Toxcore Development
Toxcore Development
Toxcore Development
Toxcore Development
Toxcore Development
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
This campaign is closed
Toxcore Development
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
Help pay for toxcore development.
Tox is a peer to peer, distributed, free as in freedom, open source, encrypted skype replacement. Toxcore is the main library or the core that all Tox clients use.
I (irungentoo) am the main developer of Toxcore and I am raising 5000 USD to pay myself to work full time on Toxcore for at least 1 month which will give it the boost in development that it needs.
The money raised will go directly to me (irungentoo).
You get 1 month of full time toxcore development work. Things I want to do/finish include (in order: first is highest priority):
1 month+ of of full time development effort will bring Toxcore closer to being complete.
There aren't many risks, all the money from this campaign will go directly to me. There's always these risks but I don't think they will happen:
Joking aside you will be able to see and confirm that I'm doing the work by looking at my github profile.