Short Summary
I am Frank Raybuck with Raybuck Productions. The Twin Minder is a short film based off of a book written by Ken Raybuck. This film is important to us because we want to have something that is passed down to our family for generations to come. A family legacy if you will. How cool would it be to see a film that your forefathers created 100 years ago? This is one of the memories of us that we want to leave behind. Dreamers, creators, and passionate artists. With your help, we will succeed!
What We Need & What You Get
All money raised will go to the cast and crew in some form that have volunteered their time to help us make this dream a reality, The money you donate will help cover the cost of food, props, and locations rentals to make everyone's time on set as comfortable as possible. I will not take any pay for this project. You will be credited on the films credits as a special mention for your contribution and will get a link to see the film before it is released to the public! You see it first! Without you it wouldn't happen!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you know anyone that may be willing to contribute, please share this campaign. Thank you all for your support and love for our vision!