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Richard, a father / soldier / husband, collapses under the tremendous weight of his PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from serving in war. Unable to escape from the constant nightmares, angry outbursts, and hopelessness, Richard felt his only option to end the pain was to take his own life.
Believing his family would be better off without him, Richard leaves behind a wife (Sarah) and daughter (Bethany). His suicide sends his family in an uncontrollable spiral that rips them apart. Left behind, they must now find a way to cope with the horrific and sudden loss before they lose each other.
Those We Leave Behind is a drama that faces the consequences for families left behind by those who tragically end their lives. Hundreds of people are taking their lives everyday in this country and it is taking its toll on families all over America. Many of them are brave men and women who served with distinction and honor in our military. We want to send them and anyone contemplating suicide a message, that they are desperately loved and needed.
Joining our team means that you and Killatainment Films can come together and create a message of awareness about suicide and the consequences of taking your life. In addition to that, you can also receive exclusive perks and rewards to proudly display not only your support for this project, but your affection for those who serve. Many of these awards will never be offered again, or anywhere else.
Be sure to check out the perks and rewards section of this project and find which level best fits you!
Personally, I have been affected by several of my fellow soldiers who have made the choice to end their lives. I have also lost family members, not connected to the military because they felt trapped by hopelessness. I know, many of you have suffered a similar loss, or perhaps you know someone who has. Suicide affects us long after we have lost the one we love, and will no doubt continue for the rest of our lives as we recall those precious memories.
While we won't pretend that this project cures depression or will end suicide, this film was written by those who have been personally affected by suicide. This project is meant to bring hope to those who see none; for the Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine considering suicide, for the family member that feels hopeless, and for families that have already felt the painful results of that choice.
By contributing and joining the Killatainment team, you are making this a possibility. You can become a part of bringing light into darkness, hope to hopelessness, and a deeper understanding of what it means to suffer from PTSD or hopelessness and the cost of suicide.
P. Seth Roberts, is the writer and director for Those We Leave Behind. A veteran of the United States Army, he holds an honorable discharge at the rank of Sergeant, and has served in combat during his tour in Iraq. He is pictured above with his daughter Alexandria.
This will be Seth's third time in the director's chair, having directed BAD KID (a drama about a teenager, caught up in the foster care system), and WENDIGO RISING (a creature film), set for release this year, in 2016.
His genuine affection for fellow veterans and the loss of many dear friends from PTSD has spurred him into creating this project as a call to action. Together, he and a friend (Nick Salve), wrote and prepared the screenplay.
Alan Dillingham, the CEO of Killatainment Films is a Navy veteran with tours in the middle-east. Once he heard that Seth was preparing this story, Alan jumped on board immediately, understanding the importance of the film's message.
Alan has been producing films for several years now and include several projects such as, BAD KID, WENDIGO RISING, CAT AND MOUSE, and DOLL HOUSE, with several other projects under his belt.
Like Seth, Alan has a deep appreciation for his fellow veterans and their families, and the sacrifices that each has made to keep us safe.
Toby Bonney has been working with Killatainment Films for a few years now, working his way from a camera operator to a Director of Photography. His experience has included working camera on Bad Kid, Wendigo Rising, and several short films. The camera work you watched during the pitch video was a result of his talent and skill.
His professional nature and work ethic has led the way for camera operators in Killatainment as the example to follow. Seth and Alan have complete confidence in his ability to capture clear and well lit video in a powerfully dramatic and artistic manner.
Toby has always shown great respect for veterans and the sacrifices they've made.
Steve Sumner will be playing the role of "Richard Lambie", the soldier, father, husband, that makes the decision to take his own life. Steve has been acting for several years now in such films as And Then They Came, Ghost Busters, The Bath Towel, and Camp Blitz, as well as several web series. He has also studied with Steve Blackwood, attending his Master Class for acting.
Elle Doucette will be playing the role of "Sarah Lambie", Richard's wife and Bethany's mother. Elle has experience that reaches theater, television, and film. Her experience and talent brings believability and genuine emotion to the role of Sarah. She attends Steve Blackwood's Master Class for acting, and works hard to study her art.
Emily McLean will be playing the role of "Bethany Lambie", the daughter of Richard and Sarah. This project will be her first starring role, and as you've seen from the video above, she is an amazing talent. Emily has family members that have served in the military, and she has great appreciation for their service.
Corey Wells will be playing the role of "Steven LaCroix", one of the main antagonists in the film that makes life particularly difficult for Sarah as she attempts to recover from her husband's death. Corey is an amazing actor with experience in several films such as, One Foot In The Grave, Failures and Doubts, and Mavericks. His experience in several other films makes him a great asset on set.
