Who? What? Why?
- The All Stories Theater Company is a group of theater artists from the Boston area who are dedicated to sharing a diverse array of exciting and compelling stories with our audiences.
- Our play, "The Van Meder Trust," a multi-generational, multi-racial family drama, has been accepted to FringeNYC 2014! Woohoo! We're looking for help defraying the costs.
- NYCFringe offers a fantastic opportunity! The festival gets 75,000 visitors a year, including theater professionals, other artists and theater fans from around the world. We can't wait to mix and mingle with them and share "The Van Meder Trust" with as many of them as possible. This play means a lot to us; we've been working on it off and on for over a year. We believe in its themes of hope, forgiveness and perseverance and always have a good time bringing it to life. In NYC, we know we will hear some great stories, too, and learn a lot. This is a big step forward for our group and our play, and we are excited to see who will sponsor us and come along on the journey!
What We Need....
FringeNYC allows low-budget, independent theater groups like ours to perform in The Big Apple on the cheap. But inexpensive for New York is not necessarily inexpensive in the general sense. Donations made from this campaign will go to:
- Fringe Festival mandatory fees: $700 registration, $100 venue director gratuity, a little over a hundred dollars for insurance
- Transportation costs to get our Massachusetts cast and crew to NYC and around the city when we get there; food and other living expenses for the approx. one week the 10-12 of us will be in the city.
- Funding for props, printing, publicity/marketing, and other production-related expenses.
The Impact
We formed The All Stories Theater Company in 2013 because we believe, as artists, we are responsible for getting our stories to audiences. And that often means taking initiative and self-producing. We cite as our role models The Serpent Players, a multi-racial theater company which performed in 1960s apartheid South Africa - at great personal risk, facing death threats and imprisonment. They told their stories no matter what. So, what excuse do we have to not do
our jobs, too? Certainly not money. Though, often, we operate on a small budget and rely, as you can see on donations from generous sponsors who put some of their disposable income into our projects.
If you can be one of those generous donors, we thank you in advance. And please know, no amount is too small! If can't donate funds, please do share this link with your network. And most of all, we hope you will come see us in the city this August! (Stay tuned for specific dates!)