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Together we ARE, getting Nadia a wheelchair van

Together We ARE, getting Nadia. Wheelchair van


Together we ARE, getting Nadia a wheelchair van

Together we ARE, getting Nadia a wheelchair van

Together we ARE, getting Nadia a wheelchair van

Together we ARE, getting Nadia a wheelchair van

Together we ARE, getting Nadia a wheelchair van

Together We ARE, getting Nadia. Wheelchair van

Together We ARE, getting Nadia. Wheelchair van

Together We ARE, getting Nadia. Wheelchair van

Together We ARE, getting Nadia. Wheelchair van

Stephanie Rodriguez
Stephanie Rodriguez
Stephanie Rodriguez
Stephanie Rodriguez
1 Campaign |
Sarasota, United States
$331 USD 9 backers
2% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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Silver level

$5,000 USD
Est. Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed

Gold level

$10,000 USD
Est. Shipping
April 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed

Care 2 Tri is a non-profit corporation 501 (c) (3) of caring individuals with the common goal of helping those with disabilities gain a sense of fulfillment by giving them opportunities that they wouldn’t otherwise have.

Our organization acts as a vessel to include them in the sport of triathlon. In doing so, our goal is to place them in the limelight and give them the respect they deserve as they are the true inspiration and heart of what we do.

Nadia who has cerebral palsy, was the first participant who raced with us when we began 6 years ago. She enjoys being part of the race and the positive attention that it has brought her in the community. 

See a piece on the story of Nadia when she began racing with our team

In 2013 Care 2 Tri began a program called Together We ARE. We wanted to be able to use what we do to help raise funds for individuals with disabilities who have a need.

Recently, we found out that Nadia's wheelchair van was totalled and her family is in need of a replacement. Its difficult for Nadia to travel without it, as she has to be lifted in and out of a car and can not bring her electric wheelchair with her.

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