of them all: Slayers. Catching the fun and raunchy nature of those series (and for some, their politically incorrect but hilarious dubs), Traversers aims to recreate and build off a lot of the humor from those series, with dips of seriousness and character development to keep it interesting.

Because of this, Traversers will be somewhat text heavy, and there won't be any voice acting. But all of it can be skipped should you have no sense of humor or aren't in the mood to smile. The world too will be filled with fun, colorful characters, some nice, some raunchy, some that just want to have a good time. Because of this though, there's definitely some foul language going to be sprinkled throughout.


Main Characters (written in character):

Datavine: I’m Datavine! Raised by my dad to join the military, I’ve been one of the best swordswomen in the group. Though I’m not good with a shield, my bracers make up for it in defense, since I fight two handed regardless of the weapon because it's way faster, just like I am! The only problems I’ve got is that I’m pretty unlucky, it seems bad stuff is drawn to me. Well, people say I talk a lot, I guess. Maybe? Do I seem like someone that talks a lot? I mean I am a 6ft tall foxgirl but you’d imagine that talking a lot isn’t something I do. I seem to be pretty good at controlling myself but maybe in some cases I just slip and I talk about some crazy subject though I never really notice it. It takes a while for me to catch on especially if I’m talking to someone that doesn’t talk a lot themselves, so they don’t normally have the gull to interrupt me. Which is sad I like to be interrupted sometimes, it makes the conversation a lot more interesting because it g-…Oh I’m sorry! I think I got off topic there! Well still, not sure if I talk too much or not.

Marcella: Marcella’s my name! I’m a confident assassin with 50 successful hits taken out! I work with my sister Triska too, in a prey mentality: Triska weakens the foe, I take them out! My greatest qualities are… well, everything! There’s not a single thing that I know of that I’m bad at! If so, it’s the thing’s fault, not mine! Stop saying I'm bad at something!

Goat: Call Goat Goat. Goat is the mayor of Goat’s village. While Goat talks simply, Goat is well educated, and was the right pick as the mayor. Goat has to work on his diplomacy skills, due to be somewhat socially inept, but as the mayor, Goat plans to win the heart of his citizens by this merit, even though being the mayor is as simple as beating the current one in a fight. No elections. Regardless, Goat will prove to his village that he is the right choice.

Minor Characters (not written in character):

Gordon: Datavine's dad, who's appearance remains a mystery until the very end. But thankfully you can clearly tell he's Datavine's dad, it's way too obvious.

Triska: Marcella's sister who tried to help assassinate Datavine. She works with the two together instead taking the role of a scout as opposed to being a part of the team. (Mainly because she's the same as Marcella).

Jarek: A traveling merchant who will have to help out the gang on many occasions. Also doubling as a cartographer, he pinpoints locations of dungeons for the gang.

Rortasa: A mercenary that wants to help out but can't due to being busy. She's able to point the team in the right direction should they ever forget what to do.

Meet the team:

  Stolken: Literally everything (besides the game engine)

That’s it. This is a one man job so far. With additional funding I plan to hire additional composers and writers, but as of right now, this project is currently my baby and I love it. For that reason, I would appreciate should help come up to assist me, specifically for composing and writing. Coders could also help out should they have experience with the game engine Unity.



Due to multiple time constraints based around life issues and nearly dying due to appendicitis, this demo is sadly not up the standard I’d want it to be in order to make this campaign. However, due to adrenaline-fueled coding sessions, among additional time constraints possibly coming up soon, this demo was completed as best as it could be given the amount of time I had and could work on it.

What is programmed and used in this demo:

  • All three characters are playable
  • Buttons
  • Proper health system with overhealing included (works like Wolfenstein 3D)
  • Most of the characters attacks (Datavine & Marcella are missing some & buyable ones)
  • Basic enemies to attempt neat attacks on

If successfully funded:

Should this game be funded, well firstly I’d lose my senses and probably cry because holy cow my dream is coming true! After coming back to my senses and being glad that this effort paid off, I’ll continue work on the game, and add in all the features that WILL be included:

  • 18 well-made and crazy fun levels with environmental hazards and speed finesse!
  • Hub worlds that are extremely comfortable with upgrade shops included.
  • A regular stage select menu should you have a hatred of hub worlds.
  • Traditionally animated sprites for every character, to make crazy, cool animations.
  • Character specific moves to lead to a lot of shortcuts and hidden items!
  • Summon partners to do additional special moves and give passives for your character!
  • The story fully completed and comedy tested to make sure it's paced well to make you laugh your ass off!
  • A grading system for both completion bonuses and actual bonuses!
  • An upgrade system with new character moves and bonuses like health bar increases and items to refill health.

Where Does The Money Go?

I need the money for mostly living expenses and backing up. Living expenses would be akin to just being able to survive. This is mainly due to the projected time it would take to complete the game. All that exists right now is the proof of concept demo, and of course, I would love to add a lot more than what I've got, which would take more than a year, probably two. The backups would be in cases of emergencies such as flooding taking my computer away to a faraway land and then well, I’d need a new one (thought probably not as good as what I had). Along with digital and physical backups, but those probably won’t cost too much. The primary concern is emergency funds to allow continued development of the game should an unexpected emergency come up.

With more, I plan to use it for advertising and hiring additional workers to assist me. It’s very important to me that if more funds are given that I use them, in order to make sure this game reaches the quality I want it to reach.

How To Help Out?

Well first thing's first: TRY OUT THE DEMO HERE

Should you think that it's pretty fun, then I'd say you fund me some of that sweet moolah and tell me to keep up the good work. And keep it up I shall! Make sure you spread the word of the game since you think it's that good.

HOWEVER, should you be in the position that you can't give me some of that sweet moolah so I can continue work, then spread the word like butter to those who'd love to help to make up for your sins of being unable to help me out monetarily.

If you are looking to assist on making this game, then I ask you to consider the options and find some way to contact me. As said before, I need composers and writers. For the composers: You'll need to have experience or novelty in the field of composing songs via a tracking software or music program that can make music akin to the Sega Genesis(Mega Drive for you crazy kids over the pond), or other comparable chips such as the Adlib, X68000 Sharp and PC-98. 

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Special Thanks

$5 USD
You've gotten the satisfaction of taking the first step to making this game a reality, thank you very much!
0 claimed

Early Bird Game Grab!

$10 USD
Digital copy of the game from any distribution site of your choice.
0 claimed

Neat Beats!

$20 USD
Get not only a copy of the game, but the soundtrack to go with it! How awesome!
0 claimed

Beats and More?

$21 USD
Including the 20 dollar perk, you'll also get a very nice notepad file from me telling you something nice. And yes, it will be unique to you!
0 out of 50 of claimed

You're a Handful of Help!

$40 USD
It's not much, but it's enough to make you super special to me! You've donated enough money to be a considerable factor in funding this game, ergo you'll have all the previous perks and your full name (or whatever special message you want) in the credits (WITHIN REASON)!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Beta Access!

$65 USD
"You mean like access to the beta version of the game?" YUP! With this, you can become a valued member of the QA team assuring the game reaching a high quality standard.
0 out of 40 of claimed

Add an NPC!

$100 USD
Traversers has a very, VERY fun lore of creatures. Tons of different enemies, friendlies and in-betweens. Be that, you can add an NPC of your choice to the game! Includes the previous perks as well (except the 21 dollar one)
0 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Add a story NPC!

$500 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
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