The campaign is over, and it's time to get to work. Check the updates section for information on what comes next and how you can pre-order the xNT if you missed out on the campaign.
You guys reached a major stretch goal before I could even think of it! Nice work!
Stretch Goal 1 - $10,000 - Upgrade to NTAG216
Stretch Goal 2 - $19,500 - Backer pricing for Samsung Ezon
Check out the updates section for stretch goal details!
Be sure to check the updates section for answers to several questions, from induction oven and MRI compatibility to metal detectors to international shipping... it's all in the updates section!
We've reached our goal in less than a week! Hurrah! Don't forget to check the updates section for the latest details and info!
The xNT NFC Implant
Let's produce the worlds first NFC compliant RFID implant, together! Near Field Communication or NFC specifications contain a set of standards which are applied to a specific set of RFID technologies, and it's taking the world by storm in the form of devices like mobile phones and tablets. We've successfully prototyped and tested the world's first implantable NFC technology - we call it the xNT.
The xNT is a 2mm x 12mm, fully NFC Type 2 compliant RFID tag encased in a cylindrical Schott 8625 bioglass ampule and sterilized in ethylene oxide gas. It is compatible with all NFC compliant devices such as mobile phones, tablets, etc. and can be used to launch URLs, share contact details, unlock phones, etc. The xNT is also ISO14443A compliant, so it can also be used with several types of commercial readers to unlock doors, start cars, log into computers, and more!
Successful Prototypes
We've built and successfully tested 4 prototypes. Each of those prototypes have been implanted into Dangerous Things beta testers and are currently being used to unlock phones, open doors, and share contact details with friends.
What We Need & Why
Implantable technology like this appeals to a niche group of adventurous people; electronics hobbyists, biohackers, grinders, etc. Some of the materials used to build these tiny devices (special antenna cores, die cut transponder ICs, etc.) require very large minimum order quantities from manufacturers. We have enough capital to secure most of these materials, but we need your help to fund the assembly and manufacturing process.
We're looking to raise $8000 to top off production costs. With your support we can introduce the world's first NFC compliant RFID implant.
The Perks Keep Coming
Part of the fun of having an implant like this is being able to use it in your daily life. We will continuously find and develop new devices, software, and services you can use your xNT implant with. Whenever possible, these projects will be open sourced, allowing the community to customize systems and build new solutions. Keep an eye on our Facebook page (you don't need a Facebook account) for up-to-date information:
Other Ways You Can Help
Get the word out on tech blogs, hackerspace groups, etc. and help make noise about the campaign!
Amal's RFID Implants
My first RFID implant was installed in my left hand by a cosmetic surgeon in March of 2005 using a scalpel. A couple months later, my family doctor (featured in the campaign video) used an pet chip injector assembly I'd sourced from a local veterinarian to implant a second, more advanced RFID tag into my right hand. I've used at least one of my implants almost every single day since then to do things like get into my house, unlock my car, and log into my computer.
Since then I've written a book called RFID Toys, answered questions on the reader forum, written guides on RFID security and safe implantation methods, and helped hundreds of people from around the world find glass tags that are safe to implant. About a year ago I decided to found Dangerous Things in order to provide safe equipment and safe procedure guides. Several months ago we started building a global partner network of professional body piercers and body modification artists in order to facilitate safe, professional installation.
I recently spoke at TEDxSFU about the role of Biohacking plays in the future of human evolution. I believe strongly that our bodies are our own, to do with what we want. I'm excited we're all taking this journey together.