Kayleigh Bowen will be playing the role of "Annie LaCroix", the daughter of Steven LaCroix. She becomes the main antagonist for Bethany, making her life difficult as the she attempts to restart her life in a new town. Kayleigh immediately impressed the casting panel during her auditions and callbacks with her talent, and professionalism. This will be her first starring role and we are excited to be working with such an amazing actor.
Jacob Coombs will be playing the role of "John Gardner", Bethany's neighbor and love interest. Jacob has experience in theater and a great passion for acting. His chemistry with Emily (Bethany) is convincing and brings real emotion to the role. This will be Jacob's first lead role in film, and we are excited to have him as part of the acting team.
This is a complete list of cast, with many of our crewmembers. More crewmembers will be added as the need for their positions arise.
Killatainment Films is serious about wanting to make a film, that delivers a powerful message of hope. We believe in this project and we know that those who join the Killatainment Film team will feel the same. To show our sincerity in creating a professional project with a powerful message, Killatainment Films is going to take the following steps:
We will donate 10% of our total budget if we are able to raise $100,00 ( that's $10,000) to a military charity that cares for our military veterans suffering from PTSD / combat wounds and their families, such as the Fisher House Foundation, Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, and National Military Family Association. That amount increases if we are able to go above and beyond $100,000!
We will present an end of project budget report to all contributors, detailing every dime spent in the production of this project.
Any funds that may remain after the completion of this project to include; pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution, will be donated to the same military charity as described above.
All donations made as a result of your contributions will be given to the charity of your choice in your name, as part of the Those We Leave Behind contribution team.
Killatainment Films, P. Seth Roberts (Chief Operations Officer), Alan Dillingham (Chief Executive Officer), Sheri Collins (Chief of Talent and Casting), as well as with the support of many others have years of experience in creating film in both full length features and shorts.
You can view much of our work at Killatainment.com . Our short films division is used by Killatainment for testing new talent both in front of and behind the camera, as well as for experimental trends in filmmaking.
Our most experienced crew works with our feature films division and is responsible for producing high-quality feature films such as Bad Kid, Wendigo Rising, Those We Leave Behind, and Three-Six.
Here is our budget breakdown according to categories. These categories are explained further in this section:
Press Kits ( .4% ): These kits are used to promote our fundraising activities, and serve to inform corporations, media outlets, and the general public what we are attempting to do, in order to bring attention and awareness to the project.
Catering ( 5% ): We need to feed our cast and crew in order to keep them working for those long shooting days. Catering is always done in-house, and responsibly within budget, avoiding lavish foods and waste. We feed our crew and cast with healthy foods while staying within a reasonable budget.
Wardrobe and Make-Up ( 1.3% ): This includes getting unique pieces of clothing that the actor may not be able to provide for themselves such as military uniforms and the like. This also includes makeup for each actor that is specific for them and their character's appearance.
Film Insurance ( 2.3% ): This includes gathering insurance that protects us from injuries, loss of data, accidental destruction or loss of property, and other such risks that would otherwise place a production at risk.
Set Dressing and Props ( 3.5%): This covers our ability to purchase specific set dressings and props needed for scenes according to location and character. This is very important to creating believable locations and can directly effect the production value of a film.
Production ( 50% ): This expense, also referred to as Cast & Crew, covers any and all expenses that arise for the cast and crew as a result of their participation, utilizing locations, equipment rentals, transportation, and other expenses that rise during the production phase of this project.
Pre-Production ( 5.5% ): This covers such things as creating a shot list, storyboard, location scouting and signing, as well as marketing, and other costs normally associated with preparing a film project for principle photography.
Post-Production ( 32% ): Once the principle photography portion of the project is completed, the film is then sent for the many stages of post-production to include, editing, scoring, color grading, digital effects, audio scrubbing, audio effects, foley, and more. Next to production ( at 50% of the budget ), post-production, to include distribution and further marketing, is the next largest expense.
Risks & Challenges
There are always risk involved when contributing to independent film. However, Killatainment Films has an excellent record of completing projects in budget, on time, and ready for distribution. We are familiar with the independent film industry and have contacts with several distribution companies (of real reputation), that have the capability of sharing this project with the world.
With all of that said, and with the amount of work we have already put into preparing this project, the risk of it becoming incomplete (if we make our budget) is non-existent. If fully funded will see completion and be ready for distribution on schedule, for 2017.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some folks who believe in this message, simply may not be able to contribute. We understand that, and we appreciate your desire to help! What you could do, is share this project with as many people you can, and help us bring this message of hope to a larger audience! THANK YOU!!!