For True crime fans.
Welcome to the IndieGoGo campaign for "Him" a thriller horror created by Ramrock Entertainment.
Based on real world killers such as Ivan Millat, Joel Rifkin, Eileen Wournos and Jeffrey Dahmer.
We have combined the worst traits of these killers to create 'Him'
It will be a very serious and dark film.
In Order produce a higher level result we need $25,000.00 in funding to get this project off the ground here in Queensland.
Money raised will go towards the production of 'Him' for
lighting, cameras and our amazing cast.
We wish to make a truly powerful and suspenseful film right here in Queensland.
With your help we can add to our cast with hire profiled names and create and provide Netflix a scary movie
Incentives are as follows:
$5 - A Special Thank You! (200 available)
$20 - Special preview link to the film (50 available)
$40 - A autographed Copy of the film poster (60 available)
$100 - A personalised video from 'Him'
$150 - Thank you credit in the credits (20 available)
$250 - Associate PRODUCER IMDb credit on the film (25 available)
$700 - Gets you everything mentioned above and Executive PRODUCER IMDb credits (1 available)
$1000 - Gets you a walk on role in the film (3 available)
We need your help, we can't do it without you! Your contibution will not be forgotton and you will help create Australian film History!