Based on the widely acclaimed novel of the same name by Zakes Mda, The Whale Caller is the story of a love triangle between the titular Whale Caller, his beloved whale Sharisha, and Saluni, the village drunk who teaches him to open his heart to people again.
Set in Hermanus, the scenic whale watching capital of South Africa, this is a vibrant tale of the New South Africa, with all of its challenges and complexities. It is about whales and nature. But above all, it is about people.
This has the potential to be a beautiful film, and we need your help to make it happen. Take a look at the contributor rewards on the right sidebar, pick your favourite perk, and then tell your friends about the campaign. Every dollar you contribute brings us a step closer to making the film.
Find out more about the original novel
Zola Maseko
Zola has an extensive track record weaving in and out of the tapestry of Africa’s stories - several of his films have won awards, including Drum (2004) which won the top award at the 2005 FESPACO film festival, the largest on the African continent, and The Manuscripts of Timbuktu (2009), which won the Walter Mosley award at Ghana’s Real Life Documentary Festival.
He has been
recognised as one of the top 50 artists in Africa, and is
passionate about Zakes Mda’s The Whale Caller, having spent the past 5 years working on adapting the novel and filming the pilot which appears
Zakes Mda
Zakes Mda is one of South Africa’s leading novelists, in between working as a professor of creative writing at Ohio University. He wears many hats, including those of beekeeper, painter, composer and film maker. He also serves as a director of the Southern African Multimedia AIDS Trust. In addition to writing the novel, Zakes also wrote the original screenplay.
The Whale Caller was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writer’s Prize.
"Mda's fascinating narrative skills reveal the past as a powerful presence in the present: of his characters, and of all of us, as we live." ~Nadine Gordimer
Why do we need so much money to
make the movie?
We’re glad you asked. Your
contributions will go towards:
Budget: We have already raised R4, 22 million rand from the National Film and Television Foundation, Industrial Development Corporation and the Dept. of Trade and Industry Film Rebate. However this is short of our budget of R9, 313, 634. Your donations will go towards securing our entire budget and making the film we want to make.
Filming the whales: We have 47 days left and just $42 000 of your contributions will allow us to film the whales in Hermanus between October and December 2014. We also need to film 'empty plates' to be used to create our computer generated Sharisha. It is crucial to get the footage of the whales this year otherwise it means waiting a whole year for the them to return again.
Film Score: We will have an original film score produced by Zwai Bala, an accomplished South African composer.
This film has the potential to inspire greater interest in the Southern Right Whale, still considered to be endangered in some parts of the world. We hope to add momentum to campaigns that seek to ban whaling.
Additionally, we hope that this South African film will stand as another example of the calibre of South African film, and inspire more local filmmakers to try their hand at sharing South African stories with the world through the medium of film.
Zola Maseko is an established producer with several films under his belt. He has already lined up partial funding and begun casting, so it is almost guaranteed that the film will come to fruition should we receive sufficient funding.
What happens if we fall short of our target?
With this footage of the whales, we would be in a much better position to demonstrate the film's potential to prospective investors and secure enough support to complete the film. We will continue knocking on government and local funders doors to raise the rest of the budget. We will ensure that this film gets made, one way or another.
Henry Louis Gates Jr., director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University, had the following to say about The Manuscripts of Timbuktu, a documentary Zola filmed in that fabled city:
"Every student, and every scholar should be required to watch this riveting film about the lost manuscripts and libraries of Timbuktu…never has the story of the origins and history - the decline and fall and resurrection - of this black centre of learning and intellect been told in more compelling fashion than in this marvelous documentary.
Contribute, of course! Every dollar brings us that much closer to making the film a reality, and every dollar past our goal will make it a better film.
Once you've chosen your preferred perk from the sidebar, please tell your friends about the campaign. Every single tweet about or Facebook share of our campaign is highly appreciated and helps us reach more potential supporters.
Referral Contest:
The backer who refers the most contributions will be credited as Executive Producer, and will win tickets to the premiere, a dinner with the team, and most exciting of all, the opportunity to spend three days on set in Hermanus with the crew. The next four runners up will win invitations to the premiere and launch party.
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