The Wildcat Anthology Comic (Volume One)
The man they call WILDCAT is captured by Dr. Terror where he is being tortured as to the whereabouts of the Azkani Shugorn, a mysterious object of unknown origins and use. From there we are taken to dreams, memories, visions, recordings, and alternate realities involving Wildcat's misadventures!
There is a slight horror element to this book. A bit grindhouse. Tons of action. and a whole lot of 90s'!
80 story pages total! Over 30 pages by me (C.B. Smallwood) and 50 Fantastic pages by my fellow Awesome Indie Comics Contributors (in no particular order):
R.J. Johnston (Zero Comix Publisher, The Reverend, My Little Skull, Grontl)
Peter Deluca (AKA PAD, Trial by Fire)
B.W. Simms (Wildcat Anthology)
Daniel McGuiness (Duckling Star, Sideburns)
Alison McGlone (The Manifested, A Girl and Her Shadow)
Peter Palmiotti (RETRO, Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men, Aquaman)
Yann Guyt (Fosphor)
Abiel Parsons (The Furst)
C.B. Smallwood (New Empire Comics Publisher, Wildcat, Monster Patrol)
Iwan Joko Triyono (Colorist Extrodianaire with work too numerous to list!)
Who is the Creator of this Book?
Hello there! My name is C.B Smallwood and I'm the creator of Wildcat. A childhood creation of mine going all the way back to the early 90s'. As I was working on the first issue a few years ago, I threw this wild idea out that one day I would love to do an Anthology Comic featuring different artists and writers doing stories on my character Wildcat. Well, before I knew it, that off-hand comment took on a life of its own, and here we are!
There are six different creative teams. Some are experienced pros while others are, in my opinion, Rising Stars in the Indie Comics Scene! This book is not just a primer to get you used to the character Wildcat, but also introduces you to awesome Artists, Writers, Inkers, Letters, Gray Toners...etc that you may not be aware of yet, but you should!
What We Need & What You Get
- We need roughly $1,500.00 Which should cover the cost of Printing and Shipping.
What can you expect? Well dear reader, at least 80 PAGES of COMIC BOOK MAYHEM in a black and white format featuring Six different creative teams from the INDIE COMICS SCENE! This will be the FIRST APPEARANCE of WILDCAT and other creations of mine. So the book will potentially be collectible in that regard. And this book will feature the early work of up-and-coming creators. Could you imagine owning some of Jack Kirby's earlier work or Jim Lee's or ..... (INSERT FAVORITE CREATOR HERE),.. Well, here's your chance to get the early work of the next big thing! You never know!
Based on the success of the campaign I will add more perks such as variant covers and the like. TENTATIVE FUNDING GOALS:
C.B. Smallwood
Abiel Parsons / Peter Palmiotti / Alison McGlone
Daniel McGuiness
Robert Johnston
Yann Guyt
Peter Deluca
Daniel McGuiness