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Toby Wants A C7

I'm seeking help raising funds to buy a C7 corvette, and ALL contributors will have their personal markings printed on vinyl and wrapped over the whole car.


Toby Wants A C7

Toby Wants A C7

Toby Wants A C7

Toby Wants A C7

Toby Wants A C7

I'm seeking help raising funds to buy a C7 corvette, and ALL contributors will have their personal markings printed on vinyl and wrapped over the whole car.

I'm seeking help raising funds to buy a C7 corvette, and ALL contributors will have their personal markings printed on vinyl and wrapped over the whole car.

I'm seeking help raising funds to buy a C7 corvette, and ALL contributors will have their personal markings printed on vinyl and wrapped over the whole car.

I'm seeking help raising funds to buy a C7 corvette, and ALL contributors will have their personal markings printed on vinyl and wrapped over the whole car.

Toby Harrell
Toby Harrell
Toby Harrell
Toby Harrell
1 Campaign |
Milledgeville, United States
$23 USD 3 backers
0% of $73,165 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

I am seeking contributions from fellow car lovers! Collectively I believe we can make this happen. By accepting donations to my cause, I can fund the purchase of a 2014+ C7 Chevrolet Corvette. Contributors will not be forgotten! Instead the names of people who help fund the Corvette will have anything they want (drawings, their name, phrases, any thing they send to me) will be compiled and then printed on a vinyl wrap covering the whole car. I'll take it to car shows and have the story published in magazines. I will take no credit for the car being personally mine, and instead will refer to the vinyl wrap, where everybody who helped make TWAC7 happen will have their signature markings all over the car to prove it. I will personally drive the car to the top 5 contributor's hometowns and let them drive the Vette like they stole it! I believe in the power of social media, and I believe that even the smallest amount helps. Send me a penny, send me a dollar, that's not important! Have no fear that if I don't meet my $73k goal that the money will not be wasted. Instead, I will continue to raise funds personally and through other philanthropies until this dream becomes a reality! Let's make this happen, tell everybody you know! It's time to make history.

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$1 USD
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March 2014
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