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Triathalon Entry to raise money for Homeless Help


Triathalon Entry to raise money for Homeless Help

Triathalon Entry to raise money for Homeless Help

Triathalon Entry to raise money for Homeless Help

Triathalon Entry to raise money for Homeless Help

Triathalon Entry to raise money for Homeless Help

PJ Corvus
PJ Corvus
PJ Corvus
PJ Corvus
2 Campaigns |
San Diego, United States
$175 USD 4 backers
70% of $250 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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HI !  This is my first attempt at fundraising for a cause... 


Raising money for triathlon entry to benefit Father Joe's Village, helping San Diego's homeless community


San Diego has a lot of homeless folks, and they need our help.


Your donation will go to the local San Diego group 





note: donations will go to my account, which will then be turned over to covering my entry fee in the triathlon.  The race benefits Father Joe’s Villages, San Diego’s largest homeless services provider.  Each day Father Joe’s Villages serves 3,000 meals provides housing, rental assistance, healthcare, food, clothing, education, job training, mental health, addiction treatment and child development services to our neighbors in need.  For more information, please visit


How We Help

Each year, lives begin to take their new, more positive shape through our programs. Because we know solutions are not one-size-fits-all, we offer a comprehensive array of services tailored to the needs of each individual. We invite you to learn how we work every day to end homelessness, one life at a time.

Housing & Employment

Our housing and employment services prepare clients for stable employment and economic self-sufficiency though basic computer literacy, resume development, interview prep, budget building skills, job development and a closet full of professional attire for clients to wear for interviews.


Housing services include housing counseling, credit checks, accessing subsidized housing wait lists and “hot leads” to current housing opportunities.


Housing – The solutions we provide for clients are not a one-size-fits-all proposition, and our housing programs are no exception. Like many homeless services providers throughout the U.S., the Village works proactively to return people to housing as quickly as possible.


Housing First – We have a long history of successfully supporting disabled and vulnerable individuals and families to gain permanent housing. This means we identify, place and continue to serve them while they live in permanent housing. This service relies on our sustained relationships with local landlords to ensure rapid placements for disabled homeless and chronically homeless individuals and families.


Interim and Transitional Housing – With a focus on returning homeless individuals and families to permanent housing as quickly as possible, we provide 881 beds throughout our transitional and interim housing programs. This “rapid re-entry” model helps people attain the income they need to support themselves in housing while at the same time addressing underlying issues that, if unchecked, could threaten their future stability after they leave the Village.


Affordable Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing – In 2014, we managed 365 units of affordable housing for those with limited incomes.  Of those apartments, 140 were operated as permanent supportive housing, which, in addition to the affordable designation, further specialized in serving formerly homeless disabled adults and families. Within the permanent supportive housing, we use evidence-based practices — including motivational interviewing, strengths-based case management and a solutions-focused approach aimed at helping individuals maintain housing. We coordinate services based on individual needs, abilities, goals and preferences of tenants while promoting a healthy, safe and supportive community in every building. Supportive services offered include case management, referrals, mental health therapy, nurse visits, medication management, psychiatry and peer support.


Project 25 – Through this important endeavor, we serve chronically homeless persons identified as the most costly frequent users of publicly funded emergency and other services. Through a partnership with the San Diego Housing Commission, United Way of San Diego and numerous other public and private partners,  we provide subsidized permanent housing, intensive case management and a medical home to Project 25 clients using a Housing First, harm-reduction model. Over a three-year period, we’re proud to say that all 36 project participants have remained in their housing. This method of intervention is expensive to implement, but the cost savings from demands on community services are far greater. During the three years of the project, savings to community resources were in excess of $4 million.


Employment  – Housing is just one component of helping our clients break the cycle of homelessness. The ability to earn the funds needed to pay for a permanent place to live and achieve sustainable financial stability is another part of the equation. To help people rejoin the workforce as quickly as possible, the Village offers employment counseling and educational support classes to build skills and provides certification opportunities in emerging and in-demand employment fields.

The Village Health Center

Providing nearly 25,000 visits per year, including more than 3,000 dental visits, the federally qualified St. Vincent de Paul Family Health Center offers primary and pre-natal care, along with well child exams, mental health counseling, addiction and dental services. Specialists also provide access to dermatology, optometry, ophthalmology, cardiology, gynecology and chiropractic care. We are especially grateful to partner with the UCSD Combined Residency program, whose residents dually train in both family medicine and psychiatry.


The participation of several other schools, including SDSU, USD, Bethel Seminary, Argosy University is also critical to the success of the Health Center.

Health & Wellness 

The Village Health and Wellness program provides a broad variety of positive, life-affirming activities to Village residents. With weekly classes in a variety of physical and cultural endeavors, including yoga, tai chi, hiking, music and art, we replace the limitations of homelessness with the pride and energy that come from learning something new and creating improved perspective associated with healthy minds and bodies.


Therapeutic Childcare Center

Research shows that children who are homeless are four times as likely to have developmental delays and twice as apt to repeat a grade in school. Working with an average of 150 children per day, our state-licensed Therapeutic Childcare Center prepares homeless children for success in school and life by improving their social and emotional well-being and partnering with parents to build strong, self-reliant families.


By offering programs and activities that foster cognitive, social, physical and emotional growth, we prevent regression and bring children to their developmental and academic potential.




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