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Translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra

Sponsor the translation of the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika) into English

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Translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra

Translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra

Translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra

Translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra

Translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra

Sponsor the translation of the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika) into English

Sponsor the translation of the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika) into English

Sponsor the translation of the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika) into English

Sponsor the translation of the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Pundarika) into English

Eirik Tsiknopoulos
Eirik Tsiknopoulos
Eirik Tsiknopoulos
Eirik Tsiknopoulos
1 Campaign |
Dharamsala, India
$175 USD 6 backers
0% of $42,750 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

About the Tibetan Lotus Sutra Translation Project

  • The Sugatagarbha Translation Group is a team of translators dedicated to translating the classics of Buddhist literature into English, mostly from Tibetan but also from Chinese, Japanese, Sanskrit and Pali. For more about our work, see our official website, (  
  • This campaign is designed to raise funds for the project of translating the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra) into English for the first time. We feel this is an important endeavor which will have a profound impact on the study and understanding of Tibetan, Mahayana and East Asian Buddhism. 
  • The tentative title for the book is The Tibetan Lotus Sutra: Lotsawa Yeshe De's Translation of the Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra, 
  • Those who contribute to this project will be directly contributing to one of the most exciting translations of a Buddhist scripture happening today, a translation which will have a far-reaching effect on the study and practice of Buddhism for millions of people, long into the future.
  • Visit the official website for the Tibetan Lotus Sutra Project at

Goals & Sponsor Rewards 

  • We are seeking a total of USD $42,750 as a provisional estimated goal for the project. This comes to $75 per page for 570 pages in the Tibetan book we are using for the translation. This is actually a very low rate by general professional standards in the field; note that presently some major sutra translation projects are asking for a rate of $250 per traditional Tibetan pecha page, pages which are also smaller than the modern book pages we are working with here. However, this low rate will at least cover the basic costs of time required for the project: an estimated 2000+ hours of translation and research work. 
  • The money raised for the project goes to the members of the Sugatagarbha Translation Group, in particular to the Tibetan-English translators, who will be the main ones working on the project, but also to the Sanskrit and Chinese translators for their skilled assistance.  
  • Everyone who donates to the project will be named in the final published version of the book in a special 'Sponsor's Section', as well as on the project's website. 
  • Those who donate more than $100 have the option of making their own words of dedication to be included in the final published version of the book in a special 'Sponsors' Dedication' section. 
  • Those who donate more than $1000 have the option of including their photo and other information along with a special expression of thanks from the Sugatagarbha Translation Group in the final published version of the book in a special 'Main Sponsors' section.   
  • No funds will be wasted because we will continue with this project regardless of how long it takes to raise the necessary funds.  

The Impact of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra Project

The translation of the Tibetan version of the Lotus Sutra into English is monumental for many reasons:

  • The Tibetan version translated from Sanskrit by Lotsawa Yeshe De in the late 700s CE being available to the English-reading public will shed significant light on a much-ignored aspect of one of the most important, influential and popular Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, and will unveil 'the Tibetan side of the Lotus Sutra' to millions of people around the world.  
  • It will add greatly to the field of comparative studies of the Lotus Sutra for those who cannot read Tibetan, showing how it compares to the Chinese and Sanskrit versions. 
  • It will raise many questions and encourage research about how the Lotus Sutra may have influenced Tibetan Buddhism.
  • It will increase interest in the Lotus Sutra for the Tibetan Buddhist world, which may have a significant impact on various aspects of the traditions.
  • It will hopefully foster increased mutual interest and inter-religious dialogue between the East Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) and North Asian (Tibetan, Mongolian, Bhutanese) Buddhist traditions. 
  • Most importantly, the translation of the Tibetan Lotus Sutra will increase interest and raise awareness about the Lotus Sutra throughout the world generally, and will thus contribute to the spread of its profound and inspiring teachings.   

Learn More about the Lotus Sutra 

Other Ways You Can Help the Project 

  • Share the link to this project on social media. 
  • Share the link to the project's website: 
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools to share this project with people who might be interested. 
  • Tell your friends and associates about the Tibetan Lotus Sutra Project.

